I. In Journals
1. “Quasiprobability distributions of negative binomial states”, R D’Souza
and A.P. Mishra, Phys. Rev. A 45, 6925 (1992).
2. “Generalized distribution of negative binomial states”, R. D’Souza and
A. P. Mishra, SPIE, Vol. 1726, p.113, (1992).
3. “Lifetimes and excitation-functions of
levels in ArII-ArIV”, T. Nandi, M.B. Kurup, K.G. Prasad, P.M. Raja Rao, S. Padmanabhan, G. Krishnamurty and A.P.
Mishra, J. Quant. Spectros. Radiat. Transfer, 49, 389 (1993).
4. “Rovibrational matrix elements of multipole
moments of the H2 molecule”, A.P. Mishra and T.K. Balasubramanian, Molec. Phys. 90, 895 (1997).
5. “Absorption intensities of zero-phonon double transitions in para-H2, ortho-H2
pair in solid hydrogen”, A. P. Mishra, and T. K. Balasubramanian, Phys. Rev. B 59, 6002 (1999).
6. “Identification of new transitions in the first spectra of neon, krypton and xenon
in the near infrared by Fourier transform spectroscopy”, A. P. Mishra, R. J. Kshirsagar, V. P. Bellary and T.
K. Balasubramanian, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 67, 1 (2000).
7. “Rovibrational matrix elements of multipole moments of the D2 and T2
molecules”, A.P. Mishra and T.K. Balasubramanian, Molec. Phys. 98, 967 (2000).
8. “Rovibrational matrix elements of the multipole moments and of the polarizability
of the H2 molecule in the solid phase: Effect of intermolecular potential”, A.P. Mishra and T.K. Balasubramanian,
Pramana J. Phys. (India) 57, 727 (2001).
9. “Radiative lifetimes of the first excited
3 metastable levels in Kr I, Xe I, Yb I and Hg - like atoms”, A. P. Mishra and T. K. Balasubramanian, J. Quant. Spectrosc.
Radiat. Transfer 69, 769 (2001).
10. “Rovibrational matrix elements of multipole moments of the HD, HT and DT molecules”, A.P. Mishra,
S V N Bhaskara Rao and T.K. Balasubramanian, Molec. Phys. 99, 721 (2001).
11. “Fourier transform spectroscopic study of branch intensities in the N2 first positive band system”,
A. P. Mishra, N. Omana, R. J. Kshirsagar, V. P. Bellary and T. K. Balasubramanian, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer
72, 665 (2002).
12. “Rovibrational matrix
elements of multipole moments of the heavier isotopomers of molecular hydrogen”, A P Mishra, S V N Bhaskara Rao
and T K Balasubramanian, Indian J. Phys. 76B, 487 (2002).
13. “Line strengths
and line shapes of zero–phonon absorption features in solid hydrogen”,
A P Mishra and T K Balasubramanian, Indian J. Phys. 76B, 425 (2002).
14. “Study of Intramolecular
Dynamics of Highly Energised Small Molecules Using Laser Spectroscopic Techniques” A. P. Mishra, R. L. Thom,
S. Altunata and R. W. Field, in “Current Developments in Atomic, Molecular and
Chemical Physics with Applications”, edited by Man Mohan, Ch 07, p49-56, (Kluwer Press, New Yook, 2002)
15. “Absorption
Intensities of the Multipole-Field-Induced Zero-Phonon Transitions in Solid HD, HT and DT”, A P Mishra, R. W.
Field, S V N Bhaskara Rao, R. D’Souza and T K Balasubramanian, Phys. Rev. B 67, 134305 (2003).
16. “Absorption Intensities of the Multipole-field-Induced Double Transitions
Involving a Homonuclear-Heteronuclear Pair of Hydrogen Molecules in Condensed Phase”, A. P Mishra and R. W. Field,
Phys Rev B 68, 184303 (2003).
17. “Absorption spectroscopy in solid hydrogen: challenges to experimentalists and theorists”,
A P Mishra, T K Balasubramanian, R. H. Tipping, and Q. Ma, J. Molecul. Struct. 695-696, 103
18. “Rovibrational matrix elements of polarizability of HD, HT and DT molecules,”
S.V.N Bhaskara Rao, A. P. Mishra, R.D’Souza and T. K. Balasubramanian,
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 87, 203 (2004).
