V: The Series Fan Fiction
"This Is The Way The World Ends"
by Rosalyne

Willie looks up and sees the shuttle explode. Screams echo all around him. In the next flash Willie sees his fiancee' hit from behind with a Lazer by Diana. Willie screams, he opens his eyes and sees he is still in the van with his friends. Mike puts his hand on his friend's shoulder.

Mike: Another nightmare?
Willie: Yes.

Mike nodded.  It was all unbelievable to him.  Elizabeth and Kyle were dead.  He looked over at Julie who was writing in her book feverishly. Ever since they had been killed Julie had been more determined than ever to beat Diana.   Although this was about saving their lives. Mike wasn't disillusioned this was also about destroying Diana. Chris was in the front with Ham; they went over the terrain of Mount Lemmon one more time. Mike looked out the window; he saw a sign "Windy Point." He looked out and saw people huddled together in little shanty towns. The red dust kept the visitors at bay here.   Although getting up this mountain was the hard thing.

Tucson was a Visitor stronghold.  But this mountain that sat in the centre of it wasn't. They could not get up here. Something about the red dust here was extremely lethal which is why Julie said they had to come.  Willie had to
take his antioxidants twice as much up here.

After an hour Mike felt the van slow down.

Mike: What's going on up there?
Chris: Looks like we are at some sort of check point.

Two guys with Lazer opened up the back of the van.

Guy: Can you step out please?

Mike, Julie and Willie did as they said.  The two men check the back of the van. One other man came up with a small electronic device. He entered the van and exited again.

Man: It's clean.

Mike looked at the second guard, as he check the van for bombs. God they were thorough.

Guard One: Romeo and Juliet??
Julie (pointing at Mike): That's me and him.

Guard One: You two can come up. They have to stay here.
Mike: No go, we all go or no one does.

The guard nodded and spoke into his walkie talkie. The person on the other end mumbled something.

Guard One: Alright you can all go.

The other guard opened the small electrified gate and let the five of them pass through.  They made their way up a small path.  They ended up at yet another checkpoint. A lady sat in a small booth.

Lady: Please relinquish your weapons.
Ham: I don't think so.
Lady: Look, Mac doesn't let outsiders into camp with their weapons, those are the rules. If you don't like it than go back down that path.
Mike: Ham, give up the guns.
Ham: That's your problem Gooder, you're too trusting.
Julie: Just do what she says.

Julie put her weapon up. Mike and Willie did the same. Chris put his down. Ham eyed the girl and put his weapon down.

Lady: The one in your leg holster too please.

Mike laughed. Ham smirked and took his gun out.  The lady punched in a code and the gate opened up in front of them. The Lady grabbed Willie by the hand.

Lady: My name's Kim.

She handed Willie two large pills.

Kim: These should last you 24 hours. The first couple of ones make you nauseous. After that you're O.K.

Willie blinked hard. He looked into Kim's eyes and realized she too was a Visitor.

Kim: Don't look too shocked. The wire said you were coming and we all know who you guys are.
Ham: And how is that?
Kim: Mac will explain everything to you guys.

Julie walked through the door. She didn't know much about Mac. Just that besides her and Donovan, Mac was right up there on the Visitors most wanted list.  No pictures were ever released on Mac. The called him "The Shadow."
Once more every time someone from the Tucson resistance was caught they claimed to be Mac. As some sort of way to protect their leaders identity.

Finally after 20 minutes of hiking up a trail, they arrived at a small town. A sign said "Haven". Mike chuckled at the appropriateness of the sign. The guard lead them to a small cabin.  Outside of it was a girl and a baby boy.
The boy looked up at Donovan and cooed. The girl shuffled off the porch with the baby.

Once inside three guys and one girl with guns stood in front of them. A guy sat in the chair.

Guy: Julie Parrish.

The guy put out his hand. Julie stuck out her hand.

Julie: Mac?
Man: Maybe, as you know when you contacted us Mac's identity is top secret.  So I may be Mac or I may not.
Ham: This is bull.
Man: Mr. Tyler. This is the last fully functioning resistance unit on the West Coast. We house now, with the addition of Ms. Parrish, five of the seven scientists that are considered the foremost experts of the red dust bacteria. We also house over 20 of the most wanted fifth column Visitors as well as an arsenal big enough to take out a Mothership. Mac is the one who organized all this. So excuse us if we are a little protective of Mac's identity.
Mike: Sorry about that. Ham is a little edgy.

