Surrender of the Mind

The next day came and went, and Allura again found herself at the helm of castle control. It was her sixth night of the midnight to 6:00am; Keith’s shift. The boys had offered to cover his shifts, but she refused. It distracted her just enough so as to not go completely out of her mind. Throughout the past week, her waking and dreaming hours had been congested with the memories of leaving him on that ship, and it was driving her nearly mad. At least here, in the dark, alone, she could monitor the communications…just in case.

“You need to do something for me, okay? You need to tell Lance right away that we have a situation 461. Can you remember that? A situation 461.”

Allura studied the wall-sized monitor before her.

Galaxy Garrison Protocol: Situation 461
The taking of a Garrison officer or Alliance delegate against that individual’s own will in an attempt to extract information or services from them. Action must be taken immediately to change any pertinent security codes and protocols of a sensitive nature known to that individual. The hostage is to be temporarily decommissioned and denied the rights and privileged therein his or her appointed rank. Consider the hostage and his/her captors to be dangerous to the objectives and operations of the Galaxy Garrison and the Galaxy Alliance.

If Allura had not heard it from Keith’s own mouth, she would have protested such a cold designation to this “situation.” How could she ever consider Keith “dangerous?” It was insulting. But despite her protests, Coran and the rest of the force reluctantly changed every security code on Voltron and in the castle, including the entry code to her chambers. Unbeknownst to the others, she changed that one back.

Allura rubbed her tired eyes with the palms of her hands. It had become increasingly difficult to hide the black circles that had been forming under them over the course of the past couple of days, but no matter how much she tried to sleep, her mind would not clear enough to allow it. Maybe after her shift, she would see Dr. Gorma about one of those sedatives. At least it might give her a break from this relentless anxiety.

If not for knowing that Jeff was his way, Allura would have had serious concern for her sanity. As the hours had turned into days, her heart had succumbed to worry, and then sorrow. More recently, a new overwhelming sensation was filling her days with torture - a voice inside telling her that Keith was already dead, and if he wasn’t, he probably wished he was.

As her imagination turned to thoughts of what they might be doing to him, something startled her. A communication beacon sounded from the control panel, indicating a message coming through. She eagerly jumped to open the frequency. “This is Castle Control on planet Arus. Come in.”

A faint voice sounded from the speaker. It was extremely broken but audible; a man’s voice with a somewhat familiar tone. It made her heart stop for a brief moment.

“Castle control? I have been trying to contact… for hours. Unscheduled meteor showers…in my flight path.

She jumped. “Jeff? Jeff? Is that you?!”

“My ship...damaged...must turn back…engines failing.”

“Jeff? What’s wrong?!”

And that was the last she heard. The frequency went dead, along with her last bit of hope.

Without a moment’s pause, she pulled a slip of notebook paper from a drawer and began to write.

My dearest loved ones,

I ask for your understanding in what I am about to do. We have just received communication that Jeff has turned back because of meteor activity. As Princess of Arus, I have now been forced to make a decision that I believe is in the best interest of my planet and my people.

I have gone to Doom in an attempt to locate our Commander and bring him home. I regret that I am doing this on my own accord, but I fear that you would only forbid me to go. Please understand that this is something that I must do. I will not let Zarkon take yet another King from the people of Arus. Maybe someday, you will forgive me.

I will be traveling by small craft as to avoid their scanners. With God’s speed, we will be returning before the sun sets again. I love you all. Pray for us.


She set the note on the control panel where it would remain until the next morning.

* * * * * * * * * *

Pidge exhaled a gratuitous yawn as he made for Castle Control. He had meant to relieve the Princess earlier, but with all that had happened lately, he managed to sleep in way past his scheduled watch. He would make it up to her tonight and take the evening shift. If anyone needed the extra sleep, it was the Princess.

Along with the rest of the castle, Pidge had watched with increasing concern the Princess’ usual hopeful spirit become dim with despair. Pidge knew that her relationship with Keith had evolved to something beyond friendship as of late, but over the last few days, he was starting to realize just how true that was. If Pidge knew anything about Keith, he would be home soon and this will have all been a distant memory. But somehow, when Pidge looked into the Princess’ eyes, he saw none of the same hope. There was nothing but emptiness. No hope…no worry…no nothing. It was frightening to see her this way, but today was the day that Jeff would land on Doom, and soon, everything would soon be all over.

