Elimination Round 1
Game 14
Ancient Warriors (AW)
Dwarven Cannibals (DC)
Bullseye | Brymen
Guinness Destowtt | Scorpio

Game 1

Game 1 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Ancient Warriors 0 12 win + 9 balls Win
Dwarven Cannibals 0 0   Loss

The competitors appear to have lost this film.

Game 2

Game 2 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Ancient Warriors 0 12 win by forfeit Win
Dwarven Cannibals 0 0   Loss

This game was the last to be played, and DC decided to give up and forfeit the remaining game.

Game 3

Game 3 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Ancient Warriors 25 8 win + 5 flags Win
Dwarven Cannibals 34 4 4 flags Loss

The Ancient Warriors started in the southwest, and took only one ghol with no wights for pus. Meanwhile, DC had started in the northeast and had seven ghols with two wights worth of pus. Both armies sent the bulk of their forces to the center and stared at each other; DC sent a few warriors west and a few archers to the south, while AW flanked with one zerk north and one ghol east.

DC amazingly decided to engage AW's infantry juggernaut in the middle without their FG to help, relying on pus to neutralize the enemy giant. Unfortunately they managed to pus all their zerks as well, who were destroyed. The Cannibals' forest giant came in and inflicted quite a lot of damage but was forced to retreat for a heal. AW came out of the battle with more forces and their zerks split up to take flags while the forest giants chased each other for the remainder of the game.

Note: this game was played with the time limit set to 10 minutes rather than the regulation 16. Oops, guys.

Game 4

Game 4 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Ancient Warriors 0 11 win + 8 flags Win
Dwarven Cannibals 0 1 1 flag Loss

The competitors appear to have lost this film.

Game 5

Game 5 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Ancient Warriors 30 0   Loss
Dwarven Cannibals 16 6 win + 36% Win

The Dwarven Cannibals started in the middle, while AW were in the southeast. Both armies took eight soulless, and a standard warrior and thrall mix. DC went southeast a little way and set up on the bluff, waiting for AW. The Ancient Warriors' soulless flanked a long way west and were followed by DC while the infantry battle begun in the southeast. DC split their warriors into two groups and fought cramped up in a little bottleneck, with their thrall stuck behind their warriors. Inexplicably, they still won the infantry battle.

Meanwhile, the soulless were skirmishing, and AW were forced to flee, losing four for no kills. The remaining soulless just ran for the rest of the game.

Note: this game was played with the time limit set to 10 minutes rather than the regulation 12. Oops again, guys.

Match Summary (films)

Match Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5 Total Result
Ancient Warriors 12 12 8 11 0 43 Win
Dwarven Cannibals 0 0 4 1 6 11 Loss

It's hard to judge anything of a match from only two of five films, but Pepaa of the Ancient Warriors tells me that it was a mighty struggle. This match was played about a week ago, but I've been waiting for the remaining films since then - no joy.

- Butcher

Generated by MWCgen: Thu Sep 10 13:00:36 1998