The man looked at Mike. He nodded and motioned to the girl.
Man: This is Cassie. She'll show you to your quarters.
Cassie stepped in front of them and walked up a small hill.
Cassie: This used to be a big ski town.  There is running water and showers in each of the cabins.  You guys must be starved. Cathy cooked a special meal for you guys. Normally everyone eats at once unless you're on watch.
Julie: Are supplies hard to come by?
Cassie: Of course they are. But we have special units that retrieve them.
Mike: The shanty town by Windy Point. Why aren't they allowed up here?
Cassie: Mac doesn't trust a lot of people. Most of the people that are here are wanted dead or alive.  The rest have been with Mac from the get go.
Ham: How old are you?
Cassie: What does it matter?  I'm old enough.
Julie winced she could tell Ham had hit a rough spot with Cassie.

They got to two cabins and Cassie opened one door to the sight of three beds and a small table.
Cassie: It's not much but it's clean. The showers are in there. Willie, on the table there are some more antioxidants. After you get showered and settled you're to go to the research centre. You'll take your first dose there and
you'll be monitored for 4 hours. Then you can return to your bunk.
Willie nodded.
Cassie: Donovan, Julie that's your cabin. Sorry the guys out number the girls here and if you're involved you share the same cabin. That's just how it is.

Donovan and Julie shifted uncomfortably. Were they still involved? Mike didn't know. The war had taken over every aspect of their lives. Cassie glared at them. Donovan could tell this inconsistency would make the people
here uneasy. They were thorough and if something didn't match they were suspicious. Apparently the information they had gotten stated Julie and Mike were involved. What else would one assume with code names Romeo and Juliet.

Mike: It's fine. It's just that...
Julie (catching on): We weren't aware you knew.
Cassie: Mac makes it a point to know everything. And brief us all on everything. So get settled.

After a while Willie went down to the research centre. The other four sat around the mess hall eating.

Ham: What's your take on this place Gooder?
Mike: Don't know. I know they don't trust us.
Chris: You think.
Julie: Yeah, but they're organized and well trained.
Mike: We still don't know why they agreed to help us.
Ham: I don't think they care a bit about us. I think it's Julie they want.
Julie: Regardless we are here.
Ham: Who's idea was that?
Julie (getting angry): Don't start with me Tyler!
Chris: Let it go Ham.
Ham: Let what go?  The fact that she may have jeopardized all of our lives because she feels guilty about Elizabeth and Kyle.
Julie jumped up.
Julie: You're outta line.
Julie got up and walked away. Mike shook his head.
Mike: Couldn't let it go, could you Tyler?
Mike followed Julie out. Julie stood outside.
Mike: Don't let him get to you.
Julie(whispering):  He's right. What if I did endanger us all?
Mike: Like we were doing so much better in LA? We were running around like rats. How many times do you think Philip could have tipped us off before they figured it out? We had to do something. At least here maybe we can do some good.  Julie, it wasn't your fault.
Julie: I remember the day Robin left. She asked me to look after Elizabeth. She said in a lot of ways I was more Elizabeth's mother than she ever was.  She put her daughter's life in my hands and what do I do I send her off with
Earth's worst enemy. Smiling and waving good-bye.
Mike: You didn't know.
Julie: And Kyle.  Why didn't we listen to him!! He knew.  He knew something was wrong.
Mike: Stop it. We can't change the past.

Just then Cassie walked up behind them.

Cassie: Julie, they want you at the research centre.

Julie nodded and walked away.

Cassie: Ham and Chris are being briefed; they have patrol today. You're wanted in Mac's cabin.
Mike: Sure.

Cassie started walking away. She turned and looked at Mike.

Cassie: In my opinion. I would tell her not to beat herself up about the Starchild.  In my eyes she was the biggest betrayer of them all.
Mike (getting defensive): You weren't there.
Cassie: Anyone who turns their back on a person that loves them for some greater standing is nothing but a glory seeker to me.

With that Cassie walked away leaving Donovan standing there confused. Why did Cassie dislike Elizabeth so much?

Cassie went back to her cabin. She cursed at herself. She shouldn't have let that get to her so much. Mike might suspect something. She dropped her gun on her bed and went to her drawer. Inside she pulled out two pictures. The one on top was tattered and torn. The image was of her maybe three years ago on someone's back. The person who held her in the photo was Kyle Bates. Just then there was a knock on the door. Cassie wiped the tears from her eyes.  The girl from Mac's porch came in holding the baby boy. Cassie took the boy from the girls arms. Now we see a better view of her room. Inside is yet another bed and a crib.

