The Songbird by Eon chapter 1 - The Beginning Things were bad enough. But it all had to come down to this. Link sighed. Ever since his Grandfather and the six Sages had sealed Ganondorf away in the Sacred Realm, everyone thought all was safe. But Link knew they were wrong. 15-year-old Link sat in the Courtyard with his Grandfather. Grandfather Link was playing the Ocarina. Link sighed. He didn't want to learn the Ocarina. He wanted to learn the harp. "Link." A voice called. Both of them looked up. "Not you Grandfather." Rhiannon said. Rhiannon was Link's sister. Her long blonde hair hung all the way to her ankles, almost as long as her skirt was. "No one wants me anymore." Their Grandfather said, but he was smiling so they knew he was joking. "What's the matter, Sis?" Link asked, standing up and kissing his sister's cheek "Cara wants you. You need to be ready for court supper tonight." Rhiannon replied. "They want me to choose who I'm to marry tonight, don't they." Link sighed. "I fear so, Brother. But I am happily married, so I'm sure you will be too." Rhiannon said. Rhiannon was 23 years old. "No way!" Link exclaimed. "You can't wait around forever, Link." Rhiannon said. She turned and walked out of the Courtyard. Link sighed and sat down. "You know my boy, it didn't used to be this way." Grandfather said. "I know Grandfather. You've told me. I'd better go now." Link said. Link stood again and walked out of the courtyard. He walked slowly barely lifting his feet. Cara would be angry with him, but he didn't care. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sora sat, playing her harp on top of the gate near Hyrule Castle. She wanted to watch the sunset from here. It was her favorite spot. Below her, court ladies were arriving to meet Prince Link. Sora smiled. Boys were a waste of time, according to her. Though she was curious about his Majesty. She was curious about everything. "I hear he's very handsome." A voice below her said. "Mm&ldots;do you hear the haunting music?" Another voice asked. "Yes. It's quite lovely." The first one said. Sora smiled. She, of all things, wished to play her harp for people. The guard lets her sit on the gate, just to hear her music. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Link tried to smile. Many of the ladies here were beautiful. But he just couldn't be happy. He wanted to die. "Lady Oliana." Was announced. Oliana was fair skinned with green eyes and long black hair. "Lady Danika." Danika had blue eyes and long blonde hair. "Lady Talia." Brown hair and blue eyes. Boring, Link thought. All these girls are boring. They weren't adventurous or interesting. And Link doubted any of them could play the harp. "That music was absolutely beautiful." Oliana was saying. "Yes it was quite lovely. Did you hear it Talia?" Danika asked. "Why, yes. It was delightful." Talia replied. Music? Link edged closer to the three girls. He tried to hear more of the conversation without them noticing him. Fat chance! "Why, Link!" Oliana exclaimed. "What brings you over here?" "I was um&ldots;I heard you talking about some strange music." Link stuttered. "Oh yes. When you walk under the castle gate this most haunting music- oof!" Oliana elbowed Talia in the ribs. "Would you like to dance?" Oliana asked. "Oh no thank you." Talia said. "Not you!" Oliana snapped and then turned and smiled at Link. "Um&ldots;I think I hear Cara, my nursemaid calling me." Link said. He turned and tried not to run out of the ballroom. Link did start to run when he was finally out of the castle. He ran all the way to the castle gate before stopping and leaning up against it to catch his breath. The haunting music stopped at once. A dirt-smudged face and a tangle of blue striped gold hair peered over the edge of the gate. "Are you okay?" asked a soft melodious voice, much like a songbird's. "Yeah. Just had to escape." Link replied. The girl laughed. "Oh I'm sure. The fine court ladies too much for ya, eh?" The girl asked. She entered the small room that led down from the gate, opened the door and stood leaning against the doorway. It was then that Link noticed a harp in her hands. "You play?" Link asked, indicating the harp. "Yeah." The girls said. "Cool. I'm Link. What's your name?" Link asked. "The Prince huh? Well then Majesty, I'm Sora." Sora replied. Link laughed. "No please. Call me Link." Link said. "Whatever you say, Highness&ldots;um Link." Sora said. Link looked Sora over. She was fairly tall, almost the same height as him. Her hair was streaked with blue and hung only down to below her chin. She wore Kokirish clothing, although her clothes were red. Her eyes were purple. "You sure are&ldots;interesting for a Hylian." Link said. "Is that a complement? Actually, I'm part Sheikah." Sora smiled. Link now noticed that her clothes weren't quite that Kokirish. There was the Sheikah symbol, the eye in white on her shirt. Her pants were baggy and her boots came up to her knees. "Really? Well, that explains the harp." Link said. "Mm&ldots;I heard a rumor that the Prince of Hyrule would like to learn to play the harp." Sora said. "Yeah." Link blushed. "Maybe I could teach you. I've got lots of free time." Sora offered. "Really?" Link's blue eyes lit up. "Sure. If your parents allow it." Sora said. "I'm sure they will! Thank you very much!" Link exclaimed. He ran to go tell his parents. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "Link! There you are!" Lady Oliana stepped in front of Link as he rushed to get to his parents. "Oh hey Oliana." Link said. "Come now! Aren't you gonna give the prettiest lady here a dance?" Oliana asked. "I would. But my mother is occupied right now." Link replied. Oliana winced at the subtle insult. "That's so sweet. Well then, would you settle for the second prettiest lady here?" Oliana smiled. "My sister is married." Link said. "Well!" Oliana huffed and stomped away. "Link!" Cara stood, arms folded across her chest. "Sorry Cara. I just&ldots;I'm only 15!" Link said. "I know. Go to sleep then Link. You need your rest." Cara sighed. Link walked off to go to bed. He hated being Prince of Hyrule. All he wanted was to be free of his responsibilities. Like&ldots;like Sora. Link grabbed a bag and started putting clothes it in. He had to get away from here. Even if it meant sneaking out and possibly getting in trouble. He rarely ever got to go out of the castle. Link rummaged through a chest and pulled out his bow, a quiver full of arrows, and a sword. He also pulled out a hooded cloak. Link finished packing. Now he was angry, angry with his parents for making him choose whom he'd marry, angry with Cara for trying to make him choose too. Link walked out of his room and stomped down the hall. It wasn't long before he ran into Lady Oliana. "Link! Funny meeting you here." Oliana said. "Yeah. I was just&ldots;going for a midnight walk." Link lied. "With all that stuff?" Oliana asked, motioning with her hand. "Um&ldots;yeah. Midnight walks are tiring." Link replied. Oliana had backed him against the wall. She looked up at him through her long, thick eyelashes, eyes filled with awe and admiring. "Really? Maybe you need someone to go with you." Oliana said. "No. I don't. Now I really must be going." Link said. He pushed Oliana away and started down the hall. Link turned the corner quickly. He opened a secret passage in the wall the led down to the stables. When Oliana turned the corner, he was gone. She sighed and stamped back to the ballroom. Link walked down a large flight of stairs. He opened a door in the wall of the castle and came out near the stables. He walked into the stable and down to his horse's stall. His horse was a tall, golden mare. She had a mane and tail like the clouds. She was a good height, perfect for Link and absolutely beautiful. "Hey there Goldmoon." Link said, reaching up to pet her nose. "We're going on a little adventure." Link pulled out a saddle and put it on Goldmoon's back. He fumbled a bit with the bits of leather of the bridle and sighed. When he finally had Goldmoon all tacked up; he led her out of the stable and towards a large rock he used for mounting. Link squeezed his legs against Goldmoon's sides and she took off at a walk. Link pulled his hood down over his face and prayed no one would recognize Goldmoon. There were many golden horses in the stables. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sora sat perched on the castle gate, playing her harp softly. She rarely slept on such beautiful nights as these. A rider on a golden horse approached the gate. The guard looked at him a moment, then let him pass. Curious, Sora stood and walked off the gate. She slipped down the bit of ivy on the wall and sat, in the shadows watching as the stranger walked his horse past her. Sora ran ahead towards Hyrule Castle Market Town. One thing she loved to do at these parties was find some one suspicious looking and follow them. This one would be whom she followed this time. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Link was relieved that the guard at the drawbridge had let him pass. The drawbridge was kept down on these occasions, but still Link was worried. He rode Goldmoon out onto Hyrule field. The moon was high in the sky. Link sighed and began to hum that strange melody Sora had been playing. It was peaceful and calming. Suddenly Goldmoon became uneasy. She shied nervously to one side. Link tried to calm her as best he could, but something was obviously frightening her. Then Link noticed a rider on a black horse galloping towards them. The rider held a sword above his head. A hood covered his face. Link fumbled to get his sword out, but he couldn't. He turned Goldmoon and tried to escape. chapter 2 - Stranger in Kakariko The rider kept getting closer and closer. Link knew Goldmoon could only go so fast. There had to be some way to stop this crazy rider. There must be some way to escape. The rider and his horse moved up beside Link and Goldmoon. The rider latched his foot around the back of Link's foot and used it to send Link flying from Goldmoon's saddle. Link didn't have a chance to get up because the rider jumped off his horse and on top of him. The rider's hood had fallen back. Tangled, blue streaked golden hair hung in the rider's face and purple eyes glowed in the darkness. "Well lookie what we have here. It's the Prince of Hyrule." Sora said. "Sora? What're you doing here?" Link asked. "I could ask you the same question. In fact I will." Sora said, sitting up." What brings you out here, Prince Link?" "I had to get away from there. I'm not going back ever. And don't call me Prince Link!" Link snapped. "Whatever ya say, Highness." Sora said. Link sighed. Link stood, brushing himself off. Sora had jumped smoothly back into her horse's saddle. Link wondered how her was gonna get back on Goldmoon. He sighed and tried to struggle into the saddle. Sora laughed at him as he fell and landed on his butt in the dirt. Link sighed and finally managed to climb into the saddle. "So, where ya going to, Highness?" Sora asked. "I don't see how that's any of your business." Link replied. "Your just sour 'cause me and Stalker here were able to ride you down." Sora commented, grinning merrily. "Stalker, huh?" Link grumbled. "Sounds like the perfect name for yourself." "Hey this world is full of fun! And I intend to do it all!" Sora exclaimed. "I'm riding to Karkariko Village. Wanna come?" "Karkariko? Well, I guess." Link said uncertainly. "Don't come if you don't want to. You ain't doing me any favors." Sora muttered. Sora urged Stalker into a trot. He had long strides and Link had to canter Goldmoon just to keep up. Sora's obviously wasn't in any rush to get anywhere, because she sat back lazily in the saddle. They trotted over the bridge slowly, with Link and Goldmoon right on their heels. Sora didn't say anything until she reached the steps of Karkariko Village. "Well, you can follow me, or go it alone." Sora said. "You'd really just leave me?" Link asked. "In a second." Sora replied. Link sighed. Having no responsibilities must make you mean. But could it really be worse then Lady Oliana? Link truly doubted that. At least he was away now. He didn't have to be around them. Didn't have