1. Player Name: Janelle Stokes
  2. Player Email Address: Raellyn@scifianime.com
  3. Character Name: Raellyn Cierre
  4. Race: Terran
  5. Age: 23
  6. Birthplace: Davao, Phillipines
  7. Birthdate: March 29th
  8. Marital Status: Single
  9. Family Status: Mother and father on Earth; older brother (by eight years) Derek.
  10. Height: 5'6"
  11. Weight: 133 pounds
  12. Hair Color: Dark Brown
  13. Eye Color: Dark Brown
  14. Skin Color: Medium Brown
  15. Physical Characteristics: Hair goes past her shoulders, usually found in a tight ponytail. Small birthmark on right temple, hidden by hair
  16. Position on the Intrepid: Engineering Officer
  17. Rank: Ensign
  18. Academy Major: Engineering
  19. Academy Minor (if any): Astrophysics
  20. Cadet Cruise: USS Arcadia
  21. Tour of Duty One: USS Intrepid - Engineering Officer - Ensign
  22. Background - Childhood: Raellyn was born in the Philippines in 2353. When she was 18 months old her family moved to New Zealand. Her mother worked as a med tech and her father taught physics at a local high school.

    At the age of five she attended the same private school as Derek, her older brother by eight years, and by the age of eight she had shot to the top of her class. The teachers transferred her to the class one higher with one other student. Even with her high academics she had problems with antisocial behaviour and aggression. Derek helped her to slowly overcome these problems.

    At the age of ten the family moved again, this time to Ohio, for two reasons - pressure from relatives there, and also for Derek's benefit as he wished to join Starfleet Academy and learn medicine. By then Rae had mostly overcome her social and behavioural problems and made friends more easily, but she still looked up to her brother as the most important person in her childhood.
  23. Background - Academy:Rae finished her schooling one year earlier than usual at the age of seventeen, her top grades dropping slightly near the end of her schooling. Immediately the next year she joined Starfleet Academy, majoring in Engineering and, with some minor persuasion from her father, minoring in Astrophysics. She made a good friend in a Bajoran, Tor Kana but something happened and she didn't communicate much with him for her final two and a half years at Academy. In 2374 she graduated and renewed her friendship with Kana just in time to say goodbye.
  24. Background - Cadet Cruise:-
  25. Personality Profile from Starfleet Medical:Cierre can be a positive influence on those around her when she puts her mind to it. She is subject to sudden but minor mood changes and is usually happiest after spending some quiet time alone and away from people due to her introverted nature. Finds it difficult to organise her thoughts without time and refrains from speaking up if she thinks her ideas aren't original. Likes to relate to a small group of friends and get to know others well.
  26. Hobbies and Interests: Likes to read. Listens to music of all kinds and plays classical piano. Often impulsively tries new things she isn't good at.
  27. Notes: Rae has a photographic and tactile memory. She learns quickly and likes to take notice of what others would dismiss. This made her a good eavesdropper but also a good keeper of secrets. She taught herself to be ambidextrious, tried to teach herself several other languages and a lot of other things she was just suddenly interested in.

Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager with all related characters are copyrighted to Paramount pictures. No copyright infringement was intended with the creation of this page, as it is for personal entertainment uses only. Please direct all questions and comments to the respective Coucil Governor. The ranks and pips were provided by Steven Marriot and Tango Fleet. Thanks to all those who helped the Intrepid become what it is today...