Qualifying Round
Pool J Round-Robin Game
Aleph Naught (-AN-)
Ravager | Derfel
Merex | Jeff the Meek
The Companions (~C~)
Gore | Flicker
Odin | Giamilton

Game 1

Game 1 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Aleph Naught 52 5 win + 23% Win
The Companions 91 0   Loss

Aleph Naught chose 6 wights for this game, and healed 5 of them for pus. The Companions chose not to take any wights, and sent some warriors and ghols in a flank to the west. Aleph Naught had no archers and were forced to charge the Companions, resulting in a massive fight. AN's 10 pus-laden ghols hitting C's warriors from behind at the start of the fight made all the difference, and AN's warriors quickly chewed through the wounded warriors to win. Special mention to Kearney, who scored eight kills and still had green health!

Game 2

Game 2 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Aleph Naught 80 9 win + 6 flags Win
The Companions 101 0   Loss

Note: this film was Out of Sync when reviewed.

Aleph Naught flanked with small warrior forces to the north and south, and battle quickly ensued at the center, which resulted in The Companions taking out most of AN's warriors and thrall, but losing all of their center troops in the process. This left them with only their large southern flank. At this point the film goes out of sync rather chronically, but I understand that Aleph Naught triumphed with all six flags.

Game 3

Game 3 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Aleph Naught 35 4 4 flags Loss
The Companions 29 8 win + 5 flags Win

The Companions sent a strong center force, stopping AN from tagging flag 1. They quickly tagged every flag but AN's home flag. Aleph Naught mounted a very piecemeal offensive on the center flag which was chewed up by C's forces, and The Companions were easily able to eliminate AN's home defenses to win.

Match Summary (films)

Match Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Total Result
Aleph Naught 5 9 4 18 Win
The Companions 0 0 8 8 Loss

Aleph Naught play well in the first two games to win, however their coordination lets them down in the third, allowing The Companions to save face and avoid a crushing defeat.

- Butcher

Generated by MWCgen: Wed Sep 9 14:52:49 1998