Pool O Round-Robin Game
Game 1
The Kingsguard take three wights, and a medium selection of archers. AofH only take one wight, going instead for more ghols. AofH manage to nail all of the Kg wights with ghols or archers, and advance their archers safely onto the flag. They win the archer war and continue pummelling Kg with arrows, which prompts Kg to charge (and get wighted). Despite their thrall being slow to commit, Kg somehow win the ensuing melee (just). Game 2
The Archangels of Hell take maximum infantry, two wights and twelve archers in this game. Kg go for more archers and less ghol. AofH use their two wights to detonate the two enemy wights. The Kingsguard send their warriors on a long south flank, and AofH seize the opportunity to charge. The Kg warriors see this and return, but are sandwiched by enemy warriors and ghols and taken out. The Kingsguard win the battle overall, but are left with only thrall, which are quickly taken apart by AofH's archers. AofH manage to hang on to 4 flags for the win. Game 3
AofH tag both the center and both the flank flags to get to 4 flags first. They then mount a three-trow attack on Kg's home flag in the NE, which punches through the defense to win. Match Summary (films)
Respawn22 shows that there is such a one-man army in this match. The Kingsguard are defeated handily, but Game 2 could have gone either way. - Butcher