The Thumbnail CodeWorks

The codes below will help you make thumbnails for your pages. Adjust the number for pixels to achieve the desired results. Borders are optional.

Code For A Single Unbordered Thumbnail.

<<>table><<>tr><<>td align="center"><<>a href="http://URL of the image with no changes"><<>img src="http://URL of the same image adding size attributes"><<>/a><<>/td><<>/tr><<>/table>

Code For Multi ( 3 across & 2 down ) Thumbnails - Bordered

( you can make as many as will fit on the page horizontally and vertically. The number will depend on the dimensions used. )

<<>table bgcolor="anycolor"border="???"><<>tr><<>td align="center"><<>a href="http://image url"><<>img src="http://image url with size"><<>/a><<>/td><<>td align="center"><<>a href="http://2nd image url"><<>img src="http://2nd image url with size"><<>/a><<>/td><<>td align="center"><<>a href="http://url of 3d image"><<>img src="http://url of 3d image with size"><<>/a><<>/td><<>td align="center"><<>a href="http://url of 4th image that will be #1 on line 2"><<>img src="http://url of 4th image that will be #1 on line 2 with size"><<>/a><<>/td><<>td align="center"><<>a href="http://url of 5th image"><<>img src="http://url of 5th image with size"><<>/a><<>/td><<>td align="center"><<>a href="http://url of 6th image"><<>img src="http://url of 6th image with size"><<>/a><<>/td><<>/tr><<>/table>

(... what you are doing above is opening the table with <<>table bgcolor="???"border="???>then opening a table ROW with <<>tr> opening a data cell and aligning the image in the center of the cell with <<>td align="center"> and closing EACH cell with <<>/td> and then opening the NEXT cell with <<>td align="center"> You just continue to open and close cells and defining WHERE you will click to get the image with the <<>/a> placed at the END of each. Continue this way for the # of cells you want across. When you are ready for a NEW line close the LAST cell with <<>/td> AND the ROW with <<>/tr> then OPEN a new row with <<>tr><<>td align="center" and as many cells as you want on the new line. This will stack rows of cells one on top of the other. At the END of the whole thing, CLOSE the table with <<>/td><<>/tr><<>/table>. Be consistant in size for a nice ordered effect. )