Qualifying Round
Pool N Round-Robin Game
The Violators (-V-)
Malkavian | Skynxnex
Beavis Christ | Agbaar
Archer Punch (#CP#A)
Johnny Law | Zinfandel | Patroclus
Grimmbot | Legend | Poodle King

Game 1

Game 1 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
The Violators 47 8 win + 58% Win
Archer Punch 94 0   Loss

The Violators took five wights, healing two for pus. Clan Plaid took four wights. Beavis Christ did some excellent wight hunting, taking out three wights with three ghols. Meanwhile, the Violators used their archer superiority to push #CP#A away from the flag, also raking the Plaid forces with arrows. A large melee ensured, and the Clan Plaid army was woefully tangled. This, combined with a nice pus attack from Skynxnex and the Violators' superior micromanagement skills, was enough to ensure the Plaid downfall. It might have been even worse, had the Violators' crucial wight not been healed by a timely journeyman. Still, 58% to nil is a trampling.

Game 2

Game 2 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
The Violators 58 9 win + 6 flags Win
Archer Punch 95 0   Loss

The Clan Plaid army chose to take four wights again this game, the Violators going for only two, and more archers. The Violators blocked the bridge very nicely, and managed to hunt three of the four #CP#A wights with ghols. The plaid army sent flanking forces north and south, while the Violators remained in a single central force. The flanking forces managed to draw off a significant fraction of the Violators' army, and seeing this opportunity Clan Plaid charged.

Due to indecision by their central force, the Plaid army attacked in 3 separate waves, and through excellent teamwork the Violators were able to turn numerical superiority on each force to destroy it. Meanwhile, the Violators' small north force swept around and continued tagging flags; the Violators' numerical superiority in the endgame let them easily tag all 6 for the win.

Game 3

Game 3 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
The Violators 22 8 win + 5 flags Win
Archer Punch 35 4 4 flags Loss

#CP#A went for a strong middle army in this game, but accidentally let the Violators' trow tag both middle flags. The Plaid forces then all diverted to the south flag, but unfortunately their warriors and some zerks ran into Skynxnex's two Jolly Giants and were taken out. They then tried to mount an attack with two trow on V's home flag but failed. Skynxnex sent his Trow Cleanup Crew south, and it was all over.

Match Summary (films)

Match Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Total Result
The Violators 8 9 8 25 Win
Archer Punch 0 0 4 4 Loss

The Violators show superb coordination and teamwork to bag another trophy for their wall. Can anyone break their run?

- Butcher

Generated by MWCgen: Wed Sep 9 14:52:50 1998