Qualifying Round
Pool B Round-Robin Game
The Elven (elven)
Carnage | Tino | Turin
Caldazar | Glorfindel | Wraver
The Infinity Watch (IW)
Exorcist | Legend | CyberHunter
Phail | Cire | Ill Bixby

Game 1

Game 1 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
The Elven 35 8 win + 55% Win
The Infinity Watch 103 0   Loss

IW comes off to a very, very bad start in this game as their two wights self-detonate under mysterious circumstances, taking with them 12 % of the force and doing some damage. The games go on, though, and the two teams meet up in center as is usual for this map/game. IW gets off to a promising start as they harrass and destroy elven's archers with few losses. elven now brings out their wights and after two good wight hits IW's luck turns for the worse once more. A melee starts in center with two additional, seriously damaging wight hits. IW's ghols to elven's rear fail to contribute much and elven wins with more than 50 % left and therefore gain full points for the first game.

Game 2

Game 2 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
The Elven 62 0   Loss
The Infinity Watch 31 9 win + 6 flags Win

The second game starts with IW being in a seemingly good mood and of nice fighting spirit, considering the last game's unfortunate accident. IW goes for a fairly mixed setup with everything but jmen represented and with a large ghol force. elven tries for full wights and an otherwise orthodox selection. An all-out move north with everything but ghols is IW's first move. elven goes for a warrior/ghol force south and a large thrall presence in center. A single ghol of IW's does however sneak into elven's formation without being killed and hence manages to pop two wights, giving elven a 12 % loss as well as damaged melee. The Commander of elven, carnage, has to leave in the middle of the game, but no serious consequnces seem to result from his departure. The north force of IW moves very slow and more than half of the thrall are left at northeast flag and at center east along with the majority of the ghol pack. IW again manage to take advantage of some clumsiness of elven by popping two more of their wights and damaging several ghols in the process. Skirmishes begin around the west center region and result in 50 % of elven's thrall presence in center and 33 % of their total warrior-count getting killed. IW is clearly not in the proper condition to battle with elven due to a lack of melee units and elven decides to attack, but forget to guard flags. IW moves ghols in swiftly and thereby snag the win from the brink of destruction.

Game 3

Game 3 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
The Elven 36 4 4 flags Loss
The Infinity Watch 20 8 win + 5 flags Win

IW gets the advantegous position of the southwest at the start of the game as they take flags I, V and IV before elven does. They then move the trow from center and are the first to tag the upper east flag. The returning trow of IW are chased for some distance by elven who desperatly try to get themselves out of a certain loss. elven moves up berserks and trow to try to breach IW's east defense of IV. The attack fails from early on when IW's trow manage to get several hits on slow-moving elven trow. A charge is made and IW comes out victorious, and do not only defend their flag, but also have enough time to defeat the remaining warriors of elven and get a fifth flag.

Match Summary (films)

Match Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Total Result
The Elven 8 0 4 12 Loss
The Infinity Watch 0 9 8 17 Win

Three fairly enjoyable games by two quite equal teams. I must admire IW's ability to get through a quite difficult task of fighting from a serious disadvantage. IW doesn't seem to have much of communication or pre-made plans, but seem to be able to work well together by improvising. elven seems to posess the exact equal skills. Fairly good planning, but no improvising skills.

- The Crimson King

Generated by MWCgen: Wed Sep 9 14:52:48 1998