

When writing an autobiography, even one as short as the one I am about to undertake, it is always best to keep to the most salient points. If one diverges, going off on tangents and rambling on about miscellany that really holds no importance, one is likely to lose one's audience...or convince the reader that one is a rambling pedant unworthy of further attention. So, with this in mind, I will get this discourse going.

I am a 17-year-old male--yes, I have a penis--and I live in Burnaby, B.C., Canada. I go to Cariboo Hill, and if you know anyone there, you'll probably have heard of me. I'm sometimes famous, sometimes infamous; it really all depends on who you ask. I'm very quiet, and usually only able to truly express myself on paper. Obviously, this serves as a horrible detriment in terms of social interaction; and thanks to my being fairly large, and looking very old, my silence often frightens people into their avoiding me, or outright antagonism against me. It arises from my belief that small talk is futile, and speaking when one has something important to say is a much better's a good way of keeping out of trouble, and a good way to hear more. The less you speak, the more you hear, and you'll be amazed by what you learn. I listen to a variety of musical styles...I like classic rock, metal, industrial, ambient, techno, drum & bass...for most of my life I listened to rock exclusively, and I still do, but now my tastes turn more towards electronica and underground. Some of my favorite electronica bands are Autechre, Squarepusher and Aphex Twin. My favorite rock/metal bands are the Beatles, the Doors and TOOL. I'm usually pretty open-minded to new styles, but I hate country and rap. I have many hobbies - I like to read classic literature and some non-fiction as well (usually historical books/documents)...and I write prose. I write poetry as well, but it usually turns out quite a mess. I love to discuss literature, so if you feel the need, e-mail me with questions/contentions concerning your favorite works. I've probably got something to say. In addition to the reading, I also compose electronic music, using my computer and guitar, which I sell to folks in my area. So far, there are two albums and an EP of my "work" out there. If you'd like to hear some clips or buy yourself a copy, click here.

That's all I want you to know. That's all you need to know. Those who know who I am will know what they know.