Game 4
Game 1
This game, Civil took no fetch or soulless, and opted for maximum trow, infantry and some dwarves. They sent most of their infantry and two trow in a huge north flank, while Desf split their army into three parts. Stinger's trow raid on the Desf center resulted in their dwarves spontaneously combusting and taking most of their infantry with them; meanwhile, Civil's flank launched a massive attack on the Desf north and took them out (suffering significant casualties). The remnants of the Desf center were easily taken out, and Civil swept in on the south army. After a messy battle, Civil were the only ones standing in the south; a single commando Oleg with six kills and about 2% health drank a toast to his fallen comrades. Meanwhile, Desf's three trow were making a last stand on the northwest flag. They fought valiantly, but were overwhelmed by the sheer weight of Civil's infantry. Game 2
Civil went for a similar plan to last time and sent a smaller flank south; Desf again split their army into three. Early on, Civil attacked across the bridge, but they didn't buy into the control-click-then-run-away mindset and lost quite a few dwarves. In the south, the Civil flank backed off until trow support arrived, then engaged the Desf army. A few well-placed dwarf shots won the battle for Desf, and the Civil trow were forced to retreat. But, Civil had reinforcements, and a coordinated three-trow-and-melee assault on the beleagured Desf south army annihilated any resistance. This juggernaut then came north to the bridge, neutralised the enemy trow and dwarf, and killed all the remaining melee. The Civil force continued north to meet the remaining Desf fragment, and slipped a trow around behind them to tag the final flag for an early win. Game 3
Civil started in the northeast, while Desf started southwest. Civil split up, spiders swarming everywhere. The majority of the Civil army headed to the middle, while Desf's army stayed put in the southwest, eventually moving to the mid-west ball, and from there to the middle. Civil met them near the base of the northwest hill, and in a large battle killed Desf's zerks and archers (due to no myrmidon or trow help). The Civil archers, fetch and dwarf were ordered to take on the Desf myrmidon horde, and dubiously complied with the orders of their captain. Once roused, the myrmidons swarmed off the hill and killed this small Civilian force handily. The Civil forces were too far away to retake this ball before the end of the game, leaving Desf with their first point of the match. Game 4
Civil started northeast again, and once again headed to the middle, sending out spider outliers. Desf started in the southwest, sent their zerks north, trow to the middle, spiders south and a myrmidon-fetch-archer army to the mid-south. Civil's zerks came up behind the Desf mixed army and took them out easily while Mechjock wasn't looking, while the Desf spiders charged a Civil fetch. Desf's zerks and trow were attacked by the Civil trow, myrmidons and spiders, and managed to win, losing all zerks in the process. Civil chased the remaining trow for the rest of the game, an easy cleanup giving them all 9 balls. Game 5
Desf took three wights, intending to heal them for pus but forgetting to take a journeyman as well. Meanwhile, Civil took no wights, no journeymen, but four dwarves and quite a few archers. Desf charged the middle with all their warriors and archers, and ran into the Civil force, which was about two-thirds their warriors and a small group of thrall. I have absolutely no idea how, but somehow Civil won the resulting battle and slaughtered Desf's warrior and archer cadres completely. Even the Civilians were impressed. Civil then moved in on the Desf flag. They had no real defense to speak of; their wights and dwarves were killed by Civil's ghols and a single ghol just walked up to the flag to capture it. Match Summary (films)
Desf were pretty much doomed from the start when they only had two members show up to the match. The Civilians play paint-by-numbers on the desert floor with the entrails of their berserkers, and the match goes downhill from there. Civil will go on to face the Violators in Round 3. Those of you who enjoy amusing commentary in films should check out these ones, especially the start of game 1, and the discussion of people's ages and lifestyles in game 5. I must admit, I was expecting to see the line Ananab Tilps: f/16/california to appear at some point! :) - Butcher