The Plan

Allura still couldn’t believe that the Galaxy Garrison had given her an officer’s uniform. Wanting to get a better look at it, she laid it out on the bed, and for the past 20 minutes, she’d been trying to convince herself that it was really real.

The dress blues of a female GG officer consisted of a skirt rather than slacks, but Allura didn’t think anything of it. The overall design was plain, but sharp; the fabric was heavy and tinctured a deep, authoritative navy blue with a bit of burgundy and white trim perfectly stitched to the cuffs. It had been immaculately pressed, and seemed almost heavy in her hands. Her jacket wasn’t nearly as decorated as those she’d seen the boys wear in the past, but as she never even attended the academy, she was fortunate to have a uniform at all. Honored, really, for as far as she knew, no civilian had ever received such a gift. Checking closer, she noticed two pins adorning the right breast pocket of the jacket. One was a simple, gold ‘VF’, the other, a small replica of the great seal of Arus. Allura took this to be a wonderful compliment from the GG to her and her people, and she had more than a sneaking suspicion that Space Marshall Graham had everything to do with it. It was just his style to do things like that. Allura had been hearing rumors that he might retire soon, and she really hoped that they were just that - rumors.

Allura was itching to try on the uniform but was already supposed to be getting ready for the ball. If this had been any other party, she would have been tempted to wear it. ‘But not this night,’ Allura thought, as her eyes traveled across the room to the black dress hanging in the closet.

She was still in utter disbelief that Nanny was letting her wear a dress like this, much less that she’d actually purchased it for her. It was just so…sexy. Maybe Nanny was finally starting to come to her senses. Allura was a woman now; she shouldn’t be made to dress like a little girl. It would be nice if that were the case, but more likely, Nanny was just trying to take her mind off things by letting her have a little fun. After all, there wasn’t much reason for celebration. Abruptly, she cut off the train of thought. Later, she decided. She didn’t care to think about that until tomorrow. For now, there was something else on her mind…something that required her full attention…something she needed to do. Problem was, she wasn’t actually sure how to go about doing it.

Earlier in the day, Allura had sent a message to Planet Pollux care of her cousin, Romelle. The note read, “Romelle, please come early. I need some assistance…Al.”

Allura definitely needed someone’s help, simply because she’d never really had any experience with this sort of thing in the past. Besides, Romelle was the perfect person for the job, due to her…present situation (namely, one handsome Scandinavian boyfriend). On top of that, Romelle had always reigned supreme when it came to the flirting department. Allura needed some advice, and fast. Time was running out on her last chance. As Allura took to the frustrating task of pinning up her long, blond tresses, there sounded a knock at the door.

Princess Romelle had come earlier than expected. She had thought the message from Allura seemed a little…odd. Allura wasn’t one to be mysterious about things, so Romelle became a bit concerned and had talked Sven into accompanying her to Arus a couple hours ahead of schedule. ‘Like he would say no,’ she thought, holding back an amused grin.

Allura composed herself, forced a smile, and opened the door. “Romelle! I’m so happy to see you! How was the trip? Where’s Sven?”

Romelle cut her short, “Never mind all that! I want to know about this “assistance” you require of me.” Romelle gave Allura an inquisitive stare, but she had a pretty good idea that she was about to become part of some delicious secret.

Allura glanced quickly down each end of the hallway before grabbing Romelle’s arm and promptly pulling her inside.

“You didn’t tell Sven about this, did you?”

“About WHAT?!”

“Just promise,” Allura grabbed both of Romelle’s arms and attempted a semi-threatening stare, “you won’t tell him!”

Romelle was getting impatient. “I won’t…just out with it already!” Just then, Romelle noticed something hanging in Allura’s closet. “Wow, great dress! Does Nanny know about that yet?”

As if she hadn’t heard Romelle at all, Allura began to speak excitedly. “Okay, here’s the situation…” Abruptly, she stopped and began again, choosing her words carefully. “Romelle, how did you get Sven to…to…notice you?”

‘Finally,’ Romelle thought. ‘It’s about time.’ She spoke, her amusement rising. “How about a deal, cousin? If you relax the grip a little, I’ll tell you.”

Allura hadn’t realized she was still holding onto poor Romelle’s arms with most of her strength. “Oh, sorry,” she whispered, slightly embarrassed.

Romelle was so pleased to see Allura finally take this kind of initiative. A little down to the wire maybe, but it was better than never.

Allura had sunk down into the chair facing her dressing table. She sat for a moment in silence and slowly looked up, only to meet her own reflection in the mirror. Never did she actually expect to see the sadness on her face (or was it desperation?).

