SS. La Provence

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Departed La Havre,France  30 Sep 1905

Arrived at New York, 8 Oct 1905

Contributed by: Mildred

The following are the first 10 passengers listed on the page. I have listed the following: last name, first name, age, sex, marital status, occupation, nationality (country of last permanent residence), race or people, last residence (province, city or town), final destination, ever in the states before, and who they are going to join. If I put a (?) by the info it means I am not sure of the spelling.

1. Leone, Exmano?, 52, m, m, weaver, Italy, Italian, Crose, Paterson, NJ,1889 to 1905, wife Marie Ouletella(?) 13 N. 6th St.

2. Leone, Maria, 10, f, s, ch, Italy, Italian, Crose, Paterson, NJ, no,(same as #1).

3. Leone, Carlo, 9, m, s, ch, (same as #2).

4. Catella, Margherita (sister-in-law), 54, f, m (m was marked through and jwas above it), none, Italy, Italian, Crose, Paterson NJ, no, (sister) sameas #1.

5. Cavagnetto, Ines, 27?, f, m, wife, Italy, Italian, Uggelio, NY, 1895 &1905, husband Servinco? 235 E 26th A.

6. Cavagnetto, Florinda, 8, f, s, ch, Italy, Italian, Uggelio, NY, same asabove #5.

7. Cavagnetto, Natale, 4, m, s, ch, same as #5.

8. Vercelli, Pia, 20, f, m, wife, laborer, Italy, Italian, Uggelio, NY, 1900to 190?, husband S. Verselli, 235 E. 26th A.

9. Condolini, Angelo, 31, m, m, laborer, Italy, Italian, Tarri, Win____Conn., 1896 to 1900 in Conn., brother Carlo, Win____ Conn.

10. Troi, Santo, 23 or 33, m, s, mason, Italy, Italian, Neuhanben?,C________PA, no, Illazaro?, Bernardo, 604 Conell Ave.


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