to watch them trying to impress him. Didn't have to listen to their whiny voices. This Karkariko place couldn't be all bad. It had become very big, almost bigger then Hyrule Castle Market Town, from what he'd heard. He heard that the Town had grown fairly prosperous in the time when Grandfather Link had been trying to find the six sages. And even though he had been sent back in time and hardly anybody remembered, he'd still saved Hyrule. Karkariko was a big. That was the first thing Link noticed. There were a lot of people wandering around. Aside from a potion shop, a weapons shop, and shooting range, and a windmill, there was a well, many houses, Link guessed more then had been here when Grandfather had Saved Hyrule. The center of the town was now a market, much like that in Hyrule Castle Town. The houses were many and tightly packed together. A few cuccos, some horses and a scattered cow or two could be heard. Link hadn't even realized that morning had come. It had been such a long night. Then, Sora finally spoke. "Overwhelmed?" Sora asked. "A little." Link replied. Sora just nodded. She was looking around, as if she might find a lost sibling. What Link knew was the Skulltula house, was off to one side. His grandfather had also saved the Family Skulltula from a dreaded curse. Link sighed. He wanted to do things like his Grandfather had. But what could he do? He was just a 15-year-old runaway prince. Princes didn't do heroic things. They stayed at the castle, got married, and eventually took the thrown. Link walked along beside Sora, deep in thought. Sora picked up two apples from a stand, tossed the stand owner some rupees and handed Link one of the apples. He gladly accepted it, because he was starved. He took a bite. "Wow! What kind of apples are these?" Link asked. "They're from another country. I'm not sure which though." Sora said absently. Link sighed. Another country, huh? It would be fun to go to another country. Maybe since he wouldn't be a prince in another country, he could be a hero. But still, where would he get the money to go to another country? And he didn't know how to protect himself very well. Sure, he could fight with a sword and use a bow and arrow. But he'd never learned hand to hand combat. So he really couldn't defend himself too well. Link looked over the stands in the market place. There was hooded figure standing by one of the stands. Link watched the figure for awhile. It seemed strange&ldots;someone just standing there like that. Then Sora grabbed his wrist and led him off in a different direction. Sora led him to a part of Karkariko that was from the old city. It was a narrow path, near the windmill. Sora had dropped his wrist and was walking along, eyes watching the sky. Link didn't bother asking where they were going. And Sora looked as though she was in no mood to tell him either. At the end of the path was a graveyard. It was bigger then it must've been years ago. There was a little boy playing among the graves. Link looked around. In the back of the graveyard was what he guessed was the Shadow Temple. Impa was the sage of the Shadow Temple. Link didn't know Impa but Cara was her niece. "What did we come here for?" Link asked. "I thought you might like to see. There's some interesting people buried here." Sora replied. Link walked around, looking at the graves. He knew a lot of Sheikah were buried here. One grave belonged to Dampé the Gravedigger. Another five graves belonged to the carpenters who'd helped build the town. One huge grave in the back, near the Shadow Temple, belonged to the members of the royal family. Link shivered, thinking how awful it would be to be buried down there with all those other people. One row of graves was children. A lot of small children had been killed in the years of Ganondorf's reign. Link thought it was sad that children had to die for no reason whatsoever. He looked over the graves. He noticed that one belonged to a Kokiri. That made him even sadder, because the Kokiri had raised his Grandfather. Link noticed Sora motioning to him for them to leave. Link followed her slowly out of the graveyard and back towards the loud, busy town. He could hear some sort of commotion coming from the market. Sora frowned and picked up a run. Link ran behind her. They reached the market to see a large crowd gathered around one of the stands. "She's a thief!" Someone cried. "I saw her steal with my own eyes!" There was a scared looking girl standing in the middle of the crowd. She had long, raven black hair and dark blue eyes. She looked very frightened by all the commotion. Sora just stood, arms crossed, watching the whole scene. Link wondered why she didn't do anything to help the poor girl. "Hey! Leave her alone!" Link shouted. "She stole some of my apples!" An old, ugly looking woman said. "I did not!" The girl cried. "Yes you did, girly!" The woman said, glaring at her. "If she says she didn't do it, then she didn't do it!" Link exclaimed. "You stay out of this, boy! You should learn to respect your elders." The old hag said, poking him with her cane. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Laverne." An old man spoke up. "That there be his majesty, the Prince of Hyrule." The old woman turned to stare at Link. Even with his hair slightly tousled and his cheeks a bit flushed, he still looked like the prince. The old woman stumbled backward, trying to curtsey. The girl giggled and Sora grinned. "My&ldots;most h-humble apologies, Your Highness." The old woman said. "Just leave the girl alone." Link said. The crowd backed off. Sora glared at a few onlookers and they immediately moved away. Link turned to the girl. She was staring down at the ground shyly. Her hair fell over her face, but even Link could see how beautiful she was. Link looked down at her, trying to get her to loosen up a bit. Sora finally spat and nudged the girl. "Don't be shy." Sora said. "He's no prince. He's a scoundrel." "Sora, I think your making matters worse." Link warned. "Oh no, I mean, I didn't mean to disturb you Your Majesty." The girl said. "You didn't disturb me at all." Link