O Tannenbaum II

Words by Hilda Marshall

<bgsound SRC="../YuleMIDI/oTannenbaum.mid" loop=4>
Tune:  "O, Tannenbaum"

O tannenbaum, O tannenbaum
How true you stand unchanging!
O tannenbaum, O tannenbaum
How true you stand unchanging!
Your boughs so green in summertime
Remain as green in wintertime
O tannenbaum, O tannenbaum
How true you stand unchanging!

O tannenbaum, O tannenbaum
Your message is enduring!
O tannenbaum, O tannenbaum
Your message is enduring!
Of all the trees of field and hill
You best recall the Lady's will
O tannenbaum, O tannenbaum
Your message is enduring!

O tannenbaum, O tannenbaum
You teach us hope and patience!
O tannenbaum, O tannenbaum
You teach us hope and patience!
Through icy day and frozen night
You bear the promise of the Light
O tannenbaum, O tannenbaum
You teach us hope and patience!

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