From Afar

The Arusian sun had not yet reached a position on the horizon enough to begin casting its morning shadows over the Castle of Lions, and the last of a lingering night cloaked the countryside with a gray sky of dematerializing starlight. The refreshing, cool air pervading these early hours would soon give way to a typical humid, Arusian summer day marked by the absence of clouds, and a blinding, blustery sun treacherous enough to drive even the most ambitious indoors would hang heavy in the sky.

Keith was glad to get his usual 10K morning run in before the temperature turned. Not that heat much bothered him (he had grown up with the worst kind of Southern summers), but it was during these early hours, when the air was cool and clean and the land was crisp and dew-ridden, there was a rare silence to be enjoyed.

In less than an hour, Lion practice would begin, and after, there would be breakfast, the team meeting, security and tactical meetings with Allura and Koran, lunch, team fitness training, Garrison reports, dinner, Voltron/Lion checks, and four hours of sleep. And that was the day if he was lucky. If he wasn’t, Zarkon or Lotor would show up and interrupt his nicely planned regimen, and he would spend the remainder of the day picking up robeast guts from the surrounding countryside. But this time, these brief moments proceeding even dawn’s earliest light belonged to him, and he relished the serenity and peace it brought to an otherwise chaotic existence.

Keith never minded the life he had been given. At twenty-two years old, he was one of a few who stood between the Universe as it was and intergalactic war. For most, the burden would be unimaginable, but the young commander took on the responsibility as if it was meant for him, written in the text of the stars aligning his life. He gladly gave all he had for his team, Arus, and its Princess.

Keith had spent much of the first part of his life wandering aimlessly, looking for his place, for the people who which he belonged. He was had lived alone, no living blood relatives and no one really to answer to but his commanding officers, and occasionally, Lance. But that was before.

His new lot in life was a blessing of sorts, and he was comfortable in his position as the protector of so many. Arus was in him now, and he felt almost a parental responsibility to her and her. These were his people now, the people who which he belonged, and he would do everything and anything to end this war and bring peace to this little corner of space.

Keith’s thoughts were broken by the constant pounding of his own feet against the rocky Arusian soil beneath him. Nearing the end of his run, his breath had become labored, and he sprinted up the last hill which would give way to a view of the castle in the distance. The sun would now be coming up just over the horizon and the castle would be casting its long shadows over the lion monument and that portion of the lake where the Blue Lion rested. He was running late and would have to expedite the remainder of the distance.

Keith had occasion enough during previous outings to notice the Princess’ early morning meandering in her private garden, and he made it a point to be back early enough to watch her from the far bank of the lake, without her knowledge of the fact. Keith had often thought that her “private” garden did not provide very much “privacy,” so he took it upon himself to watch safely from a distance, if only for his own peace of mind. Knowing Allura, she wouldn't much care for someone, especially him, hovering over her, so he was particularly careful to operate as inconspicuously as possible.

Keith tried desperately to treat her just as he did the others, but at the end of the day, it was her station that would not allow it. She needed to be protected from that Enemy which would have her destroyed (or worse), and if that entailed him having to crouch behind bushes and trees to keep both eyes on the proverbial ball, then that was the way it had to be. It was simply his duty to the Throne of Arus as an officer and a soldier.

But then why did he feel like such a voyeur at times?

Occasionally, the Princess Allura would wander outside without having changed for the upcoming Lion practice, and Keith would peer through guilty, hungry eyes as she wafted about the grounds; her thin, pink nightgown blowing in the breeze as she picked that day’s flowers for the breakfast table. Sometimes Keith would even catch her humming a soft melody, one that he had never heard before, but one that now, he couldn’t get out of his head.

Keith surveyed the surrounding terrain, a task which he had found increasingly difficult to carry out as of late. He had always thought of her as physically beautiful, but that fact was known to everyone who met her. His attraction to her was much deeper than that. There was something about her that glowed within, manifesting itself as something beyond recognition. She was good, kind, loving, giving; the embodiment of everything he had dedicated his life to protecting. These were the things he lived for, longed for, and would die for if need be.

Keith cleared the final hill and raced toward his usual post along the far bank, making sure to cover his trek with the thick growth of leafy trees that lined the shore. He was too far away for her to hear him, but she could definitely see him if she looked in his general direction.

Keith noticed that Allura had already made her way outside and was busying herself with the trimming of a yellow rosebush.

From what he could see, the area appeared secure; no sign of danger. The idea of being late almost made him sick with guilt. The chance of something happening were slim, but the Enemy always lurked in shadow, just waiting for him to look away if for just a moment. And that would be all it would take; one single instant, and she would be gone. Keith would be damned if anything happened to her while there was breath in his body, so he would do whatever it took, even if it meant betraying her wishes and sneaking around like a snake in the grass.

