Flight Control Officer Full Name Race and Gender Age in Terran Years
Mission Operations Officer Full Name Race and Gender Age in Terran Years
Operations Officer Full Name Race and Gender Age in Terran Years
Assistant Chief Security Officer Full Name Race and Gender Age in Terran Years
Security Officer Full Name Race and Gender Age in Terran Years
Engineering Officer Full Name Race and Gender Age in Terran Years
Assistant Chief Science Officer Full Name Race and Gender Age in Terran Years
Science Officer Full Name Race and Gender Age in Terran Years
Assistant Chief Medical Officer Full Name Race and Gender Age in Terran Years
Medical Officer Full Name Race and Gender Age in Terran Years
Miscellaneous Positions Rank Not Applicable Full Name Race and Gender Age in Terran Years

Obviously, the above list is not exhaustive. Therefore, below is a brief description of all departments found on the Intrepid, and a listing of possible specializations found within. Obviously, all of these specializations still start the character off as an ensign...

Command Department

The Command department is one of the smallest found on starships. Devoted to the directives and orders issued to the crew of the vessel, the Captain and Executive Officer must deal with administrative duties while ensuring that the protocol and mission of the ship is kept in best course. This department generally holds the highest ranking officers, and in order to be included in the Command department an officer must not only have the Lieutenant Commander rank, but also be versed in the operations of three departments.
Possible Specializations: Shuttle Operations Management, Captain's Liason Officer, Yeoman

Operations Department

The Operations department makes up the largest amount of officers in the crew. The responsibilities of the Ops crew are reasonably variant; they must divide crew and resources for mission specifics, organize and arrange the use of equipment, determine and enact mission parameters, schedule officer meetings, and allocate power within ship's systems. Generally, the Ops officer active on the bridge is also responsible for the sensors and in emergency cases communications. They also tend to double as Engineering officers.
Possible Specializations: Computer Core Specialist, Equipment Manager, Ship Maintenence Officer

Security Department

Security's job generally keeps them for the most part inactive; they are responsible for the protection and defense of the crew from any hostile threats. This includes the protecion of diplomats, active protection on away missions, the maintenence of ship's shields and weapons, and the communications trafic on the ship. Generally, the Tactical officer is responsible for the attacks launched by the ship during space battles...
Possible Specializations: Brig Manager, Groud Forces Coordinator, Tactical Console Operator

Engineering Department

Engineering, in some circles of belief, has the hardest job of all. They must ensure that all the systems and machinations on the ship are always working at peak efficiency. This includes the Warp Drive primarily, but may also include the Impulse drive, transporter system, holodecks, replicators, environmental controls, computers, communications systems, weapons and shields, shuttlecraft... the list is as extensive as the vessel itself has parts...
Possible Specializations: Transporter Chief, Warp Core Specialist, Impulse Drive Specialist

Science Department

The Science department is constantly changing it's face, with a varying number of officers and specializations depending on the mission and circumstances. Generally, the only constants in the Science dept. are the Chief, his assistant, and Long Range Mission Specialists. The Science department is responsible for research and development, studying any anomolies or variances the crew of the ship may experience. Generally, Science and Operations are deeply intertwined, as the Science department is constantly using systems like the deflector dish or sensor arrays.
Possible Specializations: Biological Expert, Astrophysicist, Stellar Cartographer, Chemist, Physicist

Medical Department

The Medical department has a difficult job indeed. They must constantly ensure that the crew is operating at their best of health, mentally and physically. Generally they are responsible for emergency procedures, and must be prepared to resolve any issues that develop on the spot. Medical Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs tend to be surgical and medical experts, officially ranked slightly higher than the average officer and tending to have civilian ranks like RN, CP, or Dr.
Possible Specializations: Counselor (C.P.), Surgical Expert (Doctor), Head Nurse (R.N.), Exobiological Expert, Alien Anatomy Expert

Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager with all related characters are copyrighted to Paramount pictures. No copyright infringement was intended with the creation of this page, as it is for personal entertainment uses only. Please direct all questions and comments to the respective Coucil Governor. The ranks and pips were provided by Steven Marriot and Tango Fleet. Thanks to all those who helped the Intrepid become what it is today...