Pool F Round-Robin Game
Game 1
The game starts with ap going for the pus 'n' satchels and no archers, while LWW goes heavy on ghols and wights for dunking. Both teams try to get their wights into the waters, but LWW is very slow, takes strange routes to the depths and get several wights popped by roaming ap ghols. A pus 'n' satchel bomb is used, but does little to no significant damage since only a few ghols perish in the ordeal. ap gets a thrall-wighting in the center west waters and LWW tries to harrass the archerless ap with their missile troops. When little time remains in the game, ap decides to charge and do so with inferior melee forces. A quite unsuccessful wighting attempt on LWW's archers signals the start of the charge. LWW not only leaves groups of thrall and ghols out of the battle, but also fail to get a double wighting into ap's rear and perform horrible micromanaging. Despite all this LWW somehow manages to come out victorious, but with little of their force left. Game 2
In game 2 ap again goes for pus, without the satchels this time. LWW goes ghol heavy and abandons wight prospects. A two-pronged move by ap sends warriors up north, while most thrall stay in center. LWW sends an attachment of thrall up to northwest flag and the rest, short for ghols stay in center. From the start ap is closing it's northern force on LWW, who can't decide whether to attack or to wait for the center force to cross the bridge. A wight hit on thrall and a minor pussing is accomplished by ap before they finally charge the indecisive LWW, who forgets to bring ghols and northern thrall into the fight. LWW again fails to micromanage to deal with mixed forces. All LWW archers are hacked by ap ghols as center and north pinch LWW's poorly controlled melee. ap eliminate LWW to score the full 9 points. Game 3
LWW gets the southeast position in this game and therefore does not stand a chance to get ahead at the start. ap snags flags IV, V and I and then moves everything to the center (flag I). The single trow guarding flag II for LWW is taken out by three ap trow and the rest of LWW's troops are scattered. The three ap-owned trow make it for the northeast III-flag and snag the win while LWW makes a desperate attempt to take center, but to no avail. Match Summary (films)
Definetly not a good three games for LWW, even counting the first win. Lack of planning, coordinating and basic skills lead to their loss of this series. ap does not fare much better either, considering the reckless troop movements in game two and that their pus attacks fail to make up for their cost. - The Crimson King