smiled. "And please, call me Link." "And I'm Sora. What's your name?" Sora asked. "Faylore." The girl replied. Sora frowned. The name sounded like Fae Lore. Sora knew a lot of Fae Lore. The Fae were supposed to be a magical race of Hyrule that was hidden away. They were supposed to be dark and evil. And very beautiful as well. It was said though that the Fae had red hair and striking purple eyes. Sora had always wondered if she might be Fae. She only assumed she was part Sheikah because Sheikahs raised her and that's what they had told her. Well this girl, according to lore, couldn't be Fae. But that didn't make Sora feel any better. She felt something&ldots;in the air. Something she had felt before. It was a feeling that made her sick to her stomach. She couldn't really describe it except to say, it felt unsafe. Then she looked at Link and Faylore and was snapped out of her thoughts. They were staring at each other quite obviously. Sora sighed and waved a hand in front of Link's face. He pushed her hand away. Sora sighed again. This was going to take some work. She would have to pry Link away from this girl. But then, why do that? It was a way to get the boy off her back. Sure, she had promised him harp lessons. And she said he could come with her. But she really hated company, except for her animals. And she really didn't want to drag around a spoiled Prince. "Link. Earth to Link." Sora said. "What?" Link snapped. Then he blushed. "If you want to come with me, we'd better be on our way. I wanna make it to Goron City some time this year." Sora crossed her arms and glared at him. "Oh I'm going up to Goron City! May I come with you?" Faylore asked. "Sure!" Link said before Sora could even get her mouth opened. Sora groaned inwardly. Now she had two tagalongs. Even worse, they obviously liked each other. Sora did not want lovebirds following her. She knew all about romance; she'd certainly seen enough of it. If Link says one line of bad poetry, Sora thought, I'll throw him off the mountain. She smiled at this thought. It was kind of funny. And having some human company might be nice. After all with all with all the animals she talked to, she was wondering if she was going crazy. "Well let's get going then!" Sora exclaimed. Sora turned and headed for Death Mountain Trail. Link offered Faylore his arm and she blushed. Link blushed too. Oh gag me with a bombchu! Sora thought. The people who raised her had always said if she rolled her eyes too much, they would get stuck that way. Sora sure hoped that wasn't true because she had a feeling she would be rolling her eyes a lot on this journey. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "The sky is beautiful." Faylore murmured. "So are you." Link said. They both blushed. Up ahead, Sora began to sing softly under her breath. It sounded to her friends that she was just singing a normal song. But she wasn't. Instead she was singing of throwing Link off the mountain and if Faylore started to cry, throwing her too. The tune lifted her spirits and she added a beat to it. She changed the lyrics to a song she knew about Gorons and marched along. Behind her, Link and Faylore began to sing along. Sora was amazed by Link's voice. It was like gold! Faylore didn't sound as good but they still sounded good together. The Goron song was not meant to be sung in three-part harmony but it sounded right to Sora. She sang a little louder and soon, Link and Faylore were marching beside her. They all sang at the top of their lungs. When the finally stopped singing, they were laughing. Sora held her stomach and slid almost all they way to the ground. Link leaned up against a boulder laughing and Faylore was trying hard not to look silly and failing. The song was very funny and one of Sora's favorites. She suddenly couldn't stop laughing though. The song wasn't that funny but for some reason she was having a laughing fit, and so were Link and Faylore. Sora landed in the dirt and Link was down on his knees. Faylore was up against the wall, laughing even harder then Sora. Tears slid down her cheeks and she fell forward. She put a hand out to keep from falling in the dirt. Sora wondered if they could indeed stop laughing. It wasn't just the song, but the way it had been sung, marching up Death Mountain Trail, singing loudly on their way to see Gorons. It was odd, how they were suddenly getting along. But then, music brought everyone together didn't it? It made even the snottiest court ladies calm and elegant like they should be. Then Sora began to laugh harder at the thought of Lady Oliana getting along with anyone. Faylore was the first one to stop laughing. She stood and straightened her dress. Link stood up, still laughing a bit. Sora had stopped laughing but she couldn't get up. Her ribs ached and her muscles felt like jelly. Link finally had to lift her to her feet and she leaned against the mountain wall to keep from falling. "I believe&ldots;I think we&ldots;we're finally&ldots;getting along." Sora gasped. "It's the music." Faylore said. "Music is the remedy for every ail." Sora whispered. Sora stared ahead. Music was her whole life. The beauty of it, it was just so amazing. She loved to just play for hours on end if she could. Her eyes sparkled at the idea of playing for a very long time and maybe even having an audience. "Come on you two. We need to get to Goron City." Link said. "Goron City, ahoy!" Sora joked. "We aren't on the ocean Sora. We are on a mountain." Faylore said. "If you think we are on the ocean, you must have been into those funny mushrooms in the Lost Woods." Sora turned to look at Faylore. Was the girl trying to be funny? If she was, she wasn't succeeding. Sora sighed and glanced down the rocky mountain ledge. The rocks were sharp&ldots;ever so sharp. Were they as sharp as the blades that had killed her parents? She wondered. "Isn't that Goron City?" Link asked. "Yeah." Sora replied. "What happened!?" They weren't inside the city, but they could see smoke flowing from the gate. Sora, Faylore and Link all ran over to the gate. Sora went in first, followed by Link protecting