Her friend’s discomfort was obvious, and Romelle wasn’t going to make her stumble through a confession. “Let me take a wild stab at it - you’re in love with Keith, and you want to do something about it tonight.”

Allura’s expression turned into one of absolute horror. “How did you…?! But I never…! Oh my God! Is it THAT obvious?”

“No,” Romelle stopped her friend before she could go any further. “No, it’s not THAT obvious. And no, no one told me. I just know you well enough, that’s all.”

What she really wanted to say was, “Yes, it IS obvious. We all see it. Why can’t the both of you?”

On numerous occasions, Sven and Romelle’s private conversations had led to this very topic. Sven had actually been the first to bring up the subject. He had just spent the day with Keith, going over some defense plans for Pollux. Sven couldn’t help but notice that Keith hadn’t stopped talking about Allura all day. Everything out of his mouth was, “Allura this, or Allura that…when Allura shot that robeast, or when Allura saved so and so.” Sven had to try to conceal his amusement every time her name was mentioned.

Romelle would definitely want “in” on this plan. After all, Sven was always saying that “trouble” was her middle name – a Terran expression, she’d learned. “Allura, are you positive you want my help?”


“Okay, but you asked for it!” Romelle adopted an expression of purposeful mischief, and began to size up Allura’s appearance. “First of all, we need to take those hair pins out. You’ll be wearing your hair down…definitely.”

The two women spent the next three hours in Allura’s room - talking, laughing, and planning.

While they were happily amusing themselves, plotting against the poor, unsuspecting Captain, Nanny had stopped by to deliver a message. Coran had to see about greeting some of the local dignitaries at the docking bay, and he was “regretfully” unable to escort her to the ball. He had, however, arranged for escorts to pick up both Princesses when the time came.

“I wonder who your escort will be?” Romelle mused with obvious sarcasm.

Just then, there was loud, impatient knock at the door.

“Just a second,” Allura sang through the door.

“How do I look? Do I look okay? Is anything hanging out?”

“Allura, you look beautiful! Now just relax and put your game face on. It’s show time.”

Both of the giddy princesses put on their “best behavior” appearances as Allura reached for the door.

“Good evening, ladies. My, you both look lovely this eveni…Allura? Damn! That dress is…WOW!”

Allura managed a smile. She should have expected that Keith wouldn’t come. “Thanks Lance. I’ll take that as you think I look nice.”

Lance could only nod. “Form Blazing Sword.”

“What was that Lance?”

“Hey, you boys look great,” offered Romelle, saving Lance from repeating what he hadn’t meant to say aloud.

Sven and Lance, being of the same rank, wore almost identical uniforms, save for the addition of a familiar set of pins to Lance’s jacket, the same ones that adorned Allura’s.

Allura had always seen Lance as a good friend. Actually, they were great friends. Lance lived for mischief, and Allura loved that about him. It was a part of her personality that she usually had to suppress, but around him, she could let that part of her out. And of course, he was a really attractive guy. Allura had always thought Lance to be extremely handsome. The problem was, so did he. A definite heartbreaker, for sure. She might have thought about it once or twice, but for many reasons, she’d quickly put it out of her mind. No matter, she would still miss him dearly.

Sven offered his arm to Romelle. “Well ladies, I do believe that you’re expected somewhere.”

Allura readied herself, and exchanged a private look of “oh well” with Romelle before linking her arm with Lance’s.

As they began making their way down the familiar hallway leading toward the great ballroom, Lance couldn’t help but notice how cozy the Princess was starting to get on his arm. But there was nothing wrong with that, right? After all, she was his friend, too. But somehow, he got the impression that she wished him to be someone else.

They were almost to the entrance now, and Allura could tell by the noise that it was a large crowd. Unconsciously, Allura pulled Lance even closer to her side. She’d always hated big crowds.

Lance leaned over to whisper privately. “Allura, when Coran asked one of us to escort you tonight…Keith wasn’t there – he was setting up some last minute security. He wasn’t even in the room.”

“Oh? I hadn’t even thought about it.” Well, at least Keith hadn’t just flat out dumped her into someone else’s lap like she’d originally thought.

Allura flashed a lingering, flirtatious smile in Lance’s direction, who’d already figured that he had somehow become an unwilling participant in an evil, chick plan.‘Oh well, Keith does need a good kick in the pants. May as well help her out.’ Silently, Lance resolved to play along. Maybe he'd even help her out.

“If you’re going to use my gorgeous manliness, Princess, at least let me in on it. I enjoy scheming too, remember?” Lance volleyed the flirtatious smile right back.

Allura blushed, but the expression on his face had all but told her that he was, even now, her partner in crime. With that, Lance pulled her just a little closer, and they entered the ballroom.
