The Novels of "V"
"The Chicago Conversion"

Publishing Information
Author:  Geo. W. Proctor
Publisher:  Pinnacle Books, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018
ISBN:  0-523-42429-9
Canadian ISBN:  0-523-43417-0
Copyright:  1985, Warner Bros., Inc.

Very well written; one of the best in the series.  Both humans and Visitors are rendered realistically, and the plot is both concise and interesting.  Even minor characters are more detailed than is sometimes seen of the major players in the other V novels!

Major Plot Points


Memorable Moments
p. 92  Sam, Janus, and Jennifer escape from the Chicago Mothership
In horror he watched the woman fall down the shaft.
The terror twisting his face abruptly washed away in a wide grin.  Jennifer didn't fall; she floated.  In her sky diver's position, the hurricane rush of air was almost a complete counterforce to her weight.  Instead of plummeting to her death, she sank slowly down the shaft to gently alight on the pumps below...
"Sam, I cannot ..." Janus's face was white as a sheet, his eyes saucer wide.
"Yes, you can!" Walker shouted.  "It's the only way ... You'll do it even if I have to push you!"
Arm about his friend's waist, Walker tugged Janus to the gaping mouth of the shaft.  "Now raise your arms and spread your legs!"
While the old man complied, Walker gave his back a nudge.  Janus fell forward.  Curses minutely detailing the younger man's parental relationship to a female dog, his preferred sexual partners, and the eternal destination of his soul yowled up the shaft while Janus floated down to land on the pipes.

p. 170  The Resistance prepares for their final confrontation with the Visitors
There were no professionals here.  Chicago's police had their hands full keeping their postwar city from exploding.  In spite of the increased food and medical supplies, there were still shortages.  Riots were a common daily and nightly occurrence.  Except for three helicopters which would be sent in as air support five minutes after the attack began, the police had left Gerald and his force to Paul Nordine.
The black-clad warriors crouched here were ordinary people who refused to see their planet sucked dry by alien invaders.  Without question they had answered Paul's call to arms.  They came to fight an enemy that they had been reassured had been driven from the face of their world forever.

The Back of the Book...

A Red Cloak is Falling over Chicago...

The resistance fighters' armada of small aircraft dots the sky.  Behind each one streams a red contrail of
Visitor-fatal toxin - certain death to the aliens.

But there is one alien leader who will not run and hide in the vast darkness of space - one ruthless Visitor
with a plan to "convert" the resistance and win back the Earth.

Meanwhile, in the city below, a man and a woman who found refuge, and each other, on the bleak edge of
the battlefield, are about to risk their lives and their love to stop the deadly consequences of ... The Chicago

Ordering Information
All of the "V" novels are currently out of print.  However, you can often find used copies at reasonable prices
at the Advanced Book Exchange.

Previous Novel:  V: The Pursuit of Diana
Next Novel:  V: The Florida Project

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