“Everything will be just fine,” he said out loud as if trying to convince himself.

Pidge put on his best forced smile and entered the control room. It appeared to be empty. “Princess?”

Maybe she ducked out early.

As he went to take the seat at the helm, he noticed a white piece of paper. It looked like a letter. Pidge picked up the note, read it twice, and let it slip from his fingers. He pressed the switch that would sound the castle alarms and waited for the others.

* * * * * * * * * *

Keith spent much of the next day pacing the bare floor of his chambers, trying to relax in the midst of the chaos in his head. After six nights in this dreadful place, his friends had still not attempted a rescue. Did they plan to leave him here to die? Maybe they already figured him dead. But why should it surprise him that no one had come? After all, it was at his own request that they not. But somewhere, in the back of his mind, he never could believe that they would just leave him. Maybe it was for the best. Arus was now living in peace, and he had literally given his life for it. The best he could do right now was survive.

Regardless, this place was really starting to get to him. He had barely slept the night before, waking up periodically in a drenching sweat. Keith had tried everything from reading to jumping up and down just to ease the persistent restlessness that seemed to have invaded his normally healthy, strong body.

Glancing at clock on his chamber wall, the ever-present knot in his stomach began to twist. Soon he would be facing his captors. Even worse, he would be forced to dine with him. Breaking bread with the murderer of his future father-in-law was not first on his list of priorities. He would need all of his senses to get through this, but as it seemed, both his body and mind were failing him.

As if at once, the room began to spin. He tried to sit down, but he missed the bed entirely and fell to the floor. Suddenly, his hands grew numb. The room became cold…so cold. And then as if his body were not his own, it began to convulse uncontrollably.

So this was how his life would end? Here, in the hands of the enemy. But as far as Keith was concerned, this was no longer a life. If they had somehow managed to slowly poison him, so be it. Unconsciousness seemed a peaceful repose, so he didn’t fight the feeling as it overwhelmed him. The darkness came like a warm blanket, and he grabbed on with both hands.

* * * * * * * * * *

He awoke to the cold, hard floor at his back and the sound of a familiar sweet voice in his ears. “Captain? Are you alright, Captain?”

The realization that he was alive was almost disappointing, but he should have figured on not being that lucky. Everything else in his life came with struggle, so why shouldn’t his death? He would have been content to lie there, but the look of desperation in her eyes prompted him to reply.

“Hey, Beautiful.”

She exhaled, apparently relieved. “Thank Heavens! Captain, they sent me for you. King Zarkon and the Prince wish your immediate presence at dinner. Come now, you have to get up.”

Keith let her help him to stand, but again, the room took on a drunken, spinning tilt. Before gravity could again knock him to the floor, he fell back into the chair behind him.

“I don’t think I can. I think…I might be slightly ill.”

She looked at him for a moment with a pity he didn’t quite comprehend. Tears filled her eyes as she struggled with her words. “I’m so sorry! It’s all my fault! I should have told you!”

“Should have told me what?”

She scanned around urgently, her frantic gaze soon coming to rest on a small table at the far corner of the room. She quickly made her way over to it, picked up the plain red bottle of liquid that set upon it, and poured a large goblet full with the stuff. She made her way back, a new expression of panic on her face. “Quickly, drink this! I’ll explain later.”

Keith eyed the familiar red liquor with question. In an instant, the horrible realization hit him. They were poisoning him, and she was in on it!

He tossed the glass down on the table next to him, nearly toppling it. And with only a moment’s hesitation, he lunged forward and grabbed the young servant girl’s arm bruatally. “You bitch! You’re trying to kill me. You’re all trying to kill me!”

She struggled from his grasp, but he held fast. “No! No! I didn’t have a choice…they were going to kill my little sister! She’s the only one I have left!”

Somehow, her terror-stricken eyes burned through to his better senses, and he startled in horror when he realized what he was doing. How could he possibly blame her for trying to save her last living relative from what would probably be a horrible death?