Keith often wished he was in a better position to keep a closer vigil over her safety. Perhaps someday, but for now, the current situation dictated that he be very discrete about his protective instincts.

In the past, he had almost convinced himself that the true reason why he had lost countless hours of sleep over her was because of his duty to her and the planet Arus, but lately, he was realizing that it was more. The idea had made him incredibly uneasy at first, but the more he thought about it, the more he knew it to be true, and there was nothing he could do about it. However, in lieu of the unfortunate state of political and military unrest in the galaxy, the pursuit of a personal relationship was at the very least unwise. Any word of the Princess taking a consort would undoubtedly result in retaliation from the Doom Empire, if not from anyone but Lotor. Keith was fairly sure that Lotor would rather see Allura dead than married to someone else (much less his arch enemy), and the risk to her safety was just too great. He could never perpetuate any situation that would jeopardize her life if just for the purpose of entertaining his own corporeal desires. There would be a time and place for that in the hopefully not so distant future, but for now, he would have to be content watching his Princess from afar, who was presently picking blue lilies that he imagined matched the color of her eyes perfectly.

Keith sat back against his favorite tree, carefully hidden amidst the thick, green foliage of high season. Lion practice would begin soon and she would be going in shortly. He would see her then, of course, but for some reason, he almost felt as if their time together was ending. In front of everyone, he was forced to look at her differently and conceal his true feelings, something that was becoming increasingly difficult in the recent past.

Keith’s thoughts stirred restlessly in his head, making it throb slightly. He rested it back against the thick tree trunk and closed his eyes, letting the sweet sound of her melody sooth the tension away.

Lotor was alerted to someone coming up on him at a rapid pace. He crouched behind a large patch of shrubbery and drew his laser sword in ready.

The Doom Prince could not help but be disappointed. It was a rare occasion that he could observe his beautiful Princess tending her morning garden. His father never allowed him the luxury, calling it a “childish, dangerous prank.” Even if he could get by Zarkon, it was an entirely different matter to reach Arus without being detected. He had to fly a smaller ship, one without armaments, and land 15 kilometers west of the castle to avoid the scanners. The rest of the trip was on foot. But the trek was worth the trouble, if just to catch a glimpse of his beautiful angel.

He had only been watching a few minutes when a noise alerted him of an intruder, but fortunately, the pounding footsteps had trailed off into the distance. He was hardly one to shrink from a fight, but at the moment, he was essentially defenseless. A confrontation would be on odds against his favor. Not only that, but he really didn’t feel like a fight today.

Her soft form floated from one end of the garden to the other; she hummed an intoxicating, lilting melody that was unfamiliar to him.

This morning he had been particularly fortunate, for Allura had not yet readied herself for the day. She donned an angelic pink nightgown, her hair tied behind her in a haphazard bun. It was a sight almost too much for him to take. If his ship were closer, he could easily run out and grab her. He could, but he wouldn’t. Not today anyway.

In his deepest of dreams, he wanted her to love him honestly, but life was teaching Lotor that she would never come willingly into his arms, and so in the end, he would be forced to take her against her will. The last thing he ever wanted was to harm her, but if that was what it took, so be it.

These were the thoughts that nauseated him. How could he ever hurt such a delicate, pure creature? The idea sickened him, and he forced down the pangs of guilt that perpetually rested deep within.

Lotor peered out from behind the thick, flowering bushes which camouflaged his blue skin, and his gaze suddenly hardened and his pulse quickened. Across a lush expanse of evergreen, concealed by brush and rock was the source of the footsteps he had heard earlier, the one who he might have battled if he had awoke in foul mood.

The intruder was resting against a tree, apparently oblivious to his presence.

Lotor could barely keep from rushing him. It was hate that he felt, and the primal urge to kill was overwhelming. But it would do no good to reveal himself here and now. His defenses were down, the odds against him, and he would not give himself away for risk of jeopardizing even a second of being in her presence.

Lotor sneered at the man who feasted his eyes on what was rightfully his. When Allura was made his wife, he would castrate any man who even glanced twice at her. Fortunately for the Captain, he would not live long enough to experience that pleasure.

The situation had suddenly become incredibly uncomfortable. Lotor whispered something barely audible in the young woman’s direction and began a silent retreat. As he made his way back to the ship, his hatred for his rival soon gave way to thoughts of his Princess tending flowers in her new garden behind Castle Doom. He allowed these thoughts to swim freely, and soon, he began to whistle the notes of a familiar, sweet melody.
