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ANEXOSAnexo A. Conectividad InternacionalAnexo B. Telnet.logAnexo C. Visor de PowerpointAnexo D. Cliente GopherAnexo E. Servidores de Noticias UsenetAnexo F. Servidores de Archie
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Anexo A. Conectividad Internacional
A continuación, se incluye el Listado de Conectividad Internacional a Junio 15 de 1997 compilado por Larry Landweber, de la Universidad de Wisconsin, y el cual puede ser consultado en Internet en la siguiente dirección: ftp://ftp.cs.wisc.edu/connectivity_table/version_17.text
Version 16 - June 15, 1997 Please send corrections, information and/or comments to: Larry Landweber Computer Sciences Dept. University of Wisconsin - Madison 1210 W. Dayton St. Madison, WI 53706 lhl@cs.wisc.edu FAX 1-608-265-2635 Include details, e.g., on connections, sites, contacts, protocols, etc. Special thanks are due to Steve Huter of the NSRC and Olivier Crepin-Leblond for making this and earlier versions of the Connectivity Table possible. This version (postscript, ditroff, text forms, maps in postscript and bmp) and earlier versions may also be obtained by anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.wisc.edu in the connectivity_table directory. Note that the Fidonet and UUCP entries may be incomplete. SUMMARY NUMBER OF ENTITIES WITH INTERNATIONAL NETWORK CONNECTIVITY = 195 NUMBER OF ENTITIES WITHOUT INTERNATIONAL NETWORK CONNECTIVITY = 42 IP INTERNET Col. 2 (Entities with international IP Internet links.) I: = operational, accessible from the entire open IP Internet, 171 entities UUCP Col. 3 (Entities with domestic UUCP sites which are connected to the Global Multiprotocol Open Internet.) u: minimal, one to five domestic UUCP sites, 65 entities U: widespread, more than five domestic UUCP sites, 82 entities FIDONET Col. 4 (Entities with domestic FIDONET sites which are connected to the Global Multiprotocol Open Internet) f: minimal, one to five domestic FIDONET sites, 43 entities F: widespread, more than five domestic FIDONET sites, 65 entities An entity is a geographical area that has an ISO two letter country code (ISO 3166). These country codes are included in the Table below for each entity (Cols 7-8). Note that the ISO codes do not always agree with the top level DNS (Domain Name) code(s) used by hosts in a particular entity. For example, Internet hosts in a number of countries have DNS names ending in .net or .com. In the United Kingdom, .uk is used while the official ISO code is .gb. There are still hosts in the former Soviet Union that use .su in their DNS names. Restricted access or dial-up IP links exist in a number of countries. These are not included in the table as Internet connections. There are also a number of private Fidonet nodes that are used for specific projects or by designated groups. These are also not included. --- AF Afghanistan (Islamic Republic of) I-- AL Albania (Republic of) I-- DZ Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) --- AS American Samoa I-- AD Andorra (Principality of) I-f AO Angola (People's Republic of) Iu- AI Anguilla I-- AQ Antarctica Iu- AG Antigua and Barbuda IUF AR Argentina (Argentine Republic) IU- AM Armenia I-f AW Aruba IUF AU Australia IUF AT Austria (Republic of) IU- AZ Azerbaijan Iu- BS Bahamas (Commonwealth of the) I-- BH Bahrain (State of) IU- BD Bangladesh (People's Republic of) Iu- BB Barbados IUF BY Belarus IUF BE Belgium (Kingdom of) IU- BZ Belize I-f BJ Benin (People's Republic of) IUf BM Bermuda --- BT Bhutan (Kingdom of) IUF BO Bolivia (Republic of) Iu- BA Bosnia-Herzegovina Iuf BW Botswana (Republic of) --- BV Bouvet Island IUF BR Brazil (Federative Republic of) --- IO British Indian Ocean Territory I-- BN Brunei Darussalam IUF BG Bulgaria (Republic of) IU- BF Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) --- BI Burundi (Republic of) -u- KH Cambodia IUf CM Cameroon (Republic of) IUF CA Canada --- CV Cape Verde (Republic of) I-- KY Cayman Islands I-- CF Central African Republic --f TD Chad (Republic of) IUF CL Chile (Republic of) IuF CN China (People's Republic