A mad rush of anger for his enemy suddenly overcame him, and he decided then and there that if it took every last bit of his cunning and strength, he was going to end this tonight. Zarkon had claimed his last victim.

Keith released her arm, only to wrap her in a desperate embrace. “I’m so sorry.”

The thought of intentionally causing harm to such a defenseless creature tore at his soul, and for an instant, he thought he might cry. In his arms, he could feel her trembling, and only after several minutes, he reluctantly release her. He started to speak, but she instantly silenced him with a finger to his lips.

“This is my fault, Captain – and now, I will help you. I owe it to my family’s honor to help you.”

He shook his head, but again, she silenced him with a gesture. “I can help you, but you must trust me.”

She looked to the clock, and her urgency increased. “It’s late. If you’re not there soon, they’ll come looking for you, and we’ll both get in trouble.”

Looking over his shoulder, she spotted something behind him and grabbed it. She quickly but carefully unhooked the cape and fastened it to the shoulders of his uniform. She then, after a slight hesitation, retrieved the goblet of red liquor that he hastily disregarded earlier. Nervous but insistent, she offered it to him again. “Captain…please. You have to drink this! It’s not poison, but…you just have to trust me. There’s no time to explain everything right now.”

His logic told him be weary, but her eyes conveyed honesty. Maybe in his haze, he was starting to lose his better judgement, but at this point, he had nothing else to lose. He took the goblet and promptly finished every drop. It slid down easily, creating a familiar pleasant warmth when it hit his stomach. In only an instant, Keith could feel its alcohol calming his frazzled nerves. If anything, he needed a good drink to get through this night.

The sudden, unexpected measure of relaxation it provided was enough to induce a slow sigh.

The girl seemed unfazed by the reaction and went about tugging on his arm in an urgent manner. “Sir! We have to go now. Please!”

Keith shook his head. The room, previously spinning, abruptly halted. The confusion invading his brain lifted, and all at once, he felt fine. More than fine. He wasn’t exactly sure what was happening to him, but at least now he knew what was causing it. The thought made him furious. He tried desperately to stop himself, but the anger that raged inside caught him unaware, and he viciously lunged at her again, this time with animal ferociously.

“You betrayed me,” he said quietly, holding her to him with painful force. “After how nice I was to you, you still find it in your heart to betray me.”

He let his eyes wander over her half-naked form. He was pleased to see that her young body held not even the slightest of imperfections. If he wasn’t already late for his appointment, he might…

“You’re hurting me,” she cried softly.

Abruptly, he threw her down to the bed. “Well, maybe later then.”

With that, he gave her an evil grin and left his chambers for the first time that week. He strode down the unfamiliar corridor, walking faster as his blood boiled hotter. He let the intoxication fill his mind and body, now forgetting where it had come from in the first place. The only thing that was obvious to him was that tonight, Zarkon would meet his match.

* * * * * * * * * *

Keith arrived at the entrance of the royal dining hall with the assistance of yet another of the castle servants. It seemed as though the Castle Doom servants had three things in common: youth, beauty, and near-nudity. No wonder Lotor could never win a battle - he had too many distractions.

He stood before a set of closed iron doors. Unlike his prior encounters with Zarkon, Keith found himself without much apprehension of this evening. His anger seemed to overwhelm even the smallest of concerns. No doubt the King would be heavily guarded, so he would have to use patience rather than haste if he were to get close enough to waste the Great King’s useless life.

Keith nodded to the guard at the door and proceeded inside. The room was dark; the only illumination from a series of candles placed randomly across the extended dining table. At the far end, he could make out the forms of two dark figures, one much larger than the other.

Zarkon stood promptly, his boastful voice echoing across the large room. “Commander! My son and I are pleased that you could join us.” He then gestured casually. “Please, join us.”

Keith surveyed the room as he made his way over to the head of the table where his host was standing to greet him. He noted Lotor on Zarkon’s left and an empty place to the right, no doubt where he was expected to sit. The room had no windows and eight guards. He was definitely close to the King, but if he were to attempt anything, he would most likely pay for it with his life. Zarkon again proved to be tactifully more skilled than his son, and Keith could not currently see any opportunity. He would have to play it safe for now.

