Geography & Resources

    To know the history of a country, one must first know that its geography, land, climate, and natural resources affect the life, customs, and character of the people.

    Ours is one of the richest countries of the world. God has given our archipelago all the ecology needed to support a great nation - (1) fertile soil capable of producing large crops of rice, corn, coconut, hemp, tobacco, and other agricultural products; (2) a good tropical climate which is healthful to all men; and (3) rich natural resources, such as forests, energy resources, mines yielding gold and other minerals, fisheries, and an abundant plant and animal life.

    Our country is also one of the most beautiful lands on earth. We have scenic panoramas and natural wonders which delight visitors from all corners of the world. Beneath our blue skies are the green mountains covered with tropical vegetation, the palm-fringed beaches aglow with sunlight, the cool rivers flowing through verdant woodlands, and the fertile valleys filled with growing crops. Years ago, Mr. A. Henry Savage Landor, noted English traveler-writer, was delighted by the beauties of our country. Landor was one of the many foreigners who visited our country and became enchanted with its beautiful scenery and hospitable people. He spoke of the Philippines as "a most enchanting country, a land full of weird surprises, of magnificent scenery and ideal vegetation, with an assortment of delightful people." In conclusion, he said; " I may say that in some eighteen years traveling I have never enjoyed and been interested more than I was in the journey (over 16,000 miles) over these most enchanting islands - really and truly to anyone with an unbiased mind, 'the Gems of the East."

Name Of The Philippines



Physical Features



Earthquakes & Volcanoes







Energy Resources

Scenic Beauties & Natural Wonders


PGI Introduction