Lady Arshes Nei

AKA: LAG, LAN, LAAN, Dildo Lady (Mer's Fave), Lilly, Local Area Nework, blah, blah, blah....

Age: Exact age is unknown

Race: half Drow, half Human

Physical Appearance: Body is that of young adult, slender build.  She stands 5'9, 135lbs, shoulder length black hair, dark skin tone of the Drow, and eyes that have a slight reddish glow.

Her Past: Lan is not quiet sure of herself, of who she is, who her parents are, when she was born, or where she resided as a child.  All she does remember of her childhood is her clan abusing her, physically and mentally, because of the human blood running through her veins.  She ran away, at an early age, from the place she repulsively identified as "home," vowing to never return again.  Lan was soon found by a man, who is described as tall, handsome, mysterious, and kind hearted.  He took her under his wing, protecting her and teaching her to channel and control her magical abilities in combat.  This man was known as Dark Schneider, an immortal and extreamly powerful warrior.  As the years past she evolved into a beautiful but deadly woman, due to the knowledge she absorbed from her teacher who fell in love with her.  After a long and fluctuous affair, they drifted apart, each taking a separate direction.  Arshes traveled far and wide, through villiges and cities, searching for the happiness she discovered from her mentor's love and friendship.  For, once experiencing these emotions, she couldn't live with out them anymore...

The Present: She walked towards a strange forest eminating positive vibes, and was oddly attracted to it.  This forest was filled with bright mystical gems, covering the grassy floor, and decorating the treetops above.  This fantastic realm contained many faces who made her feel that, finally, she could make this her new home.  The friendships of Ary McKade, Lady Pentress, Zephyr, Trickster, DarkMistress, Lord Malkorhn, Senputo, Noristat, Red Death, Andrew Fenril, Lord Talon, Merloch, Shadow Castell, Havok, Blue Dynamite, Driss, Sprinter, and many, many more, rekindled the emotions she had thought to never find again, when she realized that people cared about her and were fond of her.  For some time now she has been residing there amongst friends, laughing, playing, dancing, having the fun she was never allowed to durring her childhood.  She has maybe lost her warrior's edge, through lack of practice, but really doesn't care, for she has found something more valuable than combat.  Bluntly, she decided to retire her powers, using them only for entertainment and emergency's... or when provoked.

Lan is very outgoing, friendly, always willing to lend a helping hand.  She loves her friends and would do anything for them... to a certain extent.. (lol) However, Lan does have faults, just like everyone else. Her weak point has always been her emotional side. The trauma she underwent durring her childhood would explain why she easily became emotionally unstable through some situations she as faced. Her love is unconditional, and the man, Raethorne, who was lucky enough to win her heart, is rewarded with her undying affection. But, be warned... should someone dare to cross her that person won't live long... or will and suffer her wrath eternally. She is very unforgiving to those that mock her and those for whom she cares for... you get?

(note: the following was kept mostly in its original form, as to give you a better glimps of the lady behind the character)

The player behind the white latex wearing dark elf:

Might as well put down a little aboot me, right?  My name is Laila, and I'm a cartoonist studying my poor ass off at Marie-Victorian College (a french college in the middle of nowhere). {LoL} Anyways, Lan is a mirror reflection of who I am... a little more exaggerated on gee gee chat, but, whatever. I'm a friendly person... maybe too friendly.. errmm.. I'm outgoing as hell and I constantly giggle like there's no tomorrow... heh.. nevermind what I said about exaggeration.. Lan IS me! I live in Montreal, Canada, in a college dorm at the moment, small place, not a lot of privacey, people are total evesdroppers heer, but life's good as always! I think thats aboot it... E-mail me all of you who visit this page, have any suggestions to improve my tiny lil space here... I'll direct that to "The Lady Upstairs:" Zephyr, the webpage Goddess. Wahaha! I bet she's blushing red now... Well, thanks again Zeph for doing this for me cause I'm too damn dumb to do this myself. {LoL}(blondish giggle) Enjoy looking at what I've got in the art gallery Zeph set up for me so far... there'll be more every week or so... so stay posted!!! *winks* -Need a Cartoonist/Illistratoonist? E-Mail me at -

Lady Arshes Nei Art Gallery


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(note: all of the above was originally writen by the player of this character, all pictures are original drawings by her, so if you wish to use them, please e-mail her for permission)