Welcome to WharfeAire Reg'd
Airedale Terriers
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Owned and run by Wanda & Ron Purvis

Hollytroys Design A New Tiger
"Lacy" at 7 months old.
By 18 months she earned her Canadian CD title
Giving her the name Ch. Hollytroy's Design A New Tiger, CD
" Lacy " Ch. Hollytroys Design A New Tiger, CD was bred to
" Jay " Multiple BIS, BISS, Am. Can. Ch. Oakrun's Blue Jay Of Paradym
Here is the litter of 6 at 8 weeks old.

Other champions are:
Ch. Hollytroy WharfeAire's Cadet "
Joey "
Ch. Stone Ridge WharfeAire Athena " Missy "
Our First home bred,Ch. WharfeAire Eagleye Overview " Tug "
"New" Tug is standing at stud.
At age two 2006, Tug is OVC Clear.. And.. OFA Good.
He has been tested for fertility and is NOT sterile.
With a pedigree like his, and his good looks it
is an honor for me to say I bred him. Tug is the Blue pup just above.
Other Airedales we own or Co-own
Click on the names to go to their page.
Our first home bred female.. Tug's sister, WharfeAire's Paradym Shift " Stasis "
Stasis is now sitting on 6 points
are sweet and love to greet
the run they have such fun
and race all over the place
so dark they steal your heart
time and night time they always want my time
or asleep they will kiss your cheek
of love when I come home
day they treat use well
them sleeping at my feet
Purvis 2005
About us and the WharfeAire gang! click here |
Airedale breed Standard & " click here "
WharfeAires Breedings and Puppies |
My favorite " links " about all kinds of things |
Welcome to my " grooming " page! |
WharfeAire Airedales in " Obedience " |
You Can Email me at:
wharfeaire@cogeco.ca |
The latest Show News:
Ch. Stone Ridge WharfeAire Athena.
In Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
This August 2005, at 4 years of age won:
The First day, BOB, Group 3rd
Second day: BOB, Group 1st
Third day: BOB, Group 1st

"Tuggers "
Our first litter has produced, in a very short time our first Champion.
Tug has earned his Championship in three days of showing, finishing with a 5 point win.
Ch. WharfeAire Eagleye Overview
He was a champion before he won his first breed win.
At 17 months old he already has a group 3 under his belt.

Coming and Going
We here at WharfeAire,
are happy to say the next breeding for Missy will be to our own Tuggers.
Stone Ridge WharfeAire Athena
Ch. WharfeAire Eagleye Overview
Please drop in and " sign " my guest book you can " View " my guest book! |
© By Wanda Purvis 2005