19. “New S1 state vibrational and T3,2,1 spin-rotational
assignments in the vicinity of the acetylene band,” Adya P. Mishra, Ryan L. Thom, and
Robert W. Field, J. Molec. Spectrosc. 228, 565 (2004).
20. “Absorption intensities of multipole-field-induced double transitions involving orthohydrogen-pairs
in a solid parahydrogen crystal”, A. P. Mishra, R. D’Souza, and T. K. Balasubramanian, Phys. Rev. B 70, 174303 (2004).
21. “Fourier transform emission spectroscopy of Δv=2 sequence bands of the CO molecule in
the ground electronic state”, A. P. Mishra, B. J. Shetty and R. J. Kshirsagar, J. Molecul. Spectrosc. 232, 296 (2005).
22. “Effect of orthohydrogen impurity on the absorption intensities of single transitions in a
solid parahydrogen crystal”, A. P. Mishra, R. D’Souza, and T. K. Balasubramanian, J. Molecul. Spectrosc.
235, 206 (2006).
23. “Multipole moments and polarizabilities of non-polar diatomic molecules through quantum solvation
in solid parahydrogen: the quadrupole moment of N2”, A. P. Mishra, and T. K. Balasubramanian, J. Chem.
Phys. 125, 124507 (2006).
24. “Rovibrational matrix
elements of the quadrupole moment of N2 in a solid parahydrogen matrix”, A. P. Mishra and T. K. Balasubramanian,
J. Chem. Phys. 129, 194503 (2008).
25. “Multiplet splittings and intensities of fine structure components of the Q1(0)H2+S0(0)N2
transition in a solid parahydrogen matrix”, A. P. Mishra and P. J. Singh, J. Chem. Phys. 131,
194503 (2009).
26. “The crystal-field splitting of rovibrational Wv(0), Yv(0) and [DJ=10]v(0) transitions of solid parahydrogen”, A.
P. Mishra, J. Chem. Phys. 132, 164514 (2010).
27. “High Resolution
Fourier Transform Emission Spectroscopy of the A1P-X1S+ System of 74Ge80Se”, B. J.
Shetty, A. P. Mishra, R. J. Kshirsagar, and Richard D’Souza, J. Molecul. Spectrosc.. 263, 89 (2010).
II BARC Reports
1. “Photomultiplier tube
as a detector for BOMEM Fourier transform spectrometer for emission spectroscopic experiments”, R. Sampath Kumar, A.
P. Mishra, R. J. Kshirsagar, S. V. G. Ravindranath and V. P. Bellary, BARC/2000/E/010.
2. “Development of high resolution
vacuum ultraviolet beam line at INDUS-I synchrotron source”, R. P. Shukla, N. C. Das, D. V. Udupa, Saraswathy P., Sunanda
K., S. N. Jha, A. Shastri, P. Singh, Manika Mallick, A. P. Mishra, N. K. Sahoo, A. K. Sinha, S. Bhatt, and V. C. Sahni, BARC/2005/E/016.BARC/2005/E/016.
III. Papers Presented at
Conferences / Symposia / Seminar etc.
1. “Study of excitation function and transition probabilities
in Ar ions”, T. Nandi, M.B. Kurup, K.G. Prasad, P.M.R. Rao, S. Padmanabhan, G. Krishnamurty and A.P. Mishra,
DAE Symposium on Nucl. Phys., BARC, Bombay, 26-30 Dec. 1991, Contributed Paper (O73).
2. “Generalised distribution of negative binomial states”, R. D’Souza and
A.P. Mishra, Shanghai International Symposium on Quantum Optics, Shanghai, China, (1992).
3. “High resolution VUV facility at INDUS-1”, G. Krishnamurty, P. Saraswathy, P.M.R.
Rao, A.P. Mishra and V.B. Kartha, International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation Sources, Indore, India, Feb. 3-6,
4. “Development of a low cost cylindrical mirror for high resolution VUV beamline”,
A.K. Sinha, S. Bhatt, G. Krishnamurty, A.P. Mishra and P. Saraswathy, Ibid.
