Elimination Round 1
Game 5
The Violators (-V-)
Malkavian | Skynxnex | F. Yu
Agbaar | BeavisChrist | Mr. Nobody
Men of Rohan (MoR)
Commando | Rohan | Zorn
Troubadour | H. D'Averc | MacManus

Game 1

Game 1 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
The Violators 43 11 win + 8 balls Win
Men of Rohan 63 1 1 ball Loss

The Men of Rohan start on the rolling plains in the northwest, and in the center, while the Violators' twin armies begin in the southwest and southeast. Every army takes an identical layout of troops; maximum warriors, thrall, ghols and a journeyman.

The Violators' southeast army goes northwest to the center and attacks the Rohan foe, SW's pus ghols helping them win. Meanwhile, the Violators' southwest army faces off against MoR in the northwest and calmly waits for their other army to send reinforcements. Once the center army has been taken out, Malkavian's veterans help the other army take MoR to pieces with style. An easy cleanup results in nine balls, but a steal at the last second lets a MoR ghol make a run for it.

Game 2

Game 2 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
The Violators 52 8 win + 5 balls Win
Men of Rohan 62 4 4 balls Loss

All armies take the same troops as last game, the Men of Rohan starting in the northwest and southwest while the Violators lurk northeast and southeast. Malkavian's army moves west from his north starting position, and attacks his northwest enemy. His over-eager warriors engage the enemy a fraction too early, and are pincered by warriors and a few thrall. This loses the battle for the Violators, but it is very close. Meanwhile, Skynxnex's army has chased the other Men of Rohan around to the northwest, where they finally turn and fight. Nice ghol help in melee spells the end for the last MoR army. A very tough cleanup from the Violators (they have only a handful of troops) sees roving Rohan ghols steal four of the nine balls.

Game 3

Game 3 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
The Violators 47 8 win + 5 flags Win
Men of Rohan 49 4 4 flags Loss

The Men of Rohan start in the northwest, taking one wight for pus and eight archers. The Violators are southwest, with less warriors, two wights for pus and eleven archers. Both armies go basically towards the middle, and a large melee battle erupts on the grassy plains. The Violators get shredded, but their forest giant is able to mop up the few enemy survivors. This leaves both armies down to forest giant (no journeyman) and two or three ghols. A nail-biting endgame is pulled off by the Violators, but it was touch and go for a long time.

Game 4

Game 4 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
The Violators 23 12 win + 9 flags Win
Men of Rohan 47 0   Loss

Both armies travel to the middle again, with Skynxnex's forest giant harassing MoR nicely. His giant gets pussed and is forced to flee, hurt. The Violators' infantry takes massive friendly fire from BeavisChrist's archers, and a stray pus packet explodes in their zerks, but bad warrior play from MoR lets them kill the enemy infantry, archers and journeyman easily. An easy cleanup nails the Violators their first perfect score yet.

Game 5

Game 5 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
The Violators 18 5 win + 28% Win
Men of Rohan 26 0   Loss

The Violators start in the center, while the Men of Rohan start northeast. The Violators take a dwarf, with the Men of Rohan opting for an unusual mix; three wights, six ghols, a journeyman and some thrall... no warriors.

A souless battle starts midway through the game, MoR sending in a timely ghol to distract and isolate the Violators' soulless. This leaves Rohan with two soulless left. MoR's pus isn't really used to its full effect due to nice troop scattering by the Violators, who win the final infantry battle handily.

Match Summary (films)

Match Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5 Total Result
The Violators 11 8 8 12 5 44 Win
Men of Rohan 1 4 4 0 0 9 Loss

The Men of Rohan fight well, and there are several extremely close games, but in the end they fall and are added to the Violators' unbroken string of victories. Congratulations to both teams on a riveting match!

- Butcher

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