-Point Light-

NOTE: Do to the different versions of GCS, the title on some of the buttons in the interface may be different than yours.

   This tutorial is an easy introduction to point lighting. Creating a point light is surprisingly easy, just like all the other new 2.0 features. I read in the GCS listbot that someone wanted to see a tutorial on point lighting. Being the nice guy that I am I quickly went to work on figuring this whole thing out. At first I was stumped, but have no fear- the red boxes aren't as scary as you think...
   First let me explain what a point light is. A point light is a light that can be moved around like an animated object and it can still
be colored. A point light is independent from all other lights in the game. Before you begin make sure to create an image of solid black with a size of about 50x50 when you import it. To create a point light we need to create a new
animation. To do this first select "Objects" from the top menu bar; Then click on "Library Import/Modify". This will open a new window. Select "Animated Objects", then "Design New Animation".  You will be prompted as to whether or not you wish to enter the frame position for each frame. Click no because we are not going to create a light that moves... yet. In the animation creator select the first instance and then select "Set Operation" from the new window that opens up. Now a large menu should open up with many buttons like "Unconditional Branch" and "Branch if Shot". One button will say "Assign A Value to Reg" ( not "Add A Value to Reg"), push this button. Now you must enter the Register # that tells the GCS engine that this animation is really a point light. That register is 175. In value you must enter the power of the light source. The number you enter multiplied by 8 is the intensity and range level. The manual recommends a power source of 50 (400 range) but if it doesn't show up in your level then I recommend something brighter like 90+. Click on ok and choose the frame time delay. Two (the default) is fine for now. Now you can set the picture. "Picture? Aren't we creating a light?" Yes, you need a picture. This is where most people have messed up because their documentation may not say they need a picture and the engine only requires one for when the animation moves from one point in space to another. Choose the window format and make the image the solid black one you created earlier. Now your done with this frame. Do the same to the next two frames, changing each of their light's power. Give the last frame the operation of "Unconditional Branch" to frame #0. Now click on "Click When Finished" to save your animation. In order to use the animation in the GCS import the file by clicking once again on "Objects" from the top menu bar, then  "Library Import/Modify". This will open a new window. Select "Animated Objects", then "import".  Type in your file name or choose its name from the list and then your done. Now you can put the animation into your game.
Now that you know how to add point lighting into your game, you can make the light move! Basically just select the position of the light in the world for every frame. Try making a long hall with ceiling lights that flash one after the other- the effect it really great. Or a disco room with moving colored lights! And don't forget, other animation commands work here as well such as "Branch if Close" and "Invisible Blast"! If your still having trouble with this email me, tell me the problem, and I'll respond as soon as possible.

Test I did of a light that moves around a hall. BTW, that's two images of  the same hall just side by side.


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