Girl: This must be so hard on you having them here.
Cassie: Does it show? I don't know Rachel... maybe this was a bad idea.
Rachel: You're wanted at Mac's cabin.
Cassie: I know. I just needed a few minutes.
Rachel: Do you think they will figure it out?
Cassie: Not unless I tell them.
Rachel: I don't know.  Nathan was very close to Julie.
Cassie: I doubt my father told Julie about me. He didn't even tell Kyle. Kyle found out on his own.
Rachel: What harm would it be to tell them your Kyle's sister?
Cassie: More harm than you know, Rachel.
Rachel: You can't blame them for your brother's death.
Cassie: I don't, but they all worship Elizabeth. And I do blame her.

Before Rachel could respond. Cassie kissed the baby and handed him back to Rachel.  Rachel stood there watching her leave.

Rachel (to the baby): Kyle, your mommy's got a lot of demons... she better let them loose before they destroy her.

Cassie walked into the cabin. Donovan stood there with the man who she knew Donovan assumed was Mac.  The man turned around.

Man: I was just briefing Donovan on the overall plan.
Cassie nodded.
Donovan: My only question is once you make enough red dust how are you going to release it into the atmosphere?
Cassie: That's where we are stuck.  We do have units ready and waiting all over the world.  Transportation of the dust is the problem. The best solution we could come up with is we start by driving them out of the West coast and
go from there.
Donovan: How about the mutation factors?
Man: So far so good.  No long term side effects. But we still have to decide if this is the way to go.

Cassie looked at the man hard. Donovan could tell they sat on opposite side of the fence on this issue.

Man: I need some coffee. How about you Cas?
Cassie: Sounds good. Donovan?

Mike nodded as the man left the room.

Cassie: Sorry about that. We don't agree on everything but I trust him with my life.
Mike: I understand. As you can probably tell Ham isn't the easiest person to get along with.
Cassie(amused): Really... and he seems like such a people person.

Mike laughed.

Mike:  I don't mean to pry but...
Cassie: My age thing.  I'm 19. I have been in the resistance for four years now. Ever since I was rescued from the Visitors Youth Corps.
Mike: Youth Corps?
Cassie nodded cursing at herself again. She said too much.
Mike: My son was in that. Maybe you know him.
Cassie: There were four other units.....
Mike (cutting her off): His name is Sean. Sean Michael Donovan.
Cassie took a deep breath. And shook her head.
Cassie: Nope, sorry. Doesn't ring any bells.
Mike: Are you sure?
Cassie: I was one of its founding members. I was rescued and deprogrammed before the last unit was out of training.  Maybe he was in that unit.
Mike: Maybe. Do you know what happened to them?
Cassie: I don't know.  I'm sorry. I do know a lot of them were put to death when The Leader saw no use for them anymore. I'm sorry, I have to go.

Cassie ran out of the room. Mike stood there stunned at her last statement.

"Good one there Cas," she thought to herself.  Now more than ever she knew she had to keep her secrets.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *
Cougar Mountain, Oregon

A woman woke up and walked toward the window.  She loved to watch the dawn.   Her mind drifted to her friends.  It had been three years since she saw them.  She missed them terribly. Three years of assumed names and running. The thought made her tired she sat down on a chair by the window. A man's arms wrapped around her.  She smiled and leaned against him. We see that is it none other than Elizabeth and Kyle!!

Kyle: You're thinking about Julie and your mother again, aren't you?
Elizabeth: Yes.  I am not sure anymore if we made the right decision.
Kyle: Don't do that to yourself. I disagreed at first but them I saw the logic in it. If we had gone back to them then Diana would have never left up on them. She would hunt them down until she found you.
Elizabeth: I just have this feeling like they need us.  I don't know; maybe it's just me.
Kyle (holding her tighter):  Since when has any of your feelings been just you?? All right let's go.
Elizabeth: Where?
Kyle: To find our friends, of course.
Elizabeth: I love you.

Kyle smiles and kisses Elizabeth gently on the lips.

