0:441h                   Last Diskette Drive Operation Status
 Length: 1 byte
    Holds the status of the last diskette drive operation.
               Value           Last Diskette Drive Operation
                00h            No error
                01h            Invalid command
                02h            Address mark not found
                03h            Attempt to write on write-protected disk
                04h            Sector not found
                06h            Diskette change line active
                08h            DMA overrun
                09h            Attempt to DMA across a 64K boundary
                0Ch            Media type not found
                10h            CRC data error
                20h            Controller failure
                40h            Seek failure
                80h            Drive not ready
    Use INT 13h, Service 01h, to obtain this information.


This page last updated on Fri Nov 30 10:49:50 MSK 2001
Copyright © 1992-2001, Vitaly Filatov, Moscow, Russia