Keith gave a quick glance in Lotor’s direction, not able to hide a slight grin when he observed the sour expression plastered across his enemy’s blue face.

“Forgive my son, Captain. He’s just a little upset with you since you’ve been kicking the crap out him for the past two years.”

A little surprised by the remark, Keith still managed to remain stoic in his countenance. He regarded Lotor for a moment but then turned his attention back to his target. Standing so close to him again, Keith was reminded of what had initially made him weary of his enemy during that first meeting only days ago. Zarkon was a great deal taller, even without his immense crown. He was also a large man, most likely a formative warrior in his earlier years. If it had been any other man before him, Keith probably would have been struck with awe. But being what he knew of this wretched man, Keith only felt disgust. The future King of Arus dining with the King of Doom. The idea of such a situation was preposterous. It was like Alice in Wonderland on crack.

Keith was relieved that Zarkon simply gestured for him to sit rather than shake hands because Keith would have been forced to make a scene by refusing. Immediately upon sitting, they were rushed by three servant girls, each attending to a different part of the place setting. A fourth came over and began pouring that familiar red wine that Keith had recently become so familiar with. Keith hadn’t planned to start the conversation, but his current state got the better of him. “Don’t you people ever drink milk?”

The mighty King laughed and stole a side-line look to his unamused son. “What’s the matter, Captain? Do you not enjoy the red wine of Tyrus?”

“Not for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

“My dear Captain, we simply provided it for you. It was your choice whether or not to drink it.”

Keith started to lose his temper. “Well, if someone would have told me it was poisoned…”

“Captain, I assure you that it has not been altered. The red wine of Tyrus simply has certain…effects on those who drink it.”

Keith waited for Zarkon to elaborate, but he did not. The King was most likely hoping for a reaction that Keith did not want to favor him with. Thankfully, another group of servants then entered, carrying silver trays of varied dishes. The King took advantage to change the subject. “I trust that you have been comfortable in your accommodations?”

If Zarkon was going to play this cordial game, so could he. “Thank you. My needs have been well attended.”

Zarkon picked up a similar glass of wine to the one that Keith was currently favoring. “I’m sure they have. She’s quite lovely, isn’t she?”

Keith furrowed his brow at the question. “Who?”

“The personal servant that you were assigned. She is a beautiful creature, yes?”

Keith was quick to pick up the insinuation. No doubt she was assigned to him for more than just bringing his food. Keith was offended by the ploy; if he wanted pleasure, he wouldn’t have to force it from a servant girl.

“She is a nice little girl. My heart breaks for her.”

Zarkon sat back in his chair and regarded his new project with approval. “Now, that is precisely what I like about you, Captain. Your better judgement never seems to fail you. For instance, when you first entered the dining hall, your first instinct was to analyze the situation, perhaps for escape. On the other hand, Lotor’s first act upon entering was to check out the servants.”

His father’s comment seemed to have no effect on the Prince who seemed more than content to sit quietly and stare daggers in his arch rival’s direction.

“Besides,” Zarkon then added, “I’m sure you are quite used to having beautiful women around you back on planet Arus.”

The comment hit him with a forceful blow. The mere mention of her by him was enough to make him lose what remained of his self-control. Luckily, Keith had been waiting for the topic to come up. To get the information he needed, he would have to draw this out.

“I assume that you refer to the Princess Allura?”

The mention of her name was enough to bring to attention the third member of the dinner party. Zarkon noted his son’s reaction with slight disgust, and continued. “She has grown into quite a lovely young lady.”

“As well as a formidable ruler,” Keith added.

Zarkon paused. “She is…very much a formidable opponent. Actually, she was a formidable opponent, as our grievances with Arus seem to have been settled.”

Just the topic Keith had been waiting for. “So you’ve managed to uphold your end of the ‘deal’ so far. I can’t say that I’m not surprised that you’ve managed to keep your greedy little paws off my planet.”

Lotor instantly jumped from his chair. “What do you mean, your planet? Just because you’re lucky enough to work with Allura doesn’t give you the right to…”

Zarkon’s expression soured as he shot a meaningful glare at his most prized embarrassment. “Silence Lotor, or tomorrow you’ll be fed your dinner through an IV tube.”

