Qualifying Round
Pool M Round-Robin Game
Rabble Forces (RF)
Leonidas | Umbra
Renwood | DMinor
Dwarven Elite Strike Force (Desf)
Mechjock | Enigma | Deadites
Zeronova | Hiro

Game 1

Game 1 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Rabble Forces 61 7 win + 40% Win
Dwarven Elite Strike Force 96 0   Loss

This game which featured good communication on both sides saw Desf start in the SW (archer heave, 2 wights) against RF in the NE (featuring a medic heavy army). Nicely coordinated ghol work by Rabble Forces made short work of the two Desf wights in the early game. As predicted by the dwarven elite strike force, RF opted for an early charge. Lack of archers made this not only a valid strat, but a good one and the early press was able to catch a slightly divided enemy. The margin of victory was deceptively large. Nevertheless, RF used a strong strategy considering their choices in unit trading.

Game 2

Game 2 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Rabble Forces 94 7 win + 5 flags Win
Dwarven Elite Strike Force 95 2 2 flags Loss

In unit trading the wesern Desf chose an archer heavy army with two dwarves while RF chose 4 wights and max ghols. The Rabble Forces used a northern juggernaught while Desf send warriors in a flank S, leaving thrall, archers, and dwarves in the midwest. As in the creep game RF's wight hunting ghols were more than up to the task. In addition the eastern rabble were able to successfully insert wights. As the Desf warrior flank took the SE the RF juggernaught stormed into the NW. With 9:34 left Desf struct at the RF jugger with a move that garnered much style points. Sacrificial ghols dropped satchels in front of the oncoming RF warriors, followed shortly by dwarf tossed multiple molotovs. The ensuing bomb took out no less than 7 warriors. RF responded with brutal force as the warrior led juggernaught tore through Desf archers and then thrall. As this happens the Desf flank takes the east middle flag by storm and marshalls 20 warriors across the bridge to help their comrades. It was at this point where a wight emergeed from the water and let loose with a nasty explosion. As waves of RF slam into the western Desf army reinforcements come in. However, lack of a full warrior complement in the west manages to swing a very even battle in the favor of RF (leaving roughly 2 thrall and 5 archers along with a smattering of ghols). Opposing this are slightly over half a dozen Desf warriors. The divided Desf forces were cut down by RF, but even then both teams had ample opportunity for a win (though perhaps not a six flag win). As the clock reached zero the game saw 4 flags RF, and 2 Desf.

Game 3

Game 3 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Rabble Forces 35 4 4 flags Loss
Dwarven Elite Strike Force 19 8 win + 5 flags Win

Starting in the superior N, Desf sent 3 'zerks NW, 3 'zerks NE, and the rest middle (including a fetch). RF chose to send 1 'zerk S, 1 trow NE, and the rest to the middle. Noticing that they possess a stronger middle Desf send one trow to tag the S flag. Aware that the enemy will win the race to four flags RF throw caution to the wind and vacate the eastern middle flag with hopes of taking the western middle flag. Before she dies the Desf fetch gets off a nasty blast against RF 'zerks. As the battle for the midwest rages on Desf spot the open RF flag and send a zerk there, achieving victory. Through a combination of fetchwork and superior trow work Desf win this battle and emerge victorious.

Match Summary (films)

Match Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Total Result
Rabble Forces 7 7 4 18 Win
Dwarven Elite Strike Force 0 2 8 10 Loss

Active communication and strong skills made these games enjoyable to watch. While neither team was flawless, both showed evidence of teamwork and flexibility.

- Wintermute

Generated by MWCgen: Wed Sep 9 14:52:50 1998