Outdoor Walking & Hiking Clothing, Boots, Gear And Other Links.
Whalley Warm & Dry For Outdoor Clothing! Specialists In Cut Price Paramo.
I Know The Service Is First Class & FREE POSTAGE TO UK!
Use Paramo outdoor clothing, cos it uses Nikwax. I Do!
I Also Use Nikwax, Cos It's Brilliant Stuff!
Click to go to those VERY Nice People at
Outdoor clothing thats Just A Little Bit Special!
GPS Navigation? Try This Site!!
A subscription, walk download site, with over 1000 walks to choose from!
Great outdoors website. News, reviews, weather and a touch of humour!
Need I say more?
If you live in the North East of UK, and want to walk your Dog, this is the site for you!
Fancy a visit/walk in the Anglezarke/White Coppice Area? Try here!
Other Outdoor Gear Shops, and Personal links.
In no particular order, but try them! plenty of cheap gear!
Rock n Run. including clearance lines.
Manufacturers Websites.
Boot repairers.
MTN Boot repairs and Made To Measure Outdoor Clothing.
Others sites of interest.
Personnel web pages, and others.
Want to join Scouting? Need to do something useful?
Skills or experience to pass on to youngsters?
Please click on link below.
"Friends or More is an ideal place to find friends, companions, walking partners,
people who share your interests. Join in or organise events
Interested in Aircraft?
Model and full size planes. Website with lots of photo's, advice and links.
Fancy some real wildlife?
Others will be added! Know any?
Last update-24th December 06