!File: Reference to Another File
Use the !file command when you wish to create a short entry that
points to another list of short entries.
!file: filename.ngo
The !file command, like all other bang commands, must be typed
starting in the leftmost screen column.
Most of the time, a short entry will expand to a single long entry.
It is possible, however, to create a short entry that expands to
another list of short entries. Unlike a long entry, which can be
typed directly under its short entry, a list of short entries must be
placed in a separate file. The !file command is used to specify this
separate file.
For example, if the file SHRTLIST.DAT contained a list of short
entries, we could write a short entry that expanded to that list with
the following two lines:
!short: This short entry expands into a list.
Notes: You must specify the compiled object file, which will
have the .NGO extension.
Like all ! commands, !file: must be typed starting in the
first column.
This page last updated on Fri Nov 30 10:51:58 MSK 2001
Copyright © 1992-2001, Vitaly Filatov, Moscow, Russia