{ } Conversion is your idea of a fun night out...
{ } You gave us encouragement.
{ } You gave us money.
{ } You gave us a hard time.
{ } You know that the 'Cavatina' is not an Italian ice cream.
{ } You saw 'Top Gun' twice and still don't know who got top billing... "Who's Tom Cruise...?"
{ } Receding hairlines turn you on.
{ } The plans on the back of Weeties packets really do work.
{ } You think the best place for Elizabeth is on the top of a Christmas tree.
{ } You're a hairdresser.
{ } You've always wanted to be a Mexican bandit, too...
{ } Frankly, you just don't give a damn...
{ } Germans Shepherds are the breed.
{ } You know how to carry flowers on a motorbike.
{ } You're just a Visitor here...
{ } You live in a menagerie.
{ } Dill pickles and ice cream are a personal favourite.
{ } Chris Faber is your idea of cuddly.
{ } Clarence Hamilton Tyler said we had to give you one...
{ } You can't go wrong with Cup-A-Soup.
{ } You're Tonka-tuff, too.
{ } Resistance is useless.
{ } You're a member of the Mercenary's Guild.
{ } You think Kyle deserves to be thrown out of an airlock!
{ } Let's face it, you can't
get by without your Tyler fix either...
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