Ernie's Picture Of Four Elephants

skit with Ernie (Jim Henson),
Lefty the Salesman, and Bert (both Frank Oz)

[Ernie is walking along humming to himself. He walks past Lefty the Salesman]

Lefty the Salesman: Hey, bud. PSSST! Come here.

Ernie: Who, what me?

Lefty the Salesman: SHHHHHH!

Ernie: (whispering) Who, me?

Lefty the Salesman: Riiiiiiiight! I got a terrific picture here to show you.

Ernie: You have a picture to show me?

Lefty the Salesman: Riiiiiiiight!

Ernie: Oh, let me see it, sir.

Lefty: Ok. Feast your eyes. 'Cause here it is.

[Lefty unveils the item, revealing a painting of four elephants.
Ernie ducks down and then slowly comes back up]

How about that? A picture. A beautiful hand-painted picture of ...

[looks around quickly]

... elephants.

Ernie: Elephants?!

Lefty the Salesman: SHHHHHH!

Ernie: (whispering) Elephants?

Lefty the Salesman: Riiiiiiiight!

Ernie: Ah. Let me see.
Hey! I don't see any elephants in that picture.
Oh, I see a tree there. And some leaves and birds.
But I certainly don't see any elephants in that picture.

Lefty the Salesman: Oh, you don't huh?

Ernie: No. No.

Lefty the Salesman: All right. Tell ya' what I'm gonna do:
If I can show you four elephants in this here picture,
if I can do that, then will you buy it for one nickel?

Ernie: Will I buy it for a nickel?!

Lefty the Salesman: SHHHHHH! Riiiiiiiight!

Ernie: (whispering) Will I buy it for a nickel?

Lefty the Salesman: Yeah.

Ernie: Oh, you bet I will. Because there are no elephants in that picture.

Lefty the Salesman: Ok. Step a little closer and I'll show you.
As you will notice, there's one elephant.

[one elephant is outlined to the sound of a ding]

There's two elephants.

[another elephant is outlined]

There's three elephants.

[another elephant is outlined]

And there, ya' got ya' four elephants.

[the fourth elephant is outlined]

The Elephant Picture

Ernie: Hey, wow! It really is a picture of four elephants.

Lefty the Salesman: Riiiiiiiight!

Ernie: Gee, that's great. Hey, here's your nickel.

[Ernie pays Lefty]

And thank you very much.

Lefty the Salesman: Any time, kid.

[Lefty chuckles as he leaves]

Ernie, Lefty, and The Elephant Picture

Ernie: (to the camera) And you know what I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna play this trick here on ol' buddy Bert.

[Laughs and sees Bert coming]

As a matter of fact, here comes Bert now.
Hey, Bert! Bert, come here. I got something to show you.

Bert: Hey! Look at that picture, Ernie. Hey, it's a picture of four elephants.
You notice that? 1, 2, 3, 4. It's great!
Oh, I'm sorry, Ernie. Hey, what did you wanna show me?

Ernie: (crestfallen) Nothing, Bert.

Originally transcribed by Silvery Shoe

with extra special help from David Frangioso (including the great pics)