Faylore. Sora went slowly as possible, afraid of what might be wreaking havoc on the poor, relatively defenseless, Gorons. Sora stopped dead in her track and Link slammed into her. There, down in the middle of the city, the Gorons were crowded. They were kept there by a pack of Dodongos. chapter three: Flight from Death Mountain Sora's eyes went wide at the sight. There had to be at least 20 Dodongos here! She looked behind her. Link was holding his sword up, ready to fight. Faylore had out a small dagger, but her face was pale and she looked very scared. Sora was scared herself. She didn't have anything to fight with. It had never occurred to her that her life might someday be in any kind of danger. But now it was and she was unprepared. Link stood behind Sora and slightly to her left. He was contemplating on how to get past all the Dodongos. Or not really get past them, as to defeat them. Then Sora shifted slightly to one side, so Link could see past her. There was a pack of Lizalfos as guards. "How do we get past all these monsters?" Faylore asked. "We don't." Sora replied. "We have to defeat them." "But how!?" Faylore exclaimed. "Quiet!" Sora hissed "Do you want them to hear us?" It was too late. One of the Lizalfos turned and spotted them. It screeched at them and it's guard pals turned around. They pulled out their short sword and charged at Sora, Link and Faylore. "Scatter!" Sora yelled. They all went in different directions, Link went right, Faylore went left, and Sora jumped down the next level. The Dodongos looked up. One opened its mouth. Sora jumped out of the way just in time. A Lizalfos jumped down beside her. It charged at her, holding it's short sword above its head. Sora looked around for some kind of defense. There was none. The Lizalfos kept coming at her. Sora decided to try and fight it hand- to-hand and got a slash across the ribs as a reward. Sora stumbled backward, her hand on her ribs. She could feel warm, sticky blood gush over her fingers. She looked up from her wound to see the Lizalfos about to attack. It jumped at her, bringing its sword down in an arc. Sora dropped to the ground and tumbled out of the way. She tumbled off the ledge and fell to the floor below. She landed on her back. Sora cried out as pain shot through her spine and legs. Everything felt numb for a moment. Then the feeling subsided. Nothing felt broken, just painful. Sora staggered to her feet and found herself face to face with a small pack of Lizalfos. Link wasn't doing so well either. He was back into a corner, slashing clumsily at Lizalfos with his sword. He'd killed five already and they just seemed to keep coming. He slashed at the next one then put up his shield to block its returning blow. The Lizalfos screeched at him angrily and he stumbled backwards, tripping over a bomb flower he hadn't noticed. Link yanked at the bomb flower, trying to pull it up. It was impossible. The Lizalfos slashed at his arm. Searing pain ran down his arm to his fingertips and he dropped his sword. All he had left was his shield. And of course, a bomb flower that wouldn't come out of the ground! Link rolled out of the way as a Lizalfos brought down his sword to slice him in two. He got a few bruises from stones on the ground. Finally Link managed to drag himself to his feet. He lifted his shield, warding off the next blow. He was so close to the edge that he might fall off. He could see Sora down below. She was stumbling clumsily through a fight, using only her hands against the Lizalfos sword. Link glanced at the Lizalfos. He wasn't having a lot of luck up here. With a sigh, Link let himself fall off the ledge. The carcasses of Lizalfos he had killed cushioned his impact. "Link!" Sora cried. "Help!" Link jumped up. He bashed a Lizalfos across the head with his shield. Another pack of Lizalfos rained down from the above levels. Below was the Dodongos. Above more Lizalfos. It looked like they were out of choices. If they went up, they'd eventually be killed by Lizalfos. If they went down, they'd be toasted. Link glanced down at the Dodongos. It was suicide really. But what choice did they have? At least the Dodongos didn't carry swords. And they couldn't run very fast. Sora was wounded and she wouldn't be able to run from Lizalfos for long. And where was Faylore? Link hadn't seen her since the fight had begun. He hoped she was okay. "Link!" A familiar voice called. "Faylore!" Link called back. She was out on the platform in the middle of Goron City. The Lizalfos couldn't make it out there, so they had stopped bothering. Faylore couldn't stay up there forever. Link frowned, looking about for some way to get her down. He eyed the ropes tied to the platform. If one was cut, the platform might not be too stable. But it was the only way. Link picked up his sword and aimed for the rope. Suddenly, Sora took the sword and slung it at the rope. It sliced through easily. Faylore screamed and hung on as the platform tilted to one side. "If you missed, no more chances." Sora explained. "Yeah. Thanks." Link said. "Who's gonna climb?" "I can get up there, but I won't be able to get her back down." Sora replied. "You have to do it." Link nodded. His arm didn't hurt so much. And Sora was right. She wouldn't be able to get Faylore down. She didn't have the strength. Link grabbed the rope and started up, hand over hand. It was a long climb. The Lizalfos squawked angrily and threw their swords at the rope. They missed, since they weren't very smart. Sora dodged a few flying swords. The Lizalfos were beginning to jump down. They seemed intent on killing her, no matter what the cost. They were raring to fight. Well then, if that's what they want, Sora thought, that's what they'll get. She picked up two swords and swung them around, grinning almost insanely. A Lizalfos started to charge at her. "Come and get me, big boy!" Sora quipped. Sora moved out of the way and the Lizalfos smacked into the wall. Sora stabbed it in the back and it fell, blood gushing from the wound. The next one ran forward, sword raised. Sora intercepted the blow with one of her own. She pushed and the Lizalfos flew back into the rest of the pack, knocking them down. Sora smiled smugly, extremely pleased with herself. Link continued struggling up the rope. Faylore was at the top, hanging on tightly and trying hard not to scream. When she saw Link she looked very relieved. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Link reached the top. Faylore stared at him, her dark blue eyes wide in terror. She didn't want to come down and she sure made it known. "Please Faylore. I'm not going to leave you." Link said. "I'm scared." Faylore whimpered. "I won't let you fall." Link said solemnly. "I promise." Faylore shimmied down the side of the platform. She slid behind Link, wrapping her arms around him tightly. Link took a deep breath and started down the rope again. He hung on tight. Every few inches or so he would slip a bit and his hands suffered immensely. They were cut and bleeding by the time his feet touched the ground. Faylore loosened her grip a bit but she didn't let go. Link didn't mind at all. As a matter of fact, he could barely feel the pain in his hands. Sora was smoothly fending off some Lizalfos. She didn't have much skill, but she had common sense and brains. That was something Lizalfos lacked. She dodged most of their blows easily; though she had numerous cuts and bruises. When she saw Link and Faylore, she rolled her eyes. Link managed to wiggle out of Faylore's grasp and get a sword. Sora handed Faylore a sword and turned to look at the lower level. Down there were Dodongos. They had to get past them to free the Gorons. But all they had were short swords against big Dodongos. With a shrug and a final sigh, Sora jumped down to the next level. Link, holding Faylore's hand, followed. Sora landed neatly on her feet, though the landing jarred her bones. Faylore fell and Link quickly dragged her to her feet. A few of the lumbering Dodongos turned toward them. Without making a noise or even a gesture of recognition that people were there, they opened their mouths and prepared to breathe fire at the three kids standing in the middle of them. Sora jumped to one side and Link and Faylore went to the other side. Fire streamed from the Dodongos mouths, charring the wall where Sora, Link and Faylore had once stood. Sora grimaced, feeling very glad she had moved and slightly more determined to get passed the Dodongos then before. She glanced at Link and Faylore. Faylore was pale and Link stared at the wall. Sora frowned, trying to make enough time to think up a plan. The Dodongos, one by one, began to turn away from the Gorons and towards their visitors. Obviously the Lizalfos were afraid to go down to the Dodongos' level and stayed on the next floor up, screeching and howling. They just figured the Dodongos would finish the kids off and they could go back to guarding. After they call for reinforcements, Sora thought, smiling humorlessly, or at least until they get a few more guards. Most of them are dead. Her moment of thought cost her more then she could've imagined. She turned to see a Dodongo about to fry her alive. Then she felt something slam into her, knocking her to the ground. She struggled until she was starring up at Link. Sora sighed, then felt suddenly angry, like she might punch Link. "Get off!" Sora exclaimed. "Are you okay?" Link asked, ignoring her. "I'm fine." Sora said through grit teeth. "Now let me up!" Link stood and pulled Sora to her feet. Sora jerked her hand away from Link and stumbled back into the wall. It was charred and it crumbled beneath her weight. Sora jumped out of the way just in time as the wall collapsed inward. "That was close!" Link said. "Sure was." Sora agreed. "Where's Faylore?" Link asked, suddenly worried. Sora glanced around quickly. She spotted Faylore cowering in the shadow of an overhang, keeping silent as possible. The Dodongos' attention was mostly on Link and Sora anyway. Link glanced over at the bomb flowers. Maybe he and Sora could pull one up together. He glanced at Sora. But she already had something else up her sleeve. Sora motioned to Link to follow her. She moved into the shadows of an overhang. Link wondered if Goron City had been smaller and different when his Grandfather had been helping to defeat Ganondorf. Most likely it had. Now he watched from behind Sora. He followed her intent gaze, to see it was resting on the stairs near them. That only led up to the Lizalfos. Was she planning to escape? Link refused to leave without Faylore. Sora turned and nodded to Link. Then she waited a moment before bolting for the stairs. Link followed uncertainly. Sora bounded up the stairs with Link close on her heels. Now Link heard Faylore scream. He stopped to go help her, but Sora grabbed his wrist and dragged him up the stairs with her. "Sora! We have to help her!" Link yelled over din. The Lizalfos were making so much noise, Link could barely hear himself thinking. "We will!" Sora hissed. "Just trust me!" "But-but we have to save her!" Link stammered. Sora stopped in her tracks. She turned, hands on hips and glared at Link. "Either you listen to me, or you go down there and get the both of you killed!" Sora shouted. "I know what I'm doing!" With that, Sora turned and stomped up the stairs. Link followed reluctantly, unsure if he could trust her. He wanted to go back to save Faylore. He had no idea what Sora was planning and going back for Faylore sounded like a much better plan to him. The Lizalfos screeching grew louder when the saw the two running up the stairs. Sora charged at the nearest Lizalfos, throwing her whole body weight up against it. It flew over the ledge. Sora stumbled and nearly fell herself, but managed to keep her balance. Then she started for the next Lizalfos. She slammed into it hard, and it went flying over the edge. Link suddenly picked up on part of the plan, though he still didn't see how this would help. Link pushed up against a charging Lizalfos. It stumbled, but regained it's footing and didn't go over the edge. Sora was having trouble too, as the Lizalfos began to figure out what they were up to. Link pushed again, putting his full