Qualifying Round
Pool M Round-Robin Game
Dwarven Elite Strike Force (Desf)
Mechjock | Zeronova
Ack Attack (ACK)

Game 1

Game 1 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Dwarven Elite Strike Force 52 7 win + 49% Win
Ack Attack 103 0   Loss

The Dwarven Elite Strike Force take six wights and two journeymen, healing all of their wights for pus. Ack Attack goes for maximum infantry and one journeyman, no wights. At the start of the game, Ack tries a blitzkrieg attack, but their warriors square off against Desf's thrall and are lost. Desf beats back the attack with 49% remaining.

Game 2

Game 2 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Dwarven Elite Strike Force 62 9 win + 6 flags Win
Ack Attack 89 0   Loss

Ack Attack take one dwarf, one wight and one journeyman, preparing a ghol bomb. Desf take two wights, two dwarves and a journeyman, preparing two ghol bombs. Desf opt for a big warrior flank north, while Ack set up a juggernaut in the center. Deadites gets very lucky NE as Hunter stuffs up his ghol bomb on unsuspecting warriors. Deadites charges warrior vs warrior in the flank and wins. Desf elected not to use their ghol bombs, and instead eliminate the remaining Ack forces with sheer melee force.

Game 3

Game 3 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Dwarven Elite Strike Force 13 8 win + 5 flags Win
Ack Attack 34 4 4 flags Loss

Desf takes a fetch this game. Both armies have a strong center, defending one center flag. Zeronova manages to fake out the enemy's zerk defense with a pair of zerks, so Desf gets to 3 flags first, and they sneak around to get 4 flags first as well. The armies stare at each other for about six minutes, until Hunter realises that he needs to attack to win. He rushes the Desf defense and gets taken out; game over.

Match Summary (films)

Match Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Total Result
Dwarven Elite Strike Force 7 9 8 24 Win
Ack Attack 0 0 4 4 Loss

Ack Attack is outnumbered 3-1 in this game, and it shows. Desf spend the match dancing around units being maneouvred in blocks of 20 or so, and it pays off with a 3-0 victory for them.

- Butcher

Generated by MWCgen: Wed Sep 9 14:52:49 1998