Qualifying Round
Pool K Round-Robin Game
2oooX (2oooX)
Led Zep
Dark Stalkers (DS)
Plutonious | Big Bertha | Skagerrak
Doc Odd | Sachem

Game 1

Game 1 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
2oooX 77 5 win + 22% Win
Dark Stalkers 93 0   Loss

DS, seeing an easy win over a solo player, decided to split up and come at the poor overworked 2oooX player from multiple directions. They moved their army up to the north riverbank, and sent a small-medium flanking force south across the east ford. Meanwhile, Led Zep walked one of his wights in plain view right up to a thrall regiment and detonated it, wounding about ten thrall and killing three archers. DS retaliated with a warrior thrust, massacring most of Led Zep's unprotected archers. Meanwhile, DS's flank attack had snuck around Led Zep and attacked his rear with archer fire. Led Zep's warriors quickly descended on them and crushed them, however this allowed DS to draw off his thrall in the center, wight them and kill them. However, after destroying the thrall DS were left with only a few scattered troops, who were quickly mopped up by Led Zep's warriors.

A shock defeat by a solo player versus a large team, but could Led Zep keep DS on the back foot?

Game 2

Game 2 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
2oooX 61 6 win + 3 flags Win
Dark Stalkers 36 3 3 flags Loss

In the Desert game, Led Zep threw caution to the winds, and decided to try and split his attention three ways along with his army. DS, on the other hand, left a small warrior force at center and sent a ghol pack north, while going south with the rest of their army. The ghol pack quickly tried to engage Led Zep's archers in the north, but were split up and mauled by his warriors. About half of the ghols managed to escape, licking their wounds. Meanwhile, DS's juggernaut was setting up in the south when Led Zep wighted a thrall regiment. After exchanging compliments about the wighting, the juggernaut crossed the river and annihilated Led Zep's south army (losing the remainder of their ghols in the process). Seeing the juggernaut coming at them from the south, Led Zep's remaining two armies decided to scurry across the river as fast as they could. Unfortunately the center army ran into a wight and the remnants were quickly destroyed by DS's center defense. Led Zep's north army split into two on each side of the river and ran south as fast as it could, trying to stall the juggernaut. Fortunately for him, DS didn't seem too interested in the flags and he was able to stall them for the required time, winning with three unguarded flags.

Game 3

Game 3 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
2oooX 10 8 win + 5 flags Win
Dark Stalkers 12 4 4 flags Loss

2oooX leapt off to an early lead with the tagging of four flags while DS were still running around aimlessly. Particularly amusing is the NW flag, where Led Zep's 10 berserkers scared off Doc Odd's trow and 20 berserkers, who apparently didn't want that flag anyway. Led Zep's single trow was able to make short work of the 10 warriors guarding the final flag to win the match.

Match Summary (films)

Match Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Total Result
2oooX 5 6 8 19 Win
Dark Stalkers 0 3 4 7 Loss

Victory for Led Zep, the lone warrior for 2oooX! One has to wonder where the rest of Led Zep's order are though. It's probably fair to say that this match wasn't a convincing win for Led Zep so much as it was a convincing defeat for DS.

- Butcher

Generated by MWCgen: Wed Sep 9 14:52:49 1998