Keith cocked an amused eyebrow at no one in particular and took the last drink from his glass. He knew that this entire situation must be just killing Lotor. The person he hated most in the world was waltzing right into his place with the apparent approval of his father that he could never get. In the past, Keith had always kept his distaste for Lotor under control because it could have interfered with his duties, but the tables had turned, and revenge was going to be served warm tonight.

Keith sat back and folded his hands comfortably in his lap. “Lotor, don’t call her Allura. I don’t think Her Majesty would appreciate it.”

That seemed to be the last thing Lotor could take. He slammed both fists to the table, the fire burning uncontrollably hot in his yellow eyes. “Father! How can you allow him to sit in my chair and insult me! He’s the Captain of Voltron! Voltron, the very thing that’s made fools of us both! I will no longer stand to be insulted in my own home. It’s either him or me!”

Keith was surprised to see that the outburst didn’t seem to daunt the King in the slightest. In fact, Zarkon barely looked away from the immense slab of meat he was attending to. “I pick him. Guards, take Lotor somewhere where he won’t bother our guest. Somewhere damp and cold would be nice.”

The order was issued with such a light air that one would have thought this was a regular occurrence at Castle Doom. Unbeknownst to Keith, it was.

“Captain, again I apologize for my son. He’s becoming quite expendable as of very recently.”

Keith watched in amusement as the guards pulled away the screaming, ornery Prince.

“He’s going to destroy us all! Father, you’re a fool! Damn you! DAMN YOU BOTH!”

When the doors closed, Zarkon continued as if nothing had happened. “To answer your previous question, Commander; yes, I’ve left Arus to live its little existence in peace.” He paused before going on. “But I am a little surprised that they have not attempted your rescue as of yet.”

“They assume that you’ll attack the minute you detect the lions leaving the planet,” Keith said without much regard for the information he was offering.


The next few minutes passed without conversation. The silence was more comfortable than Keith would have liked. Maybe it was the realization that Zarkon was no longer a threat to him that put him at ease. Perhaps it was due to the fact that Arus, along with his team and his Princess were no longer in danger. Keith almost felt grateful for it. Actually, it was easy to feel almost nothing when the wine had him in its full grip. It was an odd sensation, one definitely not unpleasant. When he was under its influence, the world moved slower and his sensed burned brighter - almost as if he were functioning on a higher level without all of the emotional baggage. The sensation intoxicated him, and it was so much easier just to let it take him than to fight it. It was his own fault before that he had gotten sick from it. After all, if he hadn’t been foolish and tried to resist it, everything would have been fine.

Suddenly, Keith felt a new surge of energy. “Your Majesty, I was wondering if you could favor me with the answer to a question I have been pondering?”

“I will try. Continue.”

“What was the intention behind sending me those anonymous letters with copies of my parent’s death certificates? Was is just to get to me?”

“Get to you how?”

“Well, you knew to squeeze where it would hurt me most. You knew that I would be curious enough to leave the castle and meet this mysterious “Friend.” Wasn’t there a better way to drag me out into the open? I mean, you should have known that you would only succeed in aggravating me. Not the best way to get on my good side and enlist my voluntary services, one would think.”

The King swirled the thick liquid in his glass thoughtfully. He hadn’t expected the wine to be working so quickly. It seemed that his guest was beginning to open up faster than he had anticipated. Perhaps he would proceed with the next phase of the plan earlier than expected. “I apologize for the less than tactful approach, but perhaps I thought you had the right to know of your parents’ fate.”

“Like I would believe anything that came from you!”

“Relax, Captain. Were you not grateful that I exposed the liars who had been using you for all those years?”

“The Galaxy Garrison does not use people! That’s your department.”

“Oh no? Then why didn’t the Space Marshall tell you of their deaths? I’ll tell you why - because he didn’t want to lose his star protégé, that’s why. He was afraid that his little genius might get too upset to pursue a military career. He feared losing his little golden child. Simple as that, my dear Captain.”

