randbwr()                Random Block Write
 #include   <dos.h>
 int         randbwr(fcbptr,reccnt);
 struct fcb  *fcbptr;                    Pointer to structure
 int         reccnt;                     Number of records to be written
    randbwr() uses DOS system call 0x28 to write 'reccnt' number of
    records using the open FCB pointed to by 'fcbptr'.  The records are
    written into memory at the current disk transfer address.  They are
    written from the disk record indicated in the 'random record' field
    of the FCB. If 'reccnt' is 0, the file is truncated to the value in
    the 'random record' field. The 'random record' field will be advanced
    by the number of records actually written and thus gives the total
    number of records read.
    Returns:    The following values are returned, based on the result of
                    0    All records are written
                    1    End-of-file is reached and the last record
                              written is complete.
                    2    Writing records would have wrapped around
                              address 0xFFFF (as many records as possible
                              are written).
                    3    End-of-file is reached with the last record
                randbwr() returns 1 if no records are written because
                there is not enough disk space.


This page last updated on Fri Nov 30 10:48:32 MSK 2001
Copyright © 1992-2001, Vitaly Filatov, Moscow, Russia