The Novels of "V"
"The Crivit Experiment"
Publishing Information
Author:  Allen Wold
Publisher:  Pinnacle Books Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018
ISBN:  0-523-42466-3
Canadian ISBN:  0-523-43441-3
Copyright:   1985, Warner Bros., Inc.

Much better than Wold's next effort, "Below the Threshold".  The storyline is interesting if somewhat bogged
down at times in technicalities and scientific detail, and his original characters are fairly well developed.  Chris
Farber even puts in an appearance!

Major Plot Points


Memorable Moments
p.70  Durk describes his experiment in crivit-baiting to Professor Barnes
"Just a minute," Barnes said.  He got up from his desk, went around to the door, looked out into the hall, and then closed it carefully.  "Sit down," he said, all trace of condescension gone.  "What happened to the goat?"
Durk sat on the edge of the chair.  "You see those movies about submarines?  How they come along under the water, and all you see is a wake moving toward the enemy ship?  Well it was just like that, only it was coming
through the sand."
"What was?"
"I don't know.  But it came awfully quickly.  And when it got to the goat, two big snaky arms came up out of the sand and grabbed the goat and dragged it down."

pp. 108-109  Durk experiences the crivits first-hand
His concern with the immediate and practical consequences of this invasion so occupied him that he was halfway back to his tractor before he became aware of the sound that had begun when he'd turned away from the source of the burrows.  Something like cement sliding down a cement truck's chute, something like the movement of rocks under water, it had grown steadily louder until at last it penetrated his consciousness.  He froze for a moment, listening.
And even as he did so he knew he should be running instead.  Though he'd never heard a sound exactly like that before, he knew without doubt what it was - a crivit coming through the soil.
...  He took a step, then saw, two rows over, the tops of bean plants just fifty feet away rise up a few inches. A few seconds later and the next row did a similar lift.
And then he saw it - a mound in the soil moving toward him at a rate that seemed phenomenal.  He made a small sound in his throat, remembered once seeing a cotton rat standing frozen as a blacksnake approached, and then he broke, turned, and ran across the field, trampling rows of beans as he crossed them.  He couldn't help himself, he had to look over his shoulder, and the moving mound, with loose dirt flying into the air, was right behind him, not ten feet back.  He put his head down and ran as hard as he could.

The Back of the Book ...

The Beast is Loose ...

A new alien plot has been hatched - as vicious and inhuman as the Visitors themselves.  In the Piedmont
Mountain region of North Carolina their top biologists, led by the coldly brutal Visitor Leon, are breeding
crivits - a new life form of great power, appetite, and ferocity, which burrows in the sand and waits to pounce,
destroy, and devour.  The Visitor plan is to turn them loose in great numbers up and down the eastern beach
coasts - where they can disrupt communications and kill thousands of people.

Scientists Mark Casey, with the aid of some resistance-inspired students, has uncovered the scheme but cannot
locate the secret breeding grounds.  For that he needs the help of the locals - who distrust him and his fellow
outsiders almost as much as the deadly Visitors!

Purchasing Information
All of the "V" novels are currently out of print.  However, you can often find used copies at reasonable prices
at the Advanced Book Exchange.

Previous Novel: V: The Alien Swordmaster
Next Novel: V: The New England Resistance

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