Kyle: I love you too.  Now lets get going....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *
Kyle drove down a long highway. He looked over at Elizabeth who was sleeping peacefully. He pulled up the blanket he had put over her. That was one thing that hadn't changed in their relationship. Kyle still felt like he had to protect her. Everything else seemed to evolve. When they first met Elizabeth was like a child. He felt like there were things he needed to teach her and things he needed to explain to her. After three years things were different. Now Elizabeth was his teacher, he learned what real love, strength and trust was because of her. There was no one in the world that Kyle trusted more than Elizabeth.  No one he would rather have watching his back than her.  Now
instead of hiding her from the battles they had learned to fight together.  But still Kyle protected her. He looked down at their I.D.'s:  Michael and Sandy Dunne. Everywhere they went, they went as a married couple. Kyle smiled.  He often told Elizabeth if it wasn't for the war they would have been married already.  He looked at her again. She had dyed her hair red this time. She had changed her hair colour so much in the last three years. This time she opted not to cut it.  Although everyone thought they were dead it was better to be safe than sorry. He thought back to three years ago when they were agonizing over their decision.  Kyle knew how important their friends were to them but Elizabeth already had so much guilt over what had happened with The Leader. Endangering her friends was the last thing she wanted to do. Kyle thought back to his sister. He hadn't heard from her since the second invasion. It's one of the main reasons why he and his father were at odds for so long. He went up to Ojai but the town had become a Visitor stronghold. That's how he got caught and put into the internment camp. He had heard from the locals his sister's mother fought hard and died bravely against the Visitors. As for his sister she disappeared. The locals suspected she was sent to a food processing ship. He told no one about her except for
Elizabeth. He told Elizabeth everything. Kyle looked up and saw the sign to Sun Valley.  He would have to start travelling south soon down to Colorado; he knew it was a long way to get to Arizona but the more direct way would have taken them through way too many Visitor strongholds.  So they had to go from Oregon to Idaho to Wyoming to Colorado to Arizona. The hard part would be once they got to Arizona. The last bit of information they received was that Donovan and Julie had fled LA to Arizona. Kyle wasn't thrilled about going to Arizona but Elizabeth had a feeling. Kyle had learned to not doubt those feelings.

It had been two weeks since Donovan and company had got there. Julie worked night and day with the other scientist. She and Donovan had still not spoken of their situation. Ham and Chris grew restless.  Donovan understood they were soldiers; battles made them feel alive. Something they all desperately wanted to feel. Donovan found himself intrigued by Cassie. He saw her watching them often. She hid herself away unlike everyone else who seemed more at ease with their presence there.  Donovan saw the baby from the first day playing with the girl on the porch. He knelt down and the baby giggled.

From above he heard a voice.

Julie: I see you made a friend.
Mike: I guess I did.

Rachel looked around almost frantically. Like she would get in trouble for letting Donovan hold the baby.  Cassie saw the sight from a distance; she tried not to seem to eager to get to them. Little Kyle looked up at his mother and

Kyle: MAMA!!

Donovan looked at Cassie shocked. Cassie scooped up the baby.

Cassie: Hey.  Now it's time for your nap.
Cassie scurried away with Rachel two steps behind her.

Rachel: Cas, I'm sorry.
Cassie: It's all right Rae, I'm not mad at you.

Donovan watched them leave.

Donovan: I guess she's protective.
Julie: Either that or she just doesn't like you.
Donovan: You think?
Julie: I don't know, it's like she's trying to avoid you or something.
Donovan: It's probably because I asked her about Sean.
Julie: Why did you ask her?
Donovan: She was in the Visitor Youth Corps.
Julie: Really?
Donovan: Yeah they got her out and deprogrammed her.
Julie: So did she know Sean?
Donovan: No, she said she was one of the founding members.
Julie: Then she did know him.
Donovan: What?
Julie: Remember Mike the briefing with Tyler... he said the Youth Corps was a new unit being trained by Klaus.

Donovan thought Julie was right. Donovan started walking toward Cassie's cabin. He heard Julie shouting at him from behind. Donovan got to the cabin and knocked.   No one answered.  He opened the door. Instinctively he opened the top drawer. He pulled out two pictures the first one was of her and Kyle. Donovan looked at the second one.  He gasped. Just then he heard a sound. Cassie stood at her doorway alone.

Donovan: I was about to ask you the same thing.   I thought you said you didn't know my son.

Donovan held up the second picture it was of her and Sean in Youth Corps uniform.  Sean was behind her holding her.  Cassie tried to snatch it away. Donovan held the other one up.

Donovan: And it seems you know Kyle as well. So tell me Cassie what's going on?

Cassie sat down on the bed defeated.