weight into it. The Lizalfos went over, but Link felt himself falling as well. Then Sora grabbed his hand and pulled him back up. The remaining Lizalfos had fled to the next floor. But instead of dragging him up there, Sora jumped back down to the level of the Dodongos, pulling him with her. "Link!" Faylore shrieked. A few Lizalfos backed her against a wall. He skirt was torn, her face smudged with ashes from the charred walls. Link could smell burnt flesh. Sora turned to the nearest Dodongo. She jumped up and landed on its head. Then she bounced over to the next one, landing on its head as well. Link stared at her a moment. She bounced from Dodongo to Dodongo, laughing gleefully. It seemed to be working. All but three Lizalfos had been eaten, and with the Dodongos distracted, Link could easily take care of them. Sora spied Link fighting the Lizalfos out of the corner of her eye. He's missing all the fun, Sora thought. Indeed, using the Dodongos as trampolines was fun. And it kept them from breathing fire at Link, so he could rescue Faylore. Sora didn't really care much, but she had nothing in life. If she rolled dice with death and lost, no one would care or even noticed her absence. At least if she did died, she would know she was trying to help at the time. Finally, the Lizalfos were dead. The Dodongos were dazed and Sora was tired from hopping back and forth. Her plan had worked almost perfectly. She had figured if the Dodongos ate something, it would slow them down, maybe even make them sleepy. She hadn't counted on some Lizalfos surviving, but it had worked out. Still, she had to get rid of these Dodongos, as well as the 20 something Lizalfos left. "Sora!" Faylore cried. "That was brilliant!" "Thanks." Sora said, smiling a bit. "You looked silly." Link grumbled. "We're gonna look dead, if we don't get moving." Sora pointed out. The Dodongos were beginning to recover from most of the shock. "What should we do?" Faylore asked, looking at Sora. "I don't know." Sora admitted, shrugging. "Maybe if we could free some of the Gorons, they could use the bomb flowers to finish off the Dodongos." "There's still the Lizalfos." Link reminded her. "I'm sure they can handle it. The Lizalfos are fairly out numbered." Sora said. "Well then, let's rescue some Gorons!" Link exclaimed. Sora sighed wearily. She was getting tired. Her side throbbed with pain where she had gotten slashed. Every bone in her body ached. Even her teeth ached! But she bit her lip and headed for the Gorons. They were huddled in to middle, most of them in cages. The Goron King, Link, was also in a cage. He was gagged and tied up as well so he couldn't escape and couldn't give his people orders. Link smiled a bit. The Goron King had been named for his Grandfather. This would get confusing very soon. Link (the Hylian one, not the Goron) started for the cage. King Link stared at him. He looked like his Grandfather had, most likely. Link looked around for a key or something. He spied one hanging on the wall not far from the cage. Good thing Lizalfos weren't too bright. Link grabbed the key and unlocked the cage. He untied the King and took the gag out of his mouth. "It can't be!" The Goron King exclaimed. "It's not." Link said. "You met my Grandfather." "Well then. I'm Link." The Goron pounded Link on the shoulder. "Me too." Link wheezed, the wind knocked out of him by the strong Goron. "Thank you for freeing us, Brother Link." The King said. Link nodded. Sora meanwhile, was unlocking cages at an amazing rate and Faylore was hurrying Gorons up the stairs. The Lizalfos at the top were retreating, but the Dodongos were almost fully recovered. The Gorons began chucking bomb flowers into the Dodongo's open mouths. The King pushed Link, Sora and Faylore into his thrown room to keep clear of the exploding Dodongos. "Is everyone okay?" Link gasped. "A few cuts and bruises, a little charred, but none the worse for wear." Sora said. "That's an understatement." Faylore mumbled weakly. For once, Sora agreed. "You must escape here." King Goron said. "Why?" Link asked. "Aren't we safe here?" "Oh no! The Gerudo King, Kyrissam is the one who did this!" The King exclaimed. "Gerudo King?" Link questioned dazedly. "There is no time to explain." King Goron said. "You must leave. You can go out the back way. The bridge in Death Mountain Crater has been fixed and there is an opening you can get to easily that will bring you out onto the Death Mountain summit. You must move quickly though." They didn't have the strength to argue. They waited until King Goron had pulled a huge statue out of the way, then headed into Death Mountain Crater. It was so hot Link could barely breathe. He stumbled blindly along behind Sora. Faylore was clutching the back of his tunic so she wouldn't get lost. They half-ran, half-staggered over the bridge, trying not to look down and more importantly, fall. Finally Link saw light up ahead. His lungs ached for fresh air. His mind was clouded and his vision blurred. In front of him, Sora was practically losing consciousness on her feet. Faylore was right on Link's heels, tripping him up a bit. Finally, the three burst out into the light, gasping for fresh air. Sora tumbled to the ground and curled up in a ball. Link leaned against the wall, holding onto Faylore and waiting for his mind and vision to clear. When he could see again, he shook Faylore gently. She leaned up against the wall, unable to stand on her own and Link kneeled next to Sora. Sora rolled over and opened her eyes, blinking at the bright light. "Are you okay?" Link asked. "N-nah-n." Sora rasped. She shook her head then, when she realized she was unable to talk. "Can you stand?" Link said, glancing around worriedly. Sora shrugged then began struggling to get up. It took her a few minutes but she managed to get up to some extent and leaned on her elbows, panting. Link grasped her wrist and stood. Sora didn't protest. She couldn't; she'd opened her mouth in Death Mountain Crater and the air had scorched her throat. Instead she let Link help her to her feet and leaned on him wearily. She didn't have the