Qualifying Round
Pool P Round-Robin Game
Foundation (*F*)
Hadrian | Gil-Estel
Klaw | Ralph
Pimento Loafers (ploaf)
Sneaky Guy | Gloop
maximXygo | Pickett

Game 1

Game 1 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Foundation 102 0   Loss
Pimento Loafers 78 4 win + 19% Win

Foundation opted for no wights in this game, the Pimento Loafers picking two (which were nailed early on by Hadrian's ghols). When the attack came, these same ghols managed to distract enough warriors to allow Foundation to cut up their thrall easily, and the Foundation looked like they had the battle. However, excellent archer fire into melee by Gloop won the battle for the Pimento Loafers and left the Foundation wondering what happened.

(note: This proves a point as to the value of archers firing into a melee, a belief that I have personally long held. Watch the film!)

Game 2

Game 2 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Foundation 36 8 win + 5 flags Win
Pimento Loafers 60 1 1 flag Loss

Again, the Pimento Loafers opted for two wights, which were nailed early by the Foundation's ghols. However, in this game the Foundation chose one wight themselves, which was submerged sucessfully. Both armies stared across the center bridge, with the Pimento Loafers sending a small flanking force of archers and warriors south. The Foundation detached a slightly larger warrior force, headed south and eliminated these troops. These newly veteran warriors then crossed the ford east and eliminated another similarly-sized force. This left the Pimento Loafers at a significant numerical disadvantage, even when the Foundation sent a battalion of thrall to the north enemy flag. The Foundation thus took five flags, and were able to hold the Pimento Loafers off in the endgame despite their army being split to hold all of these flags. A solid victory for the Foundation troops.

Game 3

Game 3 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Foundation 13 8 win + 5 flags Win
Pimento Loafers 31 4 4 flags Loss

The Pimento Loafers tagged three flags early and held one center flag, while the Foundation tagged two and held the other center flag. A large battle erupted in the center, which the Foundation won handily. They then had a significant troop advantage and cleaned up the remnants of the Pimento Loafers' forces to win with five flags.

Match Summary (films)

Match Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Total Result
Foundation 0 8 8 16 Win
Pimento Loafers 4 1 4 9 Loss

As Hadrian of the Foundation says, "The games were all pretty close, and [the Pimento Loafers] put up a tough fight." However, the Foundation triumphed over a valiantly struggling ploaf team, who were saved from a humiliating three-game defeat by excellent tactical archer use in the first game.

- Butcher

Generated by MWCgen: Wed Sep 9 14:52:50 1998