Below are listed the words of the Sphinx, should you know of whom she speaks, then all is well, should you not, then confusion is your curse.
Innocence sought
To gain the heart.
Many do love,
Few are lost, never forgotten.
Moonlit shadows
Embrace Fate's way.
Time dost heal
That which was broken.
True love there is,
Outlasting all tests.
Flies free, soars high,
What was shattered, now is strong.
Truest spirit, kindest heart,
Healer of those in need.
The darkest shadows,
Protect the innocent,
From those seeking to harm.
Darkness and Light, meet as one
Create the Shadows, One emerges
Unlike all others,
Fiercest warrior, Kindest heart
Family lost, to be found in time
Lover to the Darkness of Shadows
Strands merge, forever joined
Once more with purpose,
Lives again.