5. “Radiative lifetimes and branching ratios for certain metastable states in mercury-like
atoms and rare gas atoms”, A.P. Mishra and T.K. Balasubramanian, Saha Centenary Int. Symp. on Spectrs. and Astrophys.,
Allahabad, Oct. 4-6, 1993.
6. “On the role of the magnetic quadrupole mechanism in the occurrence of certain forbidden
transitions in mercury-like atoms”, A.P. Mishra and T.K. Balasubramanian, Ibid.
7. “Possible laser transitions in the near ir involving metastable upper levels in Hg-like
and rare gas atoms”, A.P. Mishra and T.K. Balasubramanian, National Laser Symposium”, CAT, Indore, Jan.
28 - Feb .1, 1994.
8. “Effect of hyperfine quenching on the lifetimes
of ...4f14 3P2,0o metastable levels of Ytterbium”, A.P. Mishra and
T.K. Balasubramanian, National Conference on Current Trends in Atomic and Molecular Physics, BARC, Bombay, Dec. 21-23, 1993.
9. “Hyperfine quenching of the ...ns np 3P2,0o levels
in certain singly ionized atoms of boron group”, A.P. Mishra, Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy and Laser,
B.H.U., Varanasi, Nov. 26-28, 1994.
10. “Radiative lifetimes of the metastable ...np5
(n+1)s 3P2,0o levels in Na+, K+,
Rb+ and Cs+”, A.P. Mishra and T.K. Balasubramanian, International Conference on Spectroscopy:
Perspectives and Frontiers, BARC, Bombay, Jan. 3-5, 1996, Poster T-01.
11. “Rovibrational matrix elements of the higher
order multipole moments and of the (linear) polarizability of the H2 molecule”, A.P. Mishra and T.K.
Balasubramanian, National Conference on Spectrosphysics”, Pachaiyappa’s College, Chennai, Feb. 10-12, 1997.
12. “Emission spectroscopy of certain simple diatomic molecules on the BOMEM Fourier transform spectrometer”, A.P. Mishra and T.K. Balasubramanian, National Seminar on
Spectroscopy Lasers and Laser applications, Cochin, March 23-26, 1998.
13. “Surface Electron Ejection by Laser Excited Metastables
Spectroscopy of Acetylene”, R. L. Thom, A. P. Mishra and R. W. Field, “International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy” 57th Meeting - - June 17-21, 2002, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, paper No. WG01
14. “Absorption Intensities of the Multipole-Induced Zero-Phonon Transitions in Solid HD, HT AND
DT”, A. P. Mishra, R. W. Field, S. V. N. B. Rao, R. D’Souza and T. K. Balasubramanian, ibid, paper No. MF07
15. “Intensities of Zero-Phonon Double Transitions Involving H2-HD or D2-HD
Pairs in Solid HD” A. P. Mishra and R. W. Field, “International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy”
58th Meeting - - June 16-20, 2003, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, paper No. RB05.
16. “Singlet-Triplet Coupling in Acetylene Revealed in Detail by Surface
Electron Ejection by Laser Excited Metastables Spectroscopy”, R. L. Thom, A. P. Mishra and R. W. Field, ibid,
paper No. WF04.
17. “Spectroscopy of Solid Hydrogen”, Invited Talk in the “International Conference
on Spectrophysics” hosted by Pachaiyappa’s college, Chennai,
India during Feb 9-12 2005.
18. “Radiative
lifetimes of the low-lying Metastable states of Ca I”, Paramjeet Singh, Aparna Shastri, Adya P. Mishra and Richard D'Souza,
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (NCAMP-XVII) held at New Delhi during February 10-13, 2009, Pg.168.
19. “High resolution Fourier transform spectroscopy of the A1P-X1S+ transition in 74Ge80Se”, B. J. Shetty, Adya P. Mishra,
R. J. Kshirsagar, and Richard D’Souza, ibid, Pg.179
20. “Intensity and splitting of fine structure components
of Q1(0)H2+S0(0)N2 transition in a solid parahydrogen crystal”,
Adya P. Mishra, ibid, Pg.201