strength left to stand on her own and at that moment, she couldn't care less if she looked weak. She was weak, at least for the moment. "Why can't you talk?" Faylore asked. Sora opened her mouth and pointed down, then she pointed to Death Mountain Crater. When Faylore and Link just stared at her, she sighed. "I don't see how Death Mountain Crater could cause someone lack of speech." Link said. "Oh!" Faylore exclaimed, suddenly figuring it out. "She must've opened her mouth and inhaled some of the air in Death Mountain Crater! I just breathed through my nose." Sora reached up and pinched her nose. She had never been able to breathe properly through her nose. Faylore nodded; she understood. "So, let's get out of here." Link suggested. Sora nodded her agreement. Suddenly there was the sound of hooves pounding. Link glanced over the edge of the summit. A group of horses was galloping towards the summit. He couldn't see the riders though because a cloud of dust surrounded them. When they stopped and the dust cleared, Link recognized them as Gerudos. One, he noticed, was male. "You there!" The male Gerudo shouted. "What are you doing there?" "We, um, ran into a little trouble." Link said, as close to the truth as he could. "How many are with you?" The Gerudo asked. "Two others. One of ours is badly hurt, and the rest of us in need of some patching up." Link replied. "I'll send someone up to get you." The Gerudo said. Link eyed the crowed suspiciously. What was going on here? Instead of an all- female army, led by a female, there were men mixed with the females. And they were allowing a man to lead them. Was this their king? Link wondered. Six Gerudos started up the summit wall. Three were male and three were female. Link walked back over to Sora and Faylore and explained the situation as best he could. Then the Gerudos appeared over the wall and walked over to them. Apparently a female was in charge of this small group. She halted the rest and walked over to Link and the others. They stared at each other for a minute, then the Gerudo spoke. "I am Mylintha." The Gerudo said. "I'm Link." Link replied. "This is Faylore and Sora." "These are just kids!" One of the other Gerudos exclaimed. "Quiet, Syvera!" Mylintha snapped. "I am no idiot! I can see they are just children!" "Might I remind you, we are children in need of assistance." Sora quipped, voice rasping. Link sighed. She'd gotten her voice back at the worst possible time. "Do not speak to me in such a manner, child!" Mylintha hissed. "I speak to anyone in any manner I like." Sora answered. Link resisted temptation to kick her. He gave Mylintha an apologetic look and made a gesture as if to say Sora was delirious and on the crazy side from blood loss. Mylintha nodded understandingly and signaled to the others. One of the male Gerudo offered to carry Sora, but she refused stubbornly. So she struggled bravely down the wall, wincing in pain but hiding it so well Link almost didn't noticed. The Gerudo watched Sora thoughtfully. "She's a tough girl." Mylintha said. "She would make a fabulous Gerudo." "Isn't she a little, um, young?" Link asked, for lack of better word. "You mean short." It was a statement, not a question. Indeed Sora was short. At first Link had thought she was almost as tall as he was. But now he could see she was a good 6 inches shorter than he was. "Well, I guess." Link admitted. "Size does not matter." Mylintha said. "Talent and strength is what matters. Your friend is not weak." "No she's not." Link agreed. "And she's clever, too." "I suppose so." Mylintha demurred. Mylintha, though, looked very uncertain. Sora was scrambling down the summit wall, refusing all help, and looking none too clever. Her grip was failing and she looked like she might fall. Mylintha watched; her face was as expressionless as marble. Sora slipped, sliding down the wall a ways. Mylintha shook her head disapprovingly. Sora noticed this and stared up at her a minute. Then she jumped back ward off the wall, flipping in mid air and landing smartly on her feet. She bit back agony as her bones creaked in protest, threatening to give out. A small round of applause rose from the surrounding Gerudos and Sora took a wobbly bow. "She is an idiot." Syvera muttered. "Silence, Syvera!" Mylintha shouted. She was studying the grinning Sora, obviously deep in thought, though not deep enough that she didn't hear Syvera's comment. Link started down, followed by Faylore. He was below her, just in case she fell. If she fell he would catch her. After all he had gone through to keep her safe, it would be idiocy for her to die now. Fortunately, they both made it safely to the ground, without slipping and without having to put on a little show like Sora. Sora staggered over to them when they got down and she waited with them for the Gerudos to climb down. Finally, all the Gerudos were down from the summit and they were ready to start out. Goldmoon and Stalker were tied in with the Gerudo's spare horse. When Sora saw this, she kicked up a fuss, or as much of one as she could. After a bit of arguing, Link convinced the Gerudos that these horses belonged to them. Sora vaulted into Stalker's saddle with the last of her strength. Link sighed and shook his head. She would never learn, would she? Link helped Faylore into Goldmoon's saddle and jumped up behind her. The group started off down the mountain. When they had gone a ways, Sora eased Stalker up alongside Goldmoon. "Have you ever heard of anything like this?" Sora asked. "You mean male Gerudos? No." Link replied. "Well, one is born every one hundred years but, this is a lot of males. And they are diffenately Gerudo. Not people who joined up. I wonder how this happened." "I don't think I want to know." Sora muttered. "Well, we will just have to be wary." Faylore concluded. Link and Sora nodded agreement. Sora sat as steadily in the saddle as she could. Her hands were shaking, her cuts and bruise hurt, and her bones ached painfully. She was in agony, but refused to admit it. She had gotten this far by being tough and refusing to give in. That's the way it would be.