Grover Talks To Himself

skit starring Grover (Frank Oz) and Grover and ...

Grover: Hello there! This your old pal, loveable, furry old Grover. Nobody else.

[Suddenly a sound like a guitar chord is heard, and an exact duplicate of Grover appears at the right of the screen, as well as a vertical line between them.]

Grover #1 [in a low voice to himself]: Hmm, I wonder who that could be? He looks strangely familiar. I will ask him.

[to the second Grover]: Pardon me, sir. I do not know how to say this, but ... um ... are you not me?

Grover #2: Yes indeed, I do believe I am you.

Grover #1: This is very confusing. Now there are two Grovers. One ...

Grover #2: ... and two!

[The chord is heard again, and a third Grover appears in the upper left corner, along with a line separating him from Grover #1, who stands directly below.]

Grover #1: Oh, boy.

Grover #3: Hello, everybodeeeee!

Grover #1: Now there are three Grovers! One ...

Grover #2: ... two ...

Grover #3: ... and three!

[The chord is heard again, and a fourth Grover appears in the upper right corner, directly above Grover #2.
A line has appeared between him and the second Grover. In short, each of them appears to be in a little box.]

Grover #1: I do not believe this!

Grover #2: Neither do I!

Grover #3: Nor I!

Grover #4: Believe it, believe it! I am here.

Grover #1: That is four Grovers! One...

Grover #2: ...two...

Grover #3: ...three...

Grover #4: ...and four!

Grover #1: Aaaaahhhh! All right, all right, you guys! Now, enough is enough. There are just too many of me.

Grover #4 [in a stiff, offended voice]: Well, if that is the way you feel about it, Grover.

[The chord plays, and he vanishes, along with the line separating him from Grover #2.]

Grover #1: Thank goodness! You know, you can have too much of a good thing.
One of me went away. And four take away one is three.

Grover #3: Excuse me, I think I hear our mommy calling me now. Bye-bye.

[The chord is heard again, and he vanishes, along with the line separating him from Grover #1.
Now only the first two Grovers are left, with a vertical line between them.]

Grover #1: Well, that is even better! Three take away one is two.

Grover #2: Yes.

Grover #1: Yes.

Grover #2: No.

Grover #1: No?

Grover #2: Excuse me, I’m getting tired of this. Bye-bye.

[The chord sounds, and the second Grover and the line disappear.]

Grover: At last! Two take away one is one.

[He gives a deep, happy sigh of immense relief.]

One again! And now at last there is only loveable, furry old Grover. Nobody else.

[The other three Grovers and their lines suddenly reappear in rapid succession, this time with a series of little beeps. They all wave at the first Grover.]

Grover #2: Bye-bye!

Grover #3: Bye-bye!

Grover #4: Adios, Grover!

[The three of them and their lines disappear, leaving the original Grover standing there in bewilderment.]

Grover: I am so confused ...

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