Cassie (almost whispering): Kyle is my half brother.  Nathan Bates had an affair with my mother. That's why Kyle's mom had a nervous breakdown.  Kyle was really good to us. But when the second invasion happened my mother died and I was sent away. I think that's why Kyle got caught, he came up to Ojai looking for us.
Donovan: Ojai?
Cassie: I knew Sean from the state school there. He would get weekend passes and come to the video arcade a lot. When the Visitors came they rounded all of us kids up. They took Sean away but then they brought him back.  He was wearing a special uniform. That's when I joined up.
Donovan: Why didn't you tell me?
Cassie: I don't know.  I was scared I guess and maybe I wanted to save you from the truth.
Donovan: The truth?
Cassie: When you rescued Sean from the Youth Corps he didn't come back for Diana. He came back for me.
Donovan: What?
Cassie: We promised each other we would never leave the other one behind. After he saw you again he knew something was wrong with what they were teaching us.  But then Diana knew she was losing her grip on him so she
doubled his dosage. For a while Sean was lost to me.
Donovan (now quiet): Go on.
Cassie: When the Tucson Resistance found us, we were so deep in. We tried to kill them. They separated us; finally they broke through to us. Sean and I fell in love. We were so happy for a while. Then Diana found us and Diana
wasn't about to lose Sean. Sean knew that, so in order to keep me safe he went back to Diana and told her he killed me.  I tried several times to rescue him but the last time I did I knew it was too late.
Donovan: What do you mean?
Cassie: Diana had put him through the conversion process again. Sean was no longer Sean. He belonged to Diana. The last time I saw Sean he did try to kill me. So I had to let him go.
Donovan: After everything he went through for you. You just let him go??
Cassie (very upset): You listen to me!  Letting Sean go was like having a piece of me die.  I had to do it. Don't you think I wanted to save him, take him back here and break him until he was "my Sean" again??!! I couldn't; there was too much at risk. To me, to the resistance, even to Sean himself. Do you know what would have happened if we couldn't get through to him.  We would have had to kill him. You didn't see him Donovan. He wasn't there anymore. It was almost like a Visitor that just looked like him.
Donovan: So where is Sean now?
Cassie: The last thing I heard he was now head of The Youth Corps. Doing what Klaus used to do. I wanted to do it on my own... take him somewhere, deprogram him but I couldn't. Sean, the Sean I knew wouldn't want me to.  He risked everything to keep me safe. I couldn't violate that.
Donovan (whispering): He must have loved you very much.
Cassie: It was more than that. Right before Diana found Sean again. We found out something.

Rachel showed up at the doorstep holding Kyle almost on cue.  Donovan looked, really looked, at Kyle for the first time. Cassie took Kyle from Rachel.

Donovan (almost like he couldn't believe it): Your baby??

Cassie nodded.

Cassie: This is Kyle Michael Donovan. Your grandson.

Donovan took the baby from Cassie. It all made sense to him now. Why Mac was so willing to allow them in. Why Cassie had been so distant.

Cassie: This is the reason why Sean sacrificed his life. He wrote me a good-bye letter. It said "My father taught me nothing is more important than your children. He sacrificed his life time and again for me. Now I have to do the same for my child. Please understand and please let me go."

Donovan looked at the baby intently.

Cassie: He has your eyes.

Donovan sat there holding his grandson trying his best not to break down in tears.

Just then a siren went off. Cassie snatched the baby from Donovan's hands and gave him to Rachel. She opened up a secret compartment in the floor and ushered Rachel and the baby in. She kissed Kyle and closed the hatch. Cassie grabbed her gun.  And ran outside Mike followed closely behind her.

Cassie: It's an air raid. Don't fire until you hear the siren turn into a beeping.

From the sky lasers hit the ground; screams could be heard.  Cassie ran over to a small covering. There was a missile launcher. Donovan followed her on cue. The attack continued; soon Chris was there with them.

Cassie: Alright make sure the shuttle is well over the second hill then fire!
Donovan: Where are you going?
Cassie: To the research centre. Stay here! Do as I say!

Cassie took off. She saw one of the scientists running out of the centre with a sliver brief case.  The arsenal continued and still the siren stayed steady. Finally the shuttle flew off. People started coming out again.

Chris: That's it?
Donovan: This doesn't make sense.

They heard a noise. They turned and saw Ham standing behind them.

Ham: It makes perfect sense. The Visitors can't get up here to see what's being hidden up here. They only suspect there are people up here. Every time they send a team up here they choke on the red dust. That's why Willie can
only come out during the day. At night he has to stay indoors in a heated environment.  If they fire back it's as good as giving them an invitation to the party.
Donovan: So they just hide here and take the hits?
Ham: They have their reasons, Gooder.
Chris: All of a sudden you're a convert?
Ham: No, I just get it now. They are trying to win the battle. They are trying to win the whole damn war. I just don't know about this new red dust.
Donovan: Julie says it looks good; we'll just have to see.

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