!                Literal-Character Operator 
 $                Location Counter Operand 
 %                Expression Operator 
 &                Substitute Operator 
 *                Multiplication 
 +                Addition or Unary Plus 
 -                Subtraction or Unary Minus 
 .                Structure Field-Name Operator 
 /                Division 
 :                Segment-Override Operator 
 ;;               Macro Comment 
 <>               Literal-Text Operator 
 []               Index Operator 
 =                Create Absolute Symbol 
 .186             Enable 80186 Instructions 
 .286c            Enable Real Mode 80286 Instructions 
 .286p            Enable Protected Mode 80286 Instructions 
 .287             Enable 80287 Instructions 
 .8086            Enable 8086 Instructions 
 .8087            Enable 8087 Instructions 
 AND              Bitwise Logical AND 
 ASSUME           Associate Segment with Segment Register 
 AT               Define Absolute Segment 
 BYTE             Align Segment on Any Byte Address 
 BYTE             Data Type for 1 byte 
 COMMENT          Enter Multi-Line Comment 
 COMMON           Define Overlapping Segments 
 .CREF            Enable Cross-Reference Listings 
 DB               Define Byte 
 DD               Define Doubleword 
 DQ               Define Quadword 
 DT               Define Ten-byte Unit 
 DW               Define Word 
 DWORD            Data Type for 4 bytes 
 DUP              Duplicate Occurrences 
 ELSE             Assemble If Condition Not Met 
 END              Terminate Module 
 ENDIF            Terminate Conditional Block 
 ENDM             Terminate Macro or Repeat Block 
 ENDP             Terminate Procedure Definition 
 ENDS             End Segment or Structure Definition 
 EQ               Equal Relational Operator 
 EQU              Create Symbol 
 .ERR             Force Error 
 .ERR1            Force Error during Pass 1 
 .ERR2            Force Error during Pass 2 
 .ERRB            Error If String Is Blank 
 .ERRDEF          Error If Name Is Defined 
 .ERRDIF          Error If Strings Differ 
 .ERRE            Error If False 
 .ERRIDN          Error If Strings Are Identical 
 .ERRNB           Error If String Is Not Blank 
 .ERRNDEF         Error If Name Is Not Defined 
 .ERRNZ           Error If True 
 EVEN             Align on Word Boundary 
 EXITM            Immediate Macro Exit 
 EXTRN            Define External 
 FAR              Data Type for Label in Different Segment 
 GE               Greater Than or Equal Relational Operator 
 GROUP            Define Segment Group 
 GT               Greater Than Relational Operator 
 HIGH             Return High-Order 8 Bits 
 IF               Initiate Conditional Block 
 IF1              Assemble If Pass 1 
 IF2              Assemble If Pass 2 
 IFB              Assemble If Argument Is Blank 
 IFDEF            Assemble If Name Is Defined 
 IFDIF            Assemble If Arguments Differ 
 IFE              Assemble If False 
 IFIDN            Assemble If Arguments Are Identical 
 IFNB             Assemble If Argument Is Not Blank 
 IFNDEF           Assemble If Name Is Not Defined 
 INCLUDE          Process Code from External File 
 IRP              Assemble Once for Each Parameter 
 IRPC             Assemble Once for Each Character 
 LABEL            Create Variable or Label 
 .LALL            List All Macro Expansions 
 LE               Less Than or Equal Relational Operator 
 LENGTH           Return Length of Item 
 .LFCOND          List False Conditionals 
 .LIST            Restore Source-Code Listing 
 LOCAL            Create Symbol for Use in Macro 
 LOW              Return Low-Order 8 Bits 
 LT               Less Than Relational Operator 
 MACRO            Initiate Macro Definition 
 MASK             Return a Bit Mask 
 MEMORY           Locate segment as last segment possible 
 MOD              Modulus 
 NAME             Assign Name to Module 
 NE               Not Equal Relational Operator 
 NEAR             Data Type for Label in Same Segment 
 NOT              Bitwise NOT 
 OFFSET           Offset of Expression 
 OR               Bitwise Logical OR 
 ORG              Assign Location Counter 
 %OUT             Display Text during Assembly 
 PAGE             Align on 256-byte Boundary 
 PAGE             Page Control for Listings 
 PARA             Align on 16-byte Boundary 
 PROC             Initiate Procedure Definition 
 PTR              Change Type of Variable 
 PUBLIC           Concatenate All Like-Named Segments 
 PUBLIC           Make Symbol Available to All Modules 
 PURGE            Delete Macro Definition 
 QWORD            Data Type for 8 bytes 
 .RADIX           Set Input Radix 
 RECORD           Define Record Type 
 REPT             Initiate Repeat Block 
 .SALL            Suppress All Macro Expansion Listings 
 SEG              Return Segment Value 
 SEGMENT          Initiate Segment Definition 
 .SFCOND          Suppress Listing of False Conditionals 
 SHL              Shift Left 
 SHORT            Sets Label To SHORT Type 
 SHR              Shift Right 
 SIZE             Return Bytes Used by Variable 
 STACK            Define a Stack Segment 
 STRUC            Define Structure Type 
 SUBTTL           Specify Listing Subtitle 
 TBYTE            Data Type for 10 bytes 
 .TFCOND          Toggle False Conditional Listing 
 THIS             Create Operand at Current Location 
 TITLE            Specify Listing Title 
 TYPE             Return Size of Type 
 .TYPE            Return Mode and Scope of an Expression 
 WIDTH            Return Width in Bits 
 WORD             Align on 2-byte boundary 
 WORD             Data Type for 2 bytes 
 .XALL            List Macro Expansions That Produce Code 
 .XCREF           Suppress Cross-Reference Listings 
 .XLIST           Suppress Source-Code Listing 
 XOR              Bitwise Logical XOR 

This page last updated on Fri Nov 30 10:49:50 MSK 2001
Copyright © 1992-2001, Vitaly Filatov, Moscow, Russia