Qualifying Round
Pool A Round-Robin Game
Clan Gtar (Gtar)
Ploogtar | Thragtar
Cardinal Clan of Carnage (CCC)
Death's Sting

Game 1

Game 1 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Clan Gtar 0 8 win by forfeit Win
Cardinal Clan of Carnage 0 0   Loss

Cardinal Clan of Carnage chose to forfeit this last game, "after deciding there was no point".

Game 2

Game 2 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Clan Gtar 31 9 win + 6 flags Win
Cardinal Clan of Carnage 94 0   Loss

Clan Gtar took three wights and a medium-heavy load of archers. CCC chose to take maxiumum archers, two wights, and not very many ghols. Gtar opted for a 50/50 split center and south, while CCC sent their everything but half their thrall to the center, the thrall going north. CCC's warriors charged the bridge and got wighted, then ran right into Gtar's waiting melee troops and were destroyed. Their archers managed to kill only a few troops before being massacred in turn, and Gtar's massive numerical superiority easily cleaned up the remaining thrall.

Game 3

Game 3 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Clan Gtar 21 8 win + 5 flags Win
Cardinal Clan of Carnage 35 4 4 flags Loss

CCC's army was just running all over the map in this game; they managed to take four flags, but had no defense at all. Clan Gtar just walked to each flag in turn for the win.

Match Summary (films)

Match Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Total Result
Clan Gtar 8 9 8 25 Win
Cardinal Clan of Carnage 0 0 4 4 Loss

The Cardinal Clan of Carnage was pretty much doomed from the start in this series, Death's Sting being the sole representative of his clan. Still, even Clan Gtar was impressed by the ease with which they won this match.

- Butcher

Generated by MWCgen: Wed Sep 9 14:52:48 1998