matherr() Handle Math Error
#include <math.h>
int matherr(x);
struct exception *x; Math exception information
matherr() is called when errors are detected by the math functions.
(See the individual math functions for specific information on when
matherr() is called.) A program can supply its own matherr()
function to provide special error handling.
When an error in a math function occurs, matherr() is called with a
pointer to an exception structure, 'x', that holds the error
information. The structure 'exception' is defined in math.h as:
struct exception
int type; /* type of math error */
char *name; /* name of function causing error */
double arg1, arg2; /* argument(s) of math function */
double retval; /* default error return value */
'type' specifies the type of math error and is one of the following
values (defined in <math.h>):
DOMAIN Argument domain error
SING Argument singularity
OVERFLOW Overflow range error
UNDERFLOW Underflow range error
PLOSS Partial loss of significance
TLOSS Total loss of significance
'name' is a pointer to a null-terminated string containing the name
of the math function that caused the error; 'arg1' (and 'arg2' if the
function accepts two arguments) are the argument(s) that caused the
error; and 'retval' is the value that will be returned by the
function for this error. 'retval' may be changed by matherr(), thus
changing the value that will be returned by the math function. (Be
careful: The return value is used to specify that an error
matherr() returns 0 to indicate that an error still exists, in which
case the math function will print any error messages to 'stderr' and
set 'errno' (defined in stdlib.h) to the appropriate error value.
matherr() returns a non-zero value to indicate that the error has
been corrected, in which case the function should suppress error
messages and should not set 'errno'.
Returns: 0 to indicate that the error still exists and non-zero to
indicate that the error has been corrected.
Notes: The default matherr() error handler just returns 0.
The following functions call matherr(): acos, asin, atan,
atan2, bessel, cabs, cos, cosh, exp, hypot, log, pow,
sin, sinh, sqrt, and tan.
-------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
The following statements demonstrate how you can use the matherr()
function to trap certain errors from specific functions; this example
traps two errors from the pow() function. pow() errors are trapped
so that calls to pow() with 0.0 as the first argument and a negative
second argument will return 0.0 and suppress the error message; calls
with a negative first argument and a non-integer second argument are
re-evaluated with the floor() of the second argument. The default
actions are taken for all other pow() errors, and all errors
generated by other routines:
#include <math.h> /* for pow(), floor(), DOMAIN, struct exception */
#include <string.h> /* for strcmp() */
int matherr(x)
struct exception *x;
if (x->type == DOMAIN && strcmp(x->name, "pow") == 0) {
if (x->arg1 == 0.0 && x->arg2 < 0.0)
x->retval = 0.0;
else if (x->arg1 < 0.0) /* negative 1st arg... */
x->retval = pow(x->arg1, floor(x->arg2));
return (1);
return (0); /* use default actions */
double x;
x = pow(5.5, 10.0); /* no errors, matherr() not called */
x = pow(0.0, -1.0); /* 0.0 returned by matherr(),
errno not set, no error messages */
x = pow(-5, 4.2); /* pow(-5, 4.0) returned by matherr(),
errno not set, no error messages */
x = pow(7.7, 1000.0); /* OVERFLOW error, matherr() called,
default error actions taken */
This page last updated on Fri Nov 30 10:48:32 MSK 2001
Copyright © 1992-2001, Vitaly Filatov, Moscow, Russia