Samanayr Stats

Name Prance of Heart Bells
Call Name Heartbells~Prance
Gender Male
Birth Song ???
Parents Wandering Heart of the North
Scent of Lilacs Blooming
Song none
Offspring none

Name Jewel of the Forest's Reflection
Call Name Forestsreflection~Jewel
Gender Female
Birth Song ???
Parents Teardrop from Glimmering Reflection
Fall of Forest Ash
Song none
Offspring none
Notes Her wings are a cross of draconic and butterfly, first time ever!

Name Misery of the Flaring Sun
Call Name Flaringsun~Misery
Gender Female
Birth Song unknown
Parents unknown
Song none
Offspring none
Notes She controls fire magic and is.. well.. not a very nice Sam.

Name Hush of Winter Snowfall
Call Name Wintersnowfall~Hush
Gender Male
Birth Song unknown
Parents unknown
Song none
Offspring none

Name Fang of the Angry Storm
Call Name Angrystorm~Fang
Gender Female
Birth Song unknown
Parents unknown
Song none
Offspring none
Notes A mean little sa'krien.. feisty!