Qualifying Round
Pool A Round-Robin Game
Civil Order (civil)
Ananab Tilps | Stinger | Mr Sweetie
Bellendaine | Visigoth
Clan Gtar (Gtar)
Ploogtar | Astor the Gtarduck | Lagtar
Thragtar | Sloogtar

Game 1

Game 1 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Civil Order 41 6 win + 31% Win
Clan Gtar 59 0   Loss

Some names in this account have been modified to protect the innocent.

Lots of wight hunting in the first part of this game; however, Fred (not his real name) from clan Gtar, who had been assigned wight hunting duty, failed to detect the Civil wight that blew Sloogtar's archers into chunky salsa. This prompted calls of "Impostor!" and "Traitor!", and the rest of the Gtar team immediately started questioning Fred about details to see if he really was the right person. However, when he was able to tell them Ploogtar's birthday (Sept. 19, for any future impostors) they calmed down and believed him. (note: no, I'm not making this up. Watch the film!) Unfortunately for Gtar, their thrall were somewhat slow to commit in the final melee and their warriors were quickly wiped out, resulting in a comprehensive victory for the Civil Order.

Game 2

Game 2 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Civil Order 57 9 win + 6 flags Win
Clan Gtar 99 0   Loss

The Gtar team formed a juggernaut and headed north. It seems the hot desert sun had got to Lagtar, because he took his two wights and deliberately hunted down his teammates' forces, maiming a regiment of thrall and blowing up a battalion of archers. He then took his archers and started plinking away at the wounded thrall. Once the Civilians had finished wigging out, they curiously crossed the bridge to see the remains of Lagtar's carnage, only to find the Gtar juggernaut bearing down on them from the north. Once again, Gtar's coordinated attack left a little to be desired and they were quickly split up and destroyed.

Game 3

Game 3 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Civil Order 13 8 win + 5 flags Win
Clan Gtar 33 3 3 flags Loss

The third battle marked the return of Lagtar, claiming innocence of any exploits of the fake Lagtar (who, by the way, came complete with italics and fancy clan name). One can only presume that before he was allowed in the team he was subjected to an extensive grilling about clan members' birthdays and musical tastes. In any event, once the game started clan Gtar sent nothing to the center, allowing Civil to tag all flags but the south one. The Civilians quickly massed and charged the Gtar home flag while two trow were away, securing the fifth flag to win.

Match Summary (films)

Match Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Total Result
Civil Order 6 9 8 23 Win
Clan Gtar 0 0 3 3 Loss

Well, what a match! It seems that frivolity and odd happenings follow the Civil Order wherever they go... we will watch the remainder of their MWC matches with close attention. :)

As Ploogtar put it, "Generally Clan Gtar doesn't do well in tournaments, normally because of bad luck. But this was not luck. I have never seen Clan Gtar play so poorly. The most irritating part of the match was that we were winning the second match, but then everyone lost connection to the host (who happened to be one of ours). Civil was nice enough to let us replay, but then somehow we were sabotaged. Now that may sound strange to you, but it's even stranger to us. Congratulations to Civil on a match well-played."

- Butcher

Generated by MWCgen: Wed Sep 9 14:52:48 1998