of) --- CX Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) --- CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands Iu- CO Colombia (Republic of) --- KM Comoros (Islamic Federal Republic of the) --- CG Congo (Republic of the) -u- CK Cook Islands Iuf CR Costa Rica (Republic of) -Uf CI Cote d'Ivoire (Republic of) IuF HR Croatia IU- CU Cuba (Republic of) I-f CY Cyprus (Republic of) IUF CZ Czech Republic IUF DK Denmark (Kingdom of) I-f DJ Djibouti (Republic of) I-- DM Dominica (Commonwealth of) IUf DO Dominican Republic --- TP East Timor Iu- EC Ecuador (Republic of) IU- EG Egypt (Arab Republic of) Iu- SV El Salvador (Republic of) --- GQ Equatorial Guinea (Republic of) -uf ER Eritrea IUF EE Estonia (Republic of) I-f ET Ethiopia (People's Democratic Republic of) --- FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Iu- FO Faroe Islands Iu- FJ Fiji (Republic of) IUF FI Finland (Republic of) IUF FR France (French Republic) Iu- GF French Guiana Iu- PF French Polynesia --- TF French Southern Territories --- GA Gabon (Gabonese Republic) --f GM Gambia (Republic of the) IUF GE Georgia (Republic of) IUF DE Germany (Federal Republic of) IUf GH Ghana (Republic of ) I-- GI Gibraltar IUF GR Greece (Hellenic Republic) I-- GL Greenland Iu- GD Grenada Iuf GP Guadeloupe (French Department of) I-F GU Guam Iuf GT Guatemala (Republic of) -u- GN Guinea (Republic of) --- GW Guinea-Bissau (Republic of) Iu- GY Guyana (Republic of) Iu- HT Haiti (Republic of) --- HM Heard and McDonald Islands Iu- HN Honduras (Republic of) I-F HK Hong Kong IUF HU Hungary (Republic of) IUF IS Iceland (Republic of) IUF IN India (Republic of) IUF ID Indonesia (Republic of) I-- IR Iran (Islamic Republic of) --- IQ Iraq (Republic of) IUF IE Ireland IUF IL Israel (State of) IUF IT Italy (Italian Republic) Iu- JM Jamaica IUF JP Japan I-f JO Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) IUF KZ Kazakhstan IUF KE Kenya (Republic of) -u- KI Kiribati (Republic of) --- KP Korea (Democratic People's Republic of) IUF KR Korea (Republic of ) I-- KW Kuwait (State of) IU- KG Kyrgyz Republic -uf LA Lao People's Democratic Republic IUF LV Latvia (Republic of) IU- LB Lebanon (Lebanese Republic) Iu- LS Lesotho (Kingdom of) -u- LR Liberia (Republic of) --- LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya I-f LI Liechtenstein (Principality of) IUF LT Lithuania IUF LU Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of) I-F MO Macau (Ao-me'n) Iu- MK Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of) IU- MG Madagascar (Democratic Republic of) --f MW Malawi (Republic of) IUF MY Malaysia I-- MV Maldives (Republic of) -Uf ML Mali (Republic of) Iuf MT Malta (Republic of) -u- MH Marshall Islands (Republic of the) --- MQ Martinique (French Department of) -u- MR Mauritania (Islamic Republic of) Iuf MU Mauritius --- YT Mayotte IuF MX Mexico (United Mexican States) I-- FM Micronesia (Federated States of) IuF MD Moldova (Republic of) I-- MC Monaco (Principality of) I-- MN Mongolia --- MS Montserrat IUf MA Morocco (Kingdom of) IUf MZ Mozambique (People's Republic of) --- MM Myanmar (Union of) IU- NA Namibia (Republic of) -u- NR Nauru (Republic of) Iu- NP Nepal (Kingdom of) IUF NL Netherlands (Kingdom of the) -u- AN Netherlands Antilles IU- NC New Caledonia IUF NZ New Zealand Iu- NI Nicaragua (Republic of) IU- NE Niger (Republic of the) IUf NG Nigeria (Federal Republic of) -u- NU Niue --- NF Norfolk Island --- MP Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of the) IUF NO Norway (Kingdom of) I-- OM Oman (Sultanate of) IU- PK Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) --- PW Palau (Republic of) IuF PA Panama (Republic of) -u- PG Papua New Guinea Iu- PY Paraguay (Republic of) IUf PE Peru (Republic of) IuF PH Philippines (Republic of the) --- PN Pitcairn IUF PL Poland (Republic of) IUF PT Portugal (Portuguese Republic) IUF PR Puerto Rico I-- QA Qatar (State of) Iu- RE Re'union (French Department of) IuF RO Romania IUF RU Russian Federation --- RW Rwanda (Rwandese Republic) --- SH Saint Helena --- KN Saint Kitts and Nevis Iu- LC Saint Lucia --- PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon (French Department of) -u- VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Iu- WS Samoa (Independent State of) I-- SM San Marino (Republic of) --- ST Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of) I-- SA Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) IUf SN Senegal (Republic of) Iu- SC Seychelles (Republic of) --f SL Sierra Leone (Republic of) IuF SG Singapore (Republic of) IUF SK Slovakia IUF SI Slovenia Iu- SB Solomon Islands --- SO Somalia (Somali Democratic Republic) IUF ZA South Africa (Republic of) IUF ES Spain (Kingdom of) IU- LK Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) I-f SD Sudan (Democratic Republic of the) Iu- SR Suriname (Republic of) I-- SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Iu- SZ Swaziland (Kingdom of) IUF SE Sweden (Kingdom of) IUF CH Switzerland (Swiss Confederation) --- SY Syria (Syrian Arab Republic) IuF TW Taiwan, Province of China -uf TJ Tajikistan I-f TZ Tanzania (United Republic of) IUF TH Thailand (Kingdom of) -u- TG Togo (Togolese Republic) --- TK Tokelau Iu- TO Tonga (Kingdom of) IU- TT Trinidad and Tobago (Republic of) IUf TN Tunisia I-F TR Turkey (Republic of) Iuf TM Turkmenistan --- TC Turks and Caicos Islands -u- TV Tuvalu I-f UG Uganda (Republic of) IUF UA Ukraine I-f AE United Arab Emirates IUF GB United Kingdom (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) IUF US United States (United States of America) --- UM United States Minor Outlying Islands IUF UY Uruguay (Eastern Republic of) IUF UZ Uzbekistan Iu- VU Vanuatu (Republic of, formerly New Hebrides) I-- VA Vatican City State (Holy See) IUf VE Venezuela (Republic of) -U- VN Vietnam (Socialist Republic of) --- VG Virgin Islands (British) I-f VI Virgin Islands (U.S.) --- WF Wallis and Futuna Islands --- EH Western Sahara I-- YE Yemen (Republic of) Iuf YU Yugoslavia (Socialist Federal Republic of) I-- ZR Zaire (Republic of) I-f ZM Zambia (Republic of) Iuf ZW Zimbabwe (Republic of) Copyright 1997 Lawrence H. Landweber and the Internet Society. Unlimited permission to copy or use is hereby granted subject to inclusion of this copyright notice.
Anexo B Telnet.log
L O C I S : LIBRARY OF CONGRESS INFORMATION SYSTEM To make a choice: type a number, then press ENTER 1 Library of Congress Catalog 4 Braille and Audio 2 Federal Legislation 5 Organizations 3 Copyright Information 6 Foreign Law * * * * * * * * * * * * 7 Searching Hours and Basic Search Commands 8 Documentation and Classes 9 Library of Congress General Information 10 Library of Congress Fast Facts 11 * * Announcements * * 12 Comments and Logoff Choice: L O C I S : LIBRARY OF CONGRESS INFORMATION SYSTEM To make a choice: type a number, then press ENTER 1 Library of Congress Catalog 4 Braille and Audio 2 Federal Legislation 5 Organizations 3 Copyright Information 6 Foreign Law * * * * * * * * * * * * 7 Searching Hours and Basic Search Commands 8 Documentation and Classes 9 Library of Congress General Information 10 Library of Congress Fast Facts 11 * * Announcements * * 12 Comments and Logoff Choice: 1 Locis.loc.gov LC CATALOG CHOICE FILE 1 BOOKS cataloged from 1898 to 1949 LOC1 (most older records are in PREM, option 4 below) 2 BOOKS cataloged from 1950 to 1974 LOC2 3 BOOKS cataloged since 1975 LOC3 4 Older, incomplete, unedited BOOKS and SERIAL records for items PREM cataloged from 1898 to 1980. These records are NOT repeated in LOC1, LOC2, LOC3 or LOCS. This file also contains older records for maps, music, sound recordings and audiovisual materials. 5 SERIALS cataloged at LC & some other libraries LOCS 6 MAPS and other cartographic items LOCM 7 SUBJECT TERMS and cross-references from LC Subject Headings LCXR 8 Multiple file search options (except Sun-Fri, 9:30pm-6:30am US Eastern) 9 Multiple file search options (Sun-Fri, 9:30pm-6:30am US Eastern) To search LC's Music, AV, Manuscript, Computer Files & other catalog files, sign on to any LOC file (choices 1-3, 5-6) and see HELP screens. 