
1.what does the first readable fan banner say at the begging of the video?
2.What colour is zac's drum kit in thinking of you?
3.finish this sentence.Taylor says "it a whole different level when....."
4.How many days prior to the pAramus Park mall apperance was MON realesed?
5.What don't hanson do in the mmmbop video clip that TAy mentions before the clip is
shown?HINT: it's something to do with "caves"
6.What song is playing during the first shot of the Eiffel tower?
7.What channel station is the 1st Italian radio interview shown?
8.During the photo shoot Ike say this is photo shoot # ???? well actually it's number????then tay says it's #???????fill in the question marks
9.What amount of decibles did the crowd reach at Toronto, CaNADA?!?!
10.Which hanson is the retarded one in IKE"S documentry of the REDWOOD trees?!
11.What did they build along the beaches of SYDNEY!?
12.Where was the Melbourne apperance held at?
13.What did tay say about the caes in BALI!?!?
14.What's the only rule at a hanson concert?
15.how long do REDWOODS live for appx?
1. tay misses giving a high five to one of the back up players before the TORONTO canada
concert. 2. Ike plays with his ring while talkng about the Where's the live video.
3.Zac is the first person to go the sling shot ride with ike, hanson does stupid stuff part 1.
4. Hanson have always wanted to go to JAPAN.
5. the first song hanson sings at the BEACON theatre in NY is" thinking of you."
the first correct answer get some posters sent from AUSTRALIA and so does second. cool
huh?!?!/so get that video!!!!
