Pool P Round-Robin Game
Game 1
The Swedish Bastard Squad take no wights in this game, choosing instead to load up on archers. Foundation take four wights, and less ghols; they still win a big ghol war in the west, and also initiate an archer battle in the center. The archer battle is decided rather finally in F's favour by an extremely nasty wighting on SBS's archers. Foundation start plinking the enemy troops, which induces SBS to charge. Foundation wight their thrall, and their superior melee handling wins for them, with 46% remaining. I also sent this match to The Crimson King to review as well. Whoops. He said: Both teams go for pretty normal setups with SBS having no wights and *F* four of them. Much confusion seems to reign at the the start as both teams lose players that still appear in the game. Skalman seems to be all alone, but decides to play in any case. Nothing dramatic happens in the first minutes nor does any of the teams try any fancy maneuvers. *F* dunks its wights into the western waters and a ghol fight occurs to the west as well (*F* emerges as a close victor), but otherwise not much. An archer fight is begun in center, but is soon lost by SBS who can't put up a defense for its archers and soon are wighted into submission. The last archers is at last cut down by two charging ghols. The final charge is on and *F* tries to wight SBS' thall with so-so results. SBS seems to have a slight advantage as their warriors throw themselves into the fight, but it is soon obvious that *F* is the winner of this game. Game 2
SBS take three wights, two dwarves and only a few ghols. Foundation go for two wights and more ghols, nailing one of the two SBS wights with a ghol. SBS send a flank around north and kill the north Foundation wight with a thrall. Foundation manage to decimate the north flank by bringing their entire force to bear on it, and then get a nice wight on SBS's dwarf and archers on the bridge. An easy cleanup job gives them six flags and the win. The Crimson King said: The second game sees SBS try for some dwarves and wights. *F* goes orthodox and tries only with four wights. *F* is fast to move a large ghol pack through center, moving all else to the bridge. SBS sends 1/3 of the melee south, 2/3 of the warriors and 1/3 of the thrall north and the rest to the bridge with one dwarf center and north. *F* manages to pop an SBS wight north, nearly gets one to the south and dunks it's own wights to the north and south. SBS moves it's northern force across and captures the northern flag, making *F* attack the much inferior force. SBS' forces are totally outnumbered and outmaneuvered in the north at which time the center force tries to take the center flag. A minor archer duel occurs on the bridge, but soon the last remains of SBS is wiped out and *F* gets the win with all 6 flags. Game 3
Foundation goes for a very strong center, with SBS a slightly smaller one. A big battle starts, and Foundation are able to take both center flags; just a short jaunt to the NE flag for the win, made even easier by SBS obligingly walking off their flag. The Crimson King said: *F* gets the upper hand from the start in this game as they start in southwest, as opposed to SBS' southeast starting point. *F* sends only single units to capture flag IV and V and send the rest of their forces to center. SBS dashes to III with berserks to defend, a trow to V and the rest to center. As soon as *F* sees that they have the advantage in center, they attack and manage to capture the flag as well as beat the snot out of SBS. SBS wastes its final trow on a very weak attack on *F*'s center flag and *F* sends their forces to capture III in the northeast. After some stalking by a severly weakened trow, SBS manages to lose even III with most of it's defending force intact. *F* gets another game with full points for a massive point count for this round. Match Summary (films)
Foundation trounces SBS soundly in this game, with nice use of wights and melee handling. - Butcher Not much to comment on these games. *F* does good and performs well against the SBS, which seems to lack a lot of experience in Myth combat. Not even occasional orders or cursing in Swedish helps them much. - The Crimson King