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Trip to Poland November 1999

The Malbork Castle and the Polish coastline...

Pictures in no particular order...

kop1 kop10 kop12 kop14 kop16
Kopalino The road to Kopalino Kopalino forest Kopalino human-made forest Kopalino
kop17 kop18 kop19 kop2 kop23
Kopalino - signs of our time.. In Kopalino its usually not far to the ocean...  The place we stayed in Kopalino Ole inspecting the power supply in Kopalino Kopalino
kop3 kop7 kop8 kop9 leba1
Downtown Kopalino The road to Kopalino The road to Kopalino The road to Kopalino Leba
leba10 leba2 leba3 leba4 leba5
Leba Leba Playing on the hills of Leba Leba Leba by night
leba6 leba8 leba9 mal1 mal10
Leba - the beach Leba - the movie Leba - the movie  Meta-Malbork: Picture of a picture Malbork
mal11 mal12 mal13 mal14 mal17
Rams head seen in Malbork Malbork Malbork Malbork Malbork
mal18 mal19 mal2 mal20 mal21
Malbork Malbork Malbork Malbork Malbork
mal22 mal23 mal24 mal27 mal28
Malbork Malbork Malbork Malbork Malbork
mal3 mal4 mal5 mal6 zkop11
Malbork Malbork Malbork Malbork Kopalino
zkop13 zkop15 zkop4 zkop5 zleba11
Kopalino Kopalino Kopalino Kopalino Amund taking some steps on the sand in Leba
zmal15 zmal16 zmal25 zmal26 zmal29
Malbork Malbork Malbork Malbork Malbork
zmal30 zmal31 zmal7 zmal8 zmal9
Malbork Malbork Malbork Malbork Malbork
zocv1 zocv2 zocv3 zoe1 zoe2
Ole Christian Ole Christian Ole Christian Øivind Øivind

Some of the pictures on this page are mine, but most of them are taken by my friends Amund and Øivind.
I'm sorry for not having written anything about the trip. If you fill in the form at the bottom of this page I might do something about that...

Until then, you could take a look at some other web pages related to the Malbork castle:

The Official Malbork Castle Museum Web page
Information about the Castle Museum, history of the castle and more.

The Official Malbork Web page
Information relating to the city Malbork.

Explorer Poland's Malbork page
One picture and a very(!) short description.

The Columbia Encyclopedia entry on East Prussia
Necessary reading if you are interested in the history of the Malbork castle.

A Summary of Poland's History
This is a short, but interesting, introduction to the impressive history of Poland. 

The UNESCO report about the Malbork castle
In 1997 the Malbork castle got inscribed in the UNESCO list of human heritage. Here you can read the report that led to that.

A trip to Poland, August '97
Report from a trip to Poland, and to the Malbork Castle 

Poland Tours Malbork page
A short description of the castle and its history.

If you are looking for more info about the Łeba desert, then take a look at these links:

A good description of the Leba desert and how to get here. In Swedish only.

Łeba Publicity Office
Official web page with information about hotels and other accommodations. Must-read if you are planning a trip. 

Other sites that might be of use if you want to go to Poland as a tourist:

Polish National Tourist Office

A nice-looking site, with loads of background information, as well as practical advices. 

The official Polish Home Page in the USA. Well worth a visit.

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