V: The Series
About The WebMistress
That's right -- Cassie is the mastermind behind this website!!

General Information

Name:  Cassiopeia, though she generally prefers Cassie.  Of course, she also answers to "Sweetie",
            "Baby", etc.  (No, she's not spoiled!)
Date of Birth:  September 18, 1996.  She's not adverse to receiving birthday presents.
Family:  Besides me (her adoptive mama), Cassie also has a biological mom and one sister (currently
             residing with Sue) and one brother (whereabouts unknown at this time -- Cassie says: "Hey
             bro, drop me a line!")


Other Interests

Cassie loves music.  Good thing, because it's playing all the time in this house.  Fortunately we have the same taste:  Depeche Mode, The Mission, The Stray Cats, The Dream Academy, Queen, Maria McKee, and too many others to name.

Though she's not too fond of books or movies (except Elvis, of course), she lets me indulge my addiction to them, as long as it doesn't cut into her catnip money!  She particularly likes cuddling just when I'm getting into the latest Clive Barker or Laurell K. Hamilton offering!

So now you know.  You didn't really think this was going to be about me, did you?  :-)

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