^ Character Attributes
The ^ character is an escape character used to enter special
characters and character attributes--such as boldface, underlined,
and reverse video.
^b Bold attribute
^n Normal attribute
^r Reverse video attribute
^u Underline (different color on color screen)
^^ Display the ^ character
^Axx Turn on attribute specified by the hexadecimal number xx
^Cxx Display character specified by the hexadecimal number xx
The letters can be either uppercase or lowercase; for example, ^b or
The caret character is used for two different purposes: to change
character attributes (for example, bold or underline); and to display
special characters (for example, the symbol for ASCII 9, which is
normally treated as a Tab, rather than displayed).
Setting Character Attributes
You can include underline, bold, reverse video and other attributes
in the text of both long and short entries by surrounding the text
with the desired caret-character pair. For example, the following
line would appear in the Guides window in bold:
^bThis line is boldface.^b
Note: You should actually type the caret character (the shifted
6 key), rather than holding down the Ctrl key and typing
the letter. (If you actually want the characters ^B to
appear in the text, rather than turning on boldface, type
two carets: ^^B.)
Only one attribute can be on at a time. For example, if bold is on,
turning on underline automatically turns off bold. Attributes are
also automatically turned off at the end of each line.
Only four attributes--normal, bold, underline, and reverse video--are
defined for all monitors; these attributes are translated to display
reasonably on all monitors.
In addition to these four attributes, you can insert any arbitrary
attribute using the ^Axx sequence, where xx is the hexadecimal value
of the attribute you wish to set. Unlike the basic attributes, ^Axx
attributes; are not translated for the different monitors. This means
that attributes visible as colors on a color screen may not appear at
all on a monochrome display.
Displaying Special Characters
The ^Cxx sequence displays any ASCII character. This is useful when
you want to display a character that you can't enter with your word
processor. For example, ASCII 13 is normally interpreted as carriage
return. The IBM PC can display ASCII 13 as a musical note, however.
To display the musical note, use (0D hex = 13 decimal). Other
characters that are often hard to enter are (Backspace),
(Tab), (Line Feed).
This page last updated on Fri Nov 30 10:51:58 MSK 2001
Copyright © 1992-2001, Vitaly Filatov, Moscow, Russia