12 Return to LOCIS MENU screen Choice: 3 MONDAY, 10/13/97 10:39 A.M. ***LOC3- THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS INFORMATION SYSTEM is now available for your search. The Term Index, updated on 10/11/97, contains 10,209,496 terms. CONTENTS: LOC3 lists books cataloged 1975 to date. LOC1 lists books cataloged 1898-1949; LOC2 covers 1950-74. To sign on to all books files, type: BGNS LOCB. Search PREM for older, incomplete, unedited records for books cataloged 1898-1980. Use MUMS commands for Chinese/Japanese/Korean books cataloged 1984-, Hebrew/Yiddish books cataloged 1988-, and most Arabic/Persian books cataloged 1991- (no SCORPIO sets created) TO BROWSE, USE FIRST WORDS OF: EXAMPLES: subject -----------------> b gardens author ------------------> b faulkner, william title -------------------> b hamlet partial LC call no. -----> b call HB61 TO SEARCH WORDS/PHRASES ANYWHERE ---> find parks TO SEARCH LC RECORD NO. IN LOC3 ----> loc3 93-13841 UPDATE: Index terms are added and updated each night. HELP: Enter HELP for LOC3 info, or HELP COMMANDS for command list. READY FOR NEW COMMAND: Title Valuation To choose from list, see examples at bottom. FILE: LOC3 Terms alphabetically close to:TITLE VALUATION B01 Title V authorization under the Regional rail reor//(TITL=1) B02 Title V maternal and child health block grant fund//(TITL=1) B03 Title V permit program//(TITL=1) B04 "Title V" regional commissions//(TITL=2) B05 Title V regional commissions and S. 2228//(TITL=1) B06+Title VII Academic Excellence Program//(TITL=1) B07 Title VII Bilingual Staff//(CORP=1) B08 Title VII Navajo Oral Tradition Project (Rough Roc//(CORP=1) B09 Title VII of Civil Service Reform Act of 1978//(TITL=1) B10 Title VII survey//(TITL=2) B11 Title winning resumes for engineers, scientists, a//(TITL=1) B12 Title X of the Public works and economic developme//(TITL=1) ---EXAMPLES: s b6 (SELECTs line b6; creates a SET for each term type) f b6-b8/b10 (FINDs b6-b8 and b10; combines sets, displays result) r b6 (RETRIEVEs term on b6; searches text in some files) r subj=b6 (RETRIEVEs term type specified; e.g., SUBJ, TITL) Next page of BROWSE list, press ENTER key. More info, type HELP BROWSE. READY: b11 96-106417 ITEM 1 OF 1 IN SET 1 (BKS3) Walter, Alfred, 1949- Title winning resumes for engineers, scientists, and technicians / by Alfred Walter. Kirkland, WA : C.E. Publications, c1995. 141 p. ; 27 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: TA157 .W318 1995 SUBJECTS: Engineers--Employment. Resumes (Employment). Scientists--Employment. Technologists--Employment. OTHER TITLES: Resumes for engineers, scientists, and technicians NOTES: Includes examples of resumes and cover letters. OTHER SYSTEM NO.: (OCoLC)33919228 PAGE 1 OF 2. READY FOR NEW COMMAND OR PAGE #(FOR NXT PG, XMIT): 96-106417 (continued):
Anexo C Visor de Powerpoint.Para instalar el Visor de Powerpoint para Office 95 ú Office 98, que le permitirá accesar los archivos de presentaciones en este formato, dé un click sobre el ícono que se encuentra a continuación: Sí esta utilizando Windows 3.1 puede ir a Microsoft (Haga Click con el cursor del Mouse sobre la palabra Microsoft) - Debe estar conectado a Internet para tener acceso a este sitio -
Anexo D. Cliente GopherA continuación encontrará el Archivo comprimido mediante Pkunzip conteniendo Hgopher un excelente cliente Gopher. Para grabarlo a su disco haga click sobre la figura a continuación. Luego de grabado el archivo a su disco duro, "Unzip" su contenido a un directorio de su elección: Por Ejemplo: C:\Archivos de Programa\Gopher. Luego de descomprimido el Archivo se deberán encontrar en el directorio que halla elegido los siguientes archivos:
Ejecute el programa hgopher luego de haber establecido una conexión a Internet, y se podrá iniciar la navegación a través de menús con Gopher.
Anexo E Servidores de NoticiasLas siguientes direcciones corresponden a Servidores de Noticias a los cuales se puede tener acceso a través de un programa cliente con capacidad de NNTP
Anexo F Servidores de Archie
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LA INTERNET UNIVERSIDAD PONTIFICIA BOLIVARIANA. Para comentarios ó preguntas contacte a: Autor Revisado: Diciembre 03, 1998 |
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