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vs. Tips - Akuma

Ahhh, that pesky powerful shoto in the right hands, is more than you can handle. I'll lessen the pain, deal?

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03. Nefder scribbled on 30 Jul 99

I like to use V-cody alot, and Akuma gives me hell every single damn time with his dive kick. It seems like there's just nothing you can do about it except hit him early with a crack kick and you have to anticipate for that.

The only way to beat him is to stay on him like white on rice the whole fight and don't let him leave the ground, but you're naturally asking for countersupers and dragon punches if you stick too close. The crack kick - throw attack works well, if somebody calls me cheap then I just point out who they picked as their character.


02. Street Fighter Master scribbled on 14 Apr 99

Need help destroying Gouki? Gouki is not the "Cody killer". I've even beaten shin-gouki (super akuma) with Cody. All you have to do is think fast and catch Gouki in every false move he makes and take advantage.

When he's on the other side of the screen, just throw a bunch of rocks or his knife until he comes for you again. Gouki just follows in a pattern, easy to learn. Then, when the timing's right, lay on Cody's Kick Ass (punch) Super with Z-ism and just feed Gouki with it. Easy as that.


01. Ziggy scribbled on 23 Jan 99

Is the current Cody killer. You can't counter his dive kick from the ground, and if you try a jumping forward, you usually end up eating air hurricane. Counter his hop kicks the same as you would Ryu's, but you probably won't see as many opportunities.

I'm convinced that Akuma has an anti-Cody trap based on a "glitch" that I've seen, but I've yet to have a person use it on me to it's full extent. If I'm right, the only way out (other than a VC) is to let him combo you, so you could lose anywhere from 1/10 to 1/2 of your life bar, and he'll probably have you right back in it a second later. And it's so simple it's frightening. So obviously I won't be telling anybody what it is:), but if your not brain dead and you play V-Cody VS. Akuma enough, you'll see it eventually. Besides, by the time I finally finish this damn thin, it will probably be common knowledge anyways.

You can win this fight, but you have to take the offensive. Rather than react to his moves, control the pace, corner him, and get the most possible damage out of every hit, cause you won't get too many chances.

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