“You’re wrong.” But Keith knew he wasn’t. When he had called to verify the certificates, the Space Marshall had said that he could not divulge the information as to why it was kept confidential. Somehow, he had gotten the feeling that he had again been lied to. Something about this didn’t make sense. Maybe Zarkon was telling the truth, however strange the idea might seem.

Keith paused, and then asked the one question that had been burning in his mind ever since his arrival. “Why me?”

The King seemed to become slightly uncomfortable with the question, but his answer was prompt. “This is war. I have possession of something which they hold dear, and I believe you will be extremely useful to me and my empire.”

“That last idea is what will be your undoing.”

The King remained unfazed. “In time, you will see things my way.”


“Or your last breath will be spent watching me snap the neck of your lovely Princess.”

Keith jumped to his feet but went no further as he found eight blasters pointed to his skull.

The King didn’t seem extremely bothered by the incident. He sat back and gestured for the guards to relent. His voice was irritatingly calm. “Sit down, Commander.”

Keith only did so because he was currently the disadvantaged.

Zarkon spoke. “The Princess seems to have quite an effect on the men around her. You know, it is not against Doom protocol for an army commander to take a wife.” He waited for a reply and continued when none came. “She seems to care about you a great deal. Perhaps your paths will again cross.”

“Your Majesty, it’s probably in the best of interests to change the topic of conversation. You will never have Arus, either by conquering it for yourself or having me marry its Princess. I suggest we find another line of discussion.”

The King smiled, amused more by the exchange than anything else. Perhaps it was time for a new topic indeed. “Commander, the time has come for you to fulfill your end of the bargain.”

“What?” Unfortunately, Keith had neither the strength of mind or body to hide his sudden air of nervousness.

Zarkon ignored the reaction. “You will be heading up your first mission two solar days from now.”

Keith swallowed against the dinner that was rising up from his churning stomach. “What will I be…what is the mission?”

“You will be briefed later. And trust me…you will be watched most carefully. I expect nothing less than your finest abilities on this mission, Commander.”

Keith said nothing; he simply nodded. What else could he do? A frightening realization suddenly hit him as his hand went to rub the skin over the healing wound on the back of his neck. “But what about the…?”

“Haggar will disable the implant for you after dinner.” Noting the curious expression on the face of his guest, he added, “Don’t think I trust you that much yet. I just happen to know that you won’t be going anywhere, at least not tonight.”

“Why do I get the impression that you always speak in riddles, Zarkon?”

The King said nothing. He simply pushed his plate aside and rose from the table.

“Commander, I have some business that needs attention. Have a pleasant evening.” He flashed an odd grin and left, leaving Keith to contemplate nothing but the dull ache that was again beginning to form in his head. It seemed the more he drank of this damned stuff, the quicker the withdraw came and the more it hurt. If he were to have any chance at beating this drug, he would have to quit immediately.

Keith stood and headed out to find Haggar’s laboratory. He wanted the implant out and fast. This was going to be a long night.

* * * * * * * * * *

Allura awoke to silence. The last thing she remembered was landing just outside the ten kilometer periphery of the Castle Doom’s sensor range. But where was she now?

She sat up to find herself reclined on a large bed in the center of a gigantic bedroom chamber. It was dark, but she could still see a few other hallways coming into and going from it. Apparently, it was some sort of living quarters.

She stood up slowly, her head still hazy. Suddenly, she got a whiff of a slightly familiar odor on her flight suit. Allura sniffed at it again…something that smelled like rubbing alcohol. The sudden realization sent a chill up her spine. Chloroform – she’d been drugged. Her greatest fear was confirmed when she noticed the designs of the ornaments that hung from the chamber walls - they were Drule.

Somehow she had gotten herself captured yet again. The only question was; where exactly was she? Most likely at the castle. No doubt that Lotor would soon make his appearance. But maybe, hopefully, she could use that to her advantage to find out where Keith was. Lotor just might be naïve enough to fall for the oldest trick in the book, if she could force herself to do it.

Allura shivered. The mere thought of touching him made her ill. Maybe she could simply break out of the room and find Keith on her own. She quickly began searching the dark room for a way out. Unfortunately, there seemed to be none…